Data Structures Using C Ppt Free Download

Data Structures Using C Ppt Free Download

Title: New Hire Training 1 • New Hire Training • C-TPAT • Presented by • HR 2 Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) Minimum Security Criteria. These minimum-security criteria are fundamentally designed to be the building blocks for C-TPAT members to institute effective security practices designed to optimize supply chain performance to mitigate the possibility that terrorists could exploit a supply chain.

Book are available to download from the author's website1 and also, more importantly, on a. Basic syntax of C++ and similar languages. Those wishing to work with the accompanying source code should have some experience program- ming in C++. Dependent of the number of items stored in the data structure.

Strong supply chain security measures also reduce the risk of loss, theft, and contraband smuggling that could potentially introduce dangerous elements into the global supply chain. C-TPAT recognizes the complexity of international supply chains and security practices, and endorses the application and implementation of security measures based upon risk. The supply chain for C-TPAT purposes is defined from point of origin (manufacturer/supplier/vendor) through to point of distribution and recognizes the diverse business models that C-TPAT members employ. Therefore, the program allows for flexibility and the customization of security plans based on the members business model. Appropriate security measures, as listed throughout this document, must be implemented and maintained throughout the Brokers business model, based on risk. 3 Business Partner Requirement Unless otherwise expressly indicated, for purposes of implementing the minimum standards prescribed in this section, the term business partner will include all third parties within the supply chain with whom the Customs Broker voluntarily, and on its own initiative engages in the performance of its agency obligations for importer clients (but does not include those clients). Brokers must have written and verifiable processes for the screening of new business partners, beyond financial soundness issues, to include security indicators.

Written procedures must exist to address the specific factors or practices as determined by CBP as sufficient to trigger additional scrutiny of the import transaction as informed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

CBP will work in partnership with the brokers to identify specific information regarding what factors, practices or risks are relevant. For business partners eligible for C-TPAT certification, the Customs Broker must have documentation (e.g., C-TPAT certificate, SVI number, etc.) indicating whether these business partners are, or are not C-TPAT certified. Current or prospective business partners who have obtained a certification in a supply chain security program being administered by foreign Customs Administration should be required to indicate their status of participation to the broker. To the extent such information can be obtained, brokers will maintain secure provider lists of C-TPAT certified (or equivalent) service providers in all relevant categories.

For client-importers, brokers must ensure that C-TPAT security criteria is provided by making educational opportunities available through seminars, through consultative services, dissemination of text materials, and/or through providing assistance to clients in obtaining such materials on the CBP website or elsewhere, when requested. The brokers must develop and document a process for handling security related client-importer inquiries. Brokers should encourage client-importers to join the C-TPAT program. 4 Container Trailer Seals The sealing of trailers and containers, to include continuous seal integrity, are crucial elements of a secure supply chain, and the broker should convey to their business partners that seals used to secure loaded containers and trailers bound for the U. Caldera Sky Islands Survival. S. Must meet or exceed the current PAS ISO 17712 standards for high security seals. Remind all client-importers that all loaded U.S.-bound containers and trailers must have a PAS ISO 17712 high-security seal affixed.

When necessary, the broker should also inform their business partners that they must institute procedures for recognizing and reporting compromised seals to CBP or the appropriate foreign authority. Physical Access Controls Access controls prevent unauthorized entry to facilities, maintain control of employees and visitors, and protect company assets. Access controls must include the positive identification of all employees and visitors at all points of entry. 5 Visitors For documentation purposes, unknown visiting persons should be required to present photo identification upon arrival and should be escorted while on the brokers premises. The broker should maintain a logbook or electronic diary of all unknown visiting persons, recording such data as visitor name, purpose of visit and confirmation of identity. In addition, for the broker category of facilities in excess of 50 employees, all visitors/vendors should be provided temporary identification badges upon arrival, to be visibly displayed at all times while on the brokers premises. Challenging and Removing Unauthorized Persons Procedures must be in place to identify, challenge and address unauthorized and/or unidentified persons.

Deliveries (including mail) Proper vendor ID and/or photo identification must be presented for documentation purposes upon arrival of all first time/unknown vendors or vendor representatives. At times of heightened alert involving package and mail delivery, these items should be screened before being disseminated. Personnel Security Written and verifiable processes must be in place to screen prospective employees and to periodically check current employees. 6 Pre-Employment Verification Application information, such as employment history and references must be verified prior to employment. Background checks / investigations Background checks and investigations should be conducted for prospective employees. Once employed, periodic checks and reinvestigations should be performed based on cause, and/or the sensitivity of the employees position.

Personnel Termination Procedures Customs Brokers must have procedures in place to remove identification, facility, and system access for terminated employees 7 Procedural Security Security measures must be in place to ensure the integrity of any data or documents relevant to security of processes, transportation, handling, and storage of cargo in the supply chain. Customs Brokers should notify CBP and/or other law enforcement agencies, as specified by CBP for these purposes, whenever anomalies or illegal activities related to security issues are detected or suspected. 8 Documentation Processing Measures should be in place to ensure that data transmitted by the Customs Broker is of optimal quality in order for CBP to maximize the use of automated targeting and other screening tools for cargo release or designation for a physical examination. Procedures must be in place to ensure that all information provided by the importer/exporter, freight forwarder, etc., and used in the clearing of merchandise/cargo, is legible and protected against the exchange, loss or introduction of erroneous information. Documentation controls for the broker, should include procedures for Ensuring the consistency of information transmitted to CBP through the entry summary process with the information that appears on the transaction documents provided to the broker, with regard to such data as the supplier and consignee name and address, commodity description, weight, quantity, and unit of measure (i.e. Boxes, cartons, etc.) of the cargo being cleared.

Review of documentation for completeness and clarity and contacting the business partner or importer/exporter, as necessary, to obtain corrected documentation or information. is a leading presentation/slideshow sharing website. Whether your application is business, how-to, education, medicine, school, church, sales, marketing, online training or just for fun, is a great resource. And, best of all, most of its cool features are free and easy to use.

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