Delete Temporary Internet Files Privacy Act
Jun 28, 2005. When the disk cleanup finished, it said I could free up more space on my C drive if I deleted my Temporary Internet Files. Is this a safe procedure, and do you recommend it? The function of Temporary Internet Files are to act as an Internet 'cache'. So, for example: when a web site is referenced, your. Discover the simple steps to add, edit, and delete records from DataGridView by using the SqlCommandBuilder and SqlAdapter objects. You'll also see some of the.
I am trying to write an efficient batch file to do some cleanup for systems in our network prior to recreating new systems and copying some saved files over to the new computer. The following is what I am trying to clean up.
Ok, I was able to figure this one out. Here is my own answer that works 99.5% There are a few small files that remain but I can live with them. The last two lines with the DEL command deletes the files from History and Temp unless another program still has the files in use. (Locked open) I ran this on a system with 30 users and approx 15 meg of junk files and deleted the unnecessary junk in less than two minutes. Hope This helps everyone. Come Installare Xbmc Su Xbox 360. We use Windows 2000 Pro in a domain with thousands of users and rebuild up to 100 computers each month. Here is a slightly expanded version of RDAdams's script, removes files from WINNT temp and [Profilename] Recent too.
After reading your question I would ask you to see if the file exists in the directory on the target computer first. You don't have to log onto the computer to check this. Use another computer and just open the c drive using start >run >targetcomputername c$ then browse to the directory in question and see what files are there. If it is then running the script would probably eliminate the error. A more direct way to eliminate just this one file would be to add the script to remove just that one file that is causing the problems. This would speed up the execution of your AD login script. Sorry for attaching myself after all the work you guys did.
Sarvam 3gp Video Songs Free Download here. Not sure if I should even post here but my question is similar to RDAdams. I am trying to delete cached profiles on multiple W2K systems that have hundreds of users within a few months. We have restrictive roaming profiles but there is still enough data being stored that the hard-drives are filling up too frequently. The users are informed and save the majority of their data on server shares. I need a script or batch file that will allow me to delete profiles that are. Say over 2 weeks old. I realize GP would do this but it would take several months and many pulled teeth to accomplish.
Any suggestions. I am very novice when it comes to this. Let me know if i need to post a new topic in order to award points. Hi there, I have been searching for this for ages.
Servicing XP machines with multiple profiles is a real pain for us, but I was just wondering if you could explain to me what is actualy happening in one line in the batch file. I have a fairly good knowledge of Batch files and some knowledge of using variables. FOR /D%%X IN ('%SRC1% *') DO FOR /D%%Y IN ('%%X%SRC2% *.*') DO RMDIR /S /Q '%%Y' 1. What is the 'FOR /D%%X IN ' doing exactly 2. Why is this there a Y and not an X like at the start here 'DO FOR /D%%Y IN' 3. The /Q at the end I assume is not asking for confirmation If you can answer these that we be great thanks Mark. In regards to your questions: 1.
What is the 'FOR /D%%X IN ' doing exactly - It conditionally performs a command on several folders versus the 'FOR' command which runs a specified command for each file in a set of files. Thre are two variables being used in the batchfile, hence%%x and%%y. The /Q switch is for Quiet mode.
Using it means you will do not have to give a Yes/No Prompt before deleting. Here is my question, I created a simpler version of this, which I listed below. It runs fine from the command line, but I f I try to execute it using the Task Scheduler, I receive the following error: Result: The task completed with an exit code of (3). I am using the local system account to operate the Task Scheduler Service and a Domain Admin account that has local Admin access to the particular test machine. Thanks in advance!
Hi Guys, Can any one tell me where I can find a list of XP variable (like%SystemRoot% for c: windows?) Many thanks to Jonnydd and RDAdams for the batch file but the problem is that 1. The batch file is hard coded to set the variable one to be C: Documents and Settings. Many machines come into us with XP running from D: (don't ask me why) 2. I copied the batch file to a floppy and tried to run it on another machine from the floppy, the batch file ran and finished with no errors but when I went to look at the floppy it was empty.
Again the batch file starts runing from where ever you opened the file from, if you run the batch file from your C: then it is ok but I started the batch file from the floppy and so it skipped the first 4 lines of the code because those directories didn't exist on the A: and then del /F /Q *.* I want a%variable% that goes to where windows is installed (ie. C: if windows is on c drive d: if windows is on d drive etc) that i can put in instead of C: Documents and Settings in the 2nd line and then also bfore starting to delete any files change to that drive so i can run it from a floppy? Yea i suppose that would work, I think i've only ever had one person in with XP running from E drive but it does happen. The problem is we are running a computer service centre and we get a lot of people who have tried to fix thier computer by sticking in the windows cd. All that ends up happening is they get one bootable version on C: and one bootable version on D: this happens alot for us. The problem with the IF statement is that there would be a c: docs and settings but it wouldn't necesarily be the one that was being used?
