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They even assaulted the Nigerian embassy in their country. Which is a clear infringement of international diplomatic relations. And the useless Nigerian government is claiming they have received an apology from their ministry of foreign affairs. Guinea-Bissau has a population of about 1.6million people. Does this ant of a country not have a president???

Pinnacle Studio 16 Ultimate Serial Number Free Download. I can assure you that an independent Arewa, oodua or Ndigbo nation, cannot even suffer this kind of humiliation from such a country. The population of this whole country, is less than the least populated state in Nigeria Nigeria needs to move to the next level. We either restructure the country or we preferably split it into autonomous countries. What exactly is holding Nigeria back from developing, if not the lopsided structure and imbalances in the country that favours the northern region over the south??? The bottom line is If Nigeria takes care of her own children at home, no Nigerian in his right mind would have opted to live or even trade in Guinea Bissau. The assault on our embassy ought to show you that none of Nigerian neighbors has an iota of respect for the nation or her citizens, we have deplored ourselves to an exponential level of ridicule and rancor, and who is to blame but us, after all, we are whom we portray ourselves to be in the eyes of other nations, both Africans and overseas, we have painted and stereotyped ourselves as corrupt and always willing to engage in any sacrilegious endeavor for money.

Have you traveled overseas lately? Did you notice how you are treated with a bit of harassment once you tender your green passport? Na wa for Naija, we seem to be going backwards per every minute of the day.

President Donald Trump said Thursday that his administration has moved even more quickly than promised to roll back government regulations and undo the rule-making.

Real Action Pose Books On Tape

The mob even attacked the Nigerian embassy??? And the government claims that their foreign affairs conterpart issued an apology Does Guinea-Bissau not have a president?? We are are talking about loss of live of 3 Nigerians, injuries and loss of property and assault on the Nigerian embassy in Guinea-Bissau here??? Nigeria is definately a failed state. Let us either restructure the country now or split the country into autonomous new countries, before it is too late There is apparently, no evidence of governance in the lives of Nigerians Nothing.

Nothing at all •. Mention the name Nigeria and it becomes synonymous with crime and corruption. The name Nigeria has been so associated with crime that a lot of africans like us feel very skeptical in their relations with a nigerian. Our neighbours who discriminate against us are ungrateful for the contribution of Nigeria and Nigerians in their lives. In South Africa, Nigeria was instrumental in the dismantling of apartheid and now the free peoples discriminate because of lack of knowledge about their history. A history in which President Mbeki and others within the ANC leadership were educated in Nigerian Universities and by Nigerian money. All of Africa particularly in the West, Nigeria has given financial aid, Nigerians have helped run government departments in some West African countries.

Nigerian troops have died in protecting West African citizens from war, death and destruction. In Rwanda, in Somalia and as a matter of fact, no other country in the world has sent more of its own soldiers into harms way to protect the lives of others in Africa from genocide. Olufemi, your contribution is apologetic by nature. You must stand up and be proud of your country’s contribution to the world and do not let others change the narrative by claiming that our contribution is only in criminality – this is not true. Today, if Nigerians removed their investments in property and businesses in SA, that country will feel it. If we sent all their companies packing from Nigeria, their economies would feel the brunt.

If Nigerian businesses packed up and left Ghana tomorrow. If we exited their property market. If we removed all our children from their schools. If we stopped South Africans and West Africans from visiting Nigeria.

Our diplomats should be quite firm in reminding our neighbours that they should be glad that in Africa, there is NIGERIA. I do not know if you read my comment in hurry, but if you carefully read you would realise that i am not in anyway being apologetic. I simply was pointing out the fact that inspite of the fact that there are also many nigerians out there making giant strides in their respective fields, the bad press and reportage that envelopes the country creates the stereotype we are faced with. And of course it is also a fact that many nigerians are languishing away in foreign prisons for various crimes ranging from drugs, to fraud, terrorism and saying that does not make me less patriotic or not proud of my country far from what you imagine. Most of the comment I read here is a total crap,Western countries/Asia/middle east/African countries are usually hostile to mention of Nigerians mostly due to envy, crime has no bounds and not committed by Nigerians alone since its not possible to perpetrate a crime in a foreign land without the involvement of citizens of the said country. Most times other black African countries citizens commit crime and claim to be Nigerians other country Nationals commit more grievous crimes here in Nigeria and nobody lynches them some even commit crime against the State like Arms Importation by Russia/Boko Haram activities by Lebanees/ Fraudulent Economic sabotage and activities by both westerners/Indians/Lebanese etc because we are accommodating we give them thorough legal representation if caught and our corrupt legal system sets them free.

I blame our leaders for everything we suffer as Nigerians because they have killed this supposed great Nation and have never taken a hard line against other countries on the treatment they give Nigerians,now is time to draw a red line can this act of lynching occur to an American/Briton or German and me met with such soft tone by our useless/selfish and wicked leaders •. I personally think the bulk of the blame should come to Nigerian government who has failed to tackle our security challenges most especially the spate at which police kill innocent Nigerians and go Scot free. Most of these countries look at us and laugh. Moreso our government do not care for her citizens so any of these small countries can always take us for a ride.

Nigerians are objects of persecution everywhere there are. It’s high time our government begin to act up and even cut off relationship with hostile countries. Most of them need us we don’t really need them let’s punish them with our resources. The Nigeria governemnt that have not done enough to stop extra judicial killing in Nigeria cant do anything about extra judicial killing of Nigerians in a foreign land. Who are the kidnappers? Are they really Nigerians? If they kidnappers are not Nigerians, why did they attack Nigerians?

I am not in support of the killing of Nigerians, but the guinea people have sent a very strong message with their action. They have told those that cared to listen they are saying no to kidnapping.

