Paintball Gun Serial Number Lookup
Here is another Sniper serial comparison picture, R11 (another reversible feed body), 250, and Youngbloods Ironmen 1994 cocker, 16401. Compare the 1 between the R11 and 16401 and you can see the difference in the stamp. In this picture you can see another point that Mark Bragg of G-Force Paintball pointed out, the way the numbers were stamped differs on the early guns to production guns. '[The serial numbers] aren't that straight. Like each number is stamped individually.
All the [later WGP serials] are straight [in line],' Mark wrote me. I had never noticed this before but now looking at serial pictures Bragg is correct. All Sniper 1s (at least before the one thousand serial number) feature a less exageratted serif stamping which isn't lined up very well and the majority of sniper 2s use a more exagerated serif with numbers inline. Heroes Of Might And Magic 6 Shades Of Darkness Keygen Download. Mark also confirmed that Bud told him guns stamped with an R stamp were rentals. Mark recalls 'Bud said the 'R' guns were 'Rentals'.'

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Total number of Ps found: 9529 (54%) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z PA PB PC PD PE PF PG PH PI PJ PK PL PM PN PO PP PQ PR PS PT PU PV PW PX PY PZ. Aug 20, 2010. Certain areas in the world require serial numbers on the outside of the marker for registration due to the fact the some countries consider anything that fires a projectile as being a firearm. Check with your local paintball store to clarify the rules pertaining to your exact country. Glen Dye Technician.
Remove the air tank and paintball hopper from the gun. Clean the entire body of the gun, removing any debris or old paint that may be residing on the surface of the gun. Examine the back of the gun's body. The majority of gun models have the serial number stamped or engraved on the upper or lower portion of the body toward the bolt.
Search the serial number on a search engine such as Yahoo! This will allow you to see if anyone online is claiming the marker is stolen. Visit your marker's official company site if you think your marker is part of a recall. Typically, they will release the range of serial numbers of affected guns, and you can compare your number to those posted.