Installing Squidguard On Windows

In previous posts we discussed how to install Squid + squidGuard and how to configure squid to properly handle or restrict access requests. Please make sure you go over those two tutorials and install both Squid and squidGuard before proceeding as they set the background and the context for what we will cover in this post: integrating squidguard in a working squid environment to implement blacklist rules and content control over the proxy server. Requirements • • What Can / Cannot I use SquidGuard For? Though squidGuard will certainly boost and enhance Squid’s features, it is important to highlight what it can and what it cannot do. SquidGuard can be used to: • limit the allowed web access for some users to a list of accepted/well known web servers and/or URLs only, while denying access to other blacklisted web servers and/or URLs.

Installing Squidguard On WindowsInstalling Squidguard On Windows

• block access to sites (by IP address or domain name) matching a list of regular expressions or words for some users. • require the use of domain names/prohibit the use of IP address in URLs. • redirect blocked URLs to error or info pages.

Cloud Guard URL Rewriter. Cloud based URL re-writer for Squid for Windows (like commonly used SquidGuard but running in the cloud) is available at The article showing how to enable HTTPS decryption on Squid for Windows can be read here. Cisco CCNA, Routing, Switching, Packet Tracer, Linux, Security, Photoshop, Flash, Windows Server, and Web Game Programming.

• use distinct access rules based on time of day, day of the week, date etc. • implement different rules for distinct user groups. However, neither squidGuard nor Squid can be used to: • analyze text inside documents and act in result. • detect or block embedded scripting languages like JavaScript, Python, or VBscript inside HTML code. BlackLists – The Basics Blacklists are an essential part of squidGuard. Basically, they are plain text files that will allow you to implement content filters based on specific keywords.

There are both freely available and commercial blacklists, and you can find the download links in the project’s website. In this tutorial I will show you how to integrate the blacklists provided by to your squidGuard installation. These blacklists are free for personal / non-commercial use and are updated on a daily basis. They include, as of today, over 1,700,000 entries. For our convenience, let’s create a directory to download the blacklist package. # mkdir /opt/3rdparty # cd /opt/3rdparty # wget The latest download link is always available as highlighted below. SquidGuard Blacklist Urls Domains Installing Blacklists Installation of the whole blacklist package, or of individual categories, is performed by copying the BL directory, or one of its subdirectories, respectively, to the /var/lib/squidguard/db directory.

Of course you could have downloaded the blacklist tarball to this directory in the first place, but the approach explained earlier gives you more control over what categories should be blocked (or not) at a specific time. Next, I will show you how to install the anonvpn, hacking, and chat blacklists and how to configure squidGuard to use them. Step 1: Copy recursively the anonvpn, hacking, and chat directories from /opt/3rdparty/BL to /var/lib/squidguard/db. # cp -a /opt/3rdparty/BL/anonvpn /var/lib/squidguard/db # cp -a /opt/3rdparty/BL/hacking /var/lib/squidguard/db # cp -a /opt/3rdparty/BL/chat /var/lib/squidguard/db Step 2: Use the domains and urls files to create squidguard’s database files. Please note that the following command will work for creating.db files for all the installed blacklists – even when a certain category has 2 or more subcategories. # squidGuard -C all Step 3: Change the ownership of the /var/lib/squidguard/db/ directory and its contents to the proxy user so that Squid can read the database files. # chown -R proxy:proxy /var/lib/squidguard/db/ Step 4: Configure Squid to use squidGuard.

We will use Squid’s url_rewrite_program directive in /etc/squid/squid.conf to tell Squid to use squidGuard as a URL rewriter / redirector. Add the following line to squid.conf, making sure that /usr/bin/squidGuard is the right absolute path in your case. # which squidGuard # echo 'url_rewrite_program $(which squidGuard)' >>/etc/squid/squid.conf # tail -n 1 /etc/squid/squid.conf. Remove Squid Blacklist Please note that parts highlighted in yellow under BEFORE have been deleted in AFTER. Whitelisting Specific Domains and URL’s On occasions you may want to allow certain URLs or domains, but not an entire blacklisted directory. In that case, you should create a directory named myWhiteLists (or whatever name you choose) and insert the desired URLs and domains under /var/lib/squidguard/db/myWhiteLists in files named urls and domains, respectively. Serial Number Making History Ii Wiki. Big Bang Never Stop Dreaming Mp3 Download.

Then, initialize the new content rules as before, # squidGuard -C all and modify the squidguard.conf as follows. Remove Domains Urls in Squid Blacklist As before, the parts highlighted in yellow indicate the changes that need to be added.

Note that the myWhiteLists string needs to be first in the row that starts with pass. Finally, remember to restart Squid in order to apply changes. Conclusion After following the steps outlined in this tutorial you should have a powerful content filter and URL redirector working hand in hand with your Squid proxy. If you experience any issues during your installation / configuration process or have any questions or comments, you may want to refer to but always feel free to drop us a line using the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. It is worth mentioning: squidGuard is not in the CentOS 7 repositories. A repository called the EPEL needs to be added first.

Also, on CentOS 7, squidGuard db is located at /var/squidGuard NOT /var/lib/squidguard. (note the capital G) Following the tutorial results in a segmentation fault when reaching the db creation command. /etc/squid/squidGuard.conf needs to be correctly setup first. As always, thank you Tecmint team for all your hard work in providing us these guides.

You are doing the industry a great service! We specialize in serving intelligent network administrators high quality blacklists for effective, targeted inline web filtering leveraging Squid proxy. We are the worlds leading and ONLY publisher of blacklists tailored specifically for use with Squid Proxy Native ACL. We also publish the worlds LARGEST adult domain blacklist, as well, as the worlds first blasphemy blacklist.

Our works are available in several alternative formats for compatibility with multiple other web filter platforms. There is a demand for a better blacklist. And with few alternatives available, we intend to fill that gap. Est. Owned and maintained by Benjamin E. Nichols & Co. It is an extension of the work I have been doing for years applying filters to my own networks with squid proxy and firewalls. is platform whereby I hope to share the amalgamation of these works with the community, in the hopes that it will serve the greater good, helping to secure networks while providing a useful resource for individuals looking for a reasonable level of control of http traffic on their respective networks using a range of filtering solutions. It would be our pleasure to serve you, Signed, Benjamin E.

How to Install Squid and SquidGuard in CentOS Overview A proxy server is a very useful tool for a computer network. Proxy servers are commonly used in computer networks to protect the network from attack, to filter undesirable web content and web pages requested by local users, and to speed up the delivery of web pages and web content by caching (storing) commonly requested web pages, documents, and media. Proxy servers are typically implemented on private, local area networks, to filter, protect and cache content requested by users on that network, this is called “proxy” or “transparent proxy.” Proxy servers can also be implemented on the remote side “in-front-of” destination webservers in order to protect those servers by filtering requests, speeding up web page delivery, and caching frequently requested files, this is called “reverse proxy.”.