Hello Ben, try the following. Hi Guys, Got this one sorted with system variables:-) and when run on XP and 2000 will clean all profiles at once.
You cannot batch delete content.ie5 for the profile that you are logged into we get around this by booting in safe mode and logging in as administrator Copy and past into notepad and save as a batch file. Remember the confirmation Y is case sensative. (sorry about the long post could see how to post with attachment) ************************** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********* cls @echo off:start cls @ECHO. @ECHO ************************** ********** ********** ********** ********** ** @ECHO **** **** @ECHO **** PLEASE CHECK TO SEE IF THIS IS YOUR SYSTEM DRIVE **** @ECHO **** **** @ECHO **** **** @ECHO **** **** @ECHO **** --%HOMEDRIVE% -- **** @ECHO **** **** @ECHO **** This is intended for NT based systems ONLY **** @ECHO **** **** @ECHO ************************** ********** ********** ********** ********** ** @ECHO. Set choice= set /p choice=Type Y or N to continue: if not '%choice%'==' set choice=%choice:~0,1% if '%choice%'=='Y' goto clean2 if '%choice%'=='N' goto bye @ECHO '%choice% ' is not valid please try again (Y or N are case sensative) @ECHO.
Just a quick note to RDAdams regarding clearing out Cookies using his method posted on 05:35AM PDT: SET SRC5=Local Settings and FOR /D%%X IN ('%SRC1% *') DO FOR /D%%Y IN ('%%X%SRC5% *.*') DO RMDIR /S /Q '%%Y' This removed the temp directory from 'C: Documents and Settings [username] Local Settings Temp' on my Windows 2000 PC (and did not delete the cookies). I replaced the two lines with SET SRC5=Cookies and FOR /D%%X IN ('%SRC1% *') DO FOR%%Y IN ('%%X%SRC5% *.txt') DO DEL /F /S /Q '%%Y' This cleared out the Cookies correctly. This section is a bit redundant: echo About to delete files from '%SYSTEMROOT% Temp' FOR /D%%X IN ('%SRC1% *') DO FOR%%Y IN ('%%X%SRC5% *.*') DO DEL /F /S /Q '%%Y' Basically, you're telling the computer: ' For Each Folder in 'C: Documents and Settings', Delete all files in 'C: Windows Temp *.*' So you're running the DEL command multiple times, depending on how many user profile folders are in the Docs and Settings folder. Also, since it's just the one folder you're deleting from, can't you just get rid of the FOR/DO loop altogether?
Like this: DEL%SYSTEMROOT% Temp *.* /F /S /Q Or am I missing something obvious?
Why Doesn’t Disk Cleanup Delete All Files? The applications that you’re running create temporary files, not to litter your hard drive, but to store files while the application is working on them—whether it’s downloading files, storing files that you’re currently editing, or just caching files so the next time you open the application the files will be more quickly accessible.
The problem is that most applications don’t seem to clean up after themselves, or if they do, they definitely don’t do it very well. That’s why your temporary folder gets really huge over time, and needs to be cleaned out. Since these files are often being used by applications, Windows doesn’t know whether a particular file can be deleted, so Disk Cleanup only cleans up files that are older than 7 days, which is a safe guess—most people probably don’t have an application open for more than a week, especially since Microsoft makes you reboot nearly every Tuesday, right? You can even see in the screenshot that Disk Cleanup explains this to you, if you select the Temporary files option in the list.
Change Disk Cleanup to Delete Files Newer than 7 Days If you’re one of those people that reboots your PC every day, you can probably change the Disk Cleanup value down to something lower, like 2 days. If you don’t reboot but you rarely keep applications open, you could probably do fine with 2-3 days instead, though the value you choose is really up to you—just keep in mind applications need those temporary files if they are running. Open up regedit.exe through the Start Menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer VolumeCaches Temporary Files Once you’re there, you’ll see the LastAccess value on the right-hand side, which contains a value that specifies the number of days, which you can change to whatever you’d like. If you want to see the results of your changes, you can open up your temporary folder by entering the following into the Windows Explorer location bar:%temp% And again, if you’re an average user, you probably shouldn’t mess with this registry value—but at least you know a little more how it works, right?