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Re: 'Intelligence depends on knowledge and computing power. An AI can't make itself smarter just by rewriting its own software.' It can make its prediction agent better just by thinking about it – which will make it smarter, according to conventional definitions of intelligence.It needs computing power to do that – but that is usually considered to be pretty cheap, and not a big limiting factor.

We are heavily 'software limited' today.So, essentially, a machine could make itself smarter – just by rewriting its own source code. Just got home this evening. Oh what a mess! The cinders from the bushfires in the air and the dust from the usual city pollution every white surface is covered in the stuff.

A major clean up required but that can wait till tomorrow. So much for telling the real estate agent to e-mail me if there was any problem and it seems my rent money is going to the old real estate agent and the new real estate agent representative has been unsuccessfully trying to ring me to get to change the details without success for the last few months. ParticipareCea mai frumoasa zi de Mos Nicolae a fost cu siguranta cand eram copil.cand credeam in Mos, in magia sarbatorilor si mai ales cand eram inconjurata de iubire, chiar daca stateam acasa fara sa fac nimic special, eram acolo, cu tata si cu mama.ce n-as da sa pot intorce timpul, chiar si pentru o zi.dar cum asta nu se poate, cred ca o zi perfecta de Mos Nicolae ar insemna o zi petrecuta cu iubitul meu, sa ne prostim ca si niste copii (pt ca inca ne simtim copii), sa ne jucam cu zapada:)) sa ne plimbam sau pur si simplu sa ne tinem in brate 🙂 dar n-o sa se intample nici anul acesta.

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