What are the donts in Nigeria? TODAY IS YESTERDAY’S TOMORROW. What are you saying we are talking about killing of Nigerians in Foreign countries you are talking about Kidnapping In Nigeria,so because extra judicial killing happen in Nigeria it should happen to Nigerians in foreign land. The level of crime reported everyday in America/ Briton/Pakistan/Afghanistan plus other countries dont happen here in Nigerian and non of citizens of these countries face the kind of hostility faced by Nigerians,its the lapse of our leaders in managing life and security in Nigeria a justification for Nigerians in foreign land to face the same judgement? Its the responsibility of the host countries to protect lives and properties on Nigerians were ever they are like we do here in Nigeria so Jungle justice should be a yardstick to say no to ills that happen in any society like you proclaimed in your last sentence. Lets wake up to realities Nigerians are taken for a ride all over the world and the only way out is to send a very strong signal that any country that touches any Nigerian by cutting all Ties with them,This is why I admire the military they cant condole this act, unreported cases of this nature happen to Nigerians all the time and reported to our toothless embassies this came to light because our embassy was attached aside from that silence will be kept as well •. Read my comment again and see the point I was making.

No Country takes our government serious on planet earth. If we are not being deported for fake yellow card, our shops are closed for being Nigerians. If Nigerian minors who get involved in crime are not executed, some mob are attacking Nigerians when he heard of kidnapping in their Country even when there are no facts that the crime was committed by Nigerians. Have you heard anything about the senseless killings of Nigerians in some Asia Countries. I remembered our National Assembly member barking like dogs when the incident happened. Have you heard anything about their initial noise?

I only highlighted the failure of those who styled themselves leaders in this Country. TODAY IS YESTERDAY’S TOMORROW.

The Federal Govt should as a matter of urgency end the Boko Haram insurgency and the so-called thriving kidnapping business in our country otherwise more heat will be on the innocent Nigerians living abroad for crimes they know nothing about but are held guilty by virtue of their Nigerianess Those involved in criminal activities home and abroad should have a rethink and find pleasure in honest and decent living, life isn’t that difficult if we all live within our means. I-must-hammer-at-all-cost syndrome is a killer and an image-battering machine for our fatherland. Therefore, our leaders should stop the looting of treasury with reckless abandon as this is symptomatic of madness and a negative standard most Nigerians in crime follow. Oh yes we know that Art imitates life, but Nollywood should help our collective destiny by de-emphasising the potrayal of Nigerians as blood money mongers and abysmally corrupt people, you have no idea how popular Nollywood is until you leave the shores of Nigeria.

Such a powerful tool should be the harbinger of positivity. But ultimately, our political and religious leaders must set the pace, live by example and end the unbridled display of materialism. Download Lagu Twilite Orchestra Indonesia Raya Instrument more. Akara, please learn to be constructive with your comments. What has splitting the country got to do with the issue at hand?

Enough of your irresponsible comments. I have refrained from joining issues with contributors on this forum but your comment here is certainly over the bar. I do not not know what part of Nigeria you hail from, neither do I know what skills you possess. One thing is clear though, wherever that might be and whatever your skills, I am certain that your society needs more of your contributions than mindless and needless criticism. Please heed my humble suggestion: nothing is gained when we see nothing good in everything, when we continually bash this country. Please make sensible criticisms. We should start to value ourselves within and outside the country.

The way we value ourselves goes a long way when it comes to our value outside the country. Our film producers should also not only portray our bad aspects alone always as the trend seems to be but also show the good things we do in the country.

You hardly see films showing hardworking Nigerians and the reward they reap. With the way we showcase ourselves, it seems as if every Nigerian is a satanic ritualist.

There is a Yoruba adage which literarily says that if you sell your relative very cheap, you cannot buy him back even at very high price. Let’s truly love ourselves not just because of what we can get from each other but for the human beings we are.

Nigeria will surely survive all these calamities within and outside, let’s just keep on doing the right thing and put our trust in God more than ever before. Within the subregion where mental development of citizens is still at infancy,it is our home video industry that is propagating these kinds of image about Nigeria. Now we can see how other African countries see Nigerians. I happen to meet a woman from Sierra Leone some years back. She was a refugee in Sweden, and the war had just ended.

What she said about Nigerian soldiers who help the country to end many years of war and famine was very shameful, to express it mildly. Even as I was helping her with food, money and she was using my house phone without paying, plus knowing that I was Nigerian never stopped her from saying unprintable things about us. I was very sad because of the ingratitude this woman showed both my country and I.

Without doubt a Liberian will also ‘talk-down’ on Nigerians. The same goes, indeed, for all other African countries that benefit from our benevolence. The hatred these countries we spend millions of dollars on have for Nigerians is extremely huge as well as despicable.

I do not condone criminal activities no matter where or by whom! So, fellow countrymen, do not commit crime in other countries. They’re have harsher penalties out there. On a second note, you see how the policemen of a smaller/poorer country look?

Could our policemen ever look so well-fed? Tell me guys!! Bigotry is creating so many problems for Nigerians, in and out of the country. The FG has to improve the image of Nigeria and give its citizens a chance to work and earn living wages. Poverty and an inferior educational system has created the environment for heinous crimes to continue. The justice system isn’t working and Africans need to believe in real justice, not lynchings and vigilante justice.

So many innocent people are being tried in the public without the benefit of evidence and just cause. Mr Uyot how else do you think government can protect its citizens in other countries than exploring diplomatic channels to register its protest whenever situations like this happens.Is the government going to deploy its own armed forces and police to other countries to look after its citizens? Nigerian Government has done what it needs to do by registering her disatisfaction over the issue and demanded for a full scale investigation into the unfortunate incident to unravel those behind it. If you dont understand the workings of government or you don’t know what to say then remain silent. It’s a shame that we cannot show this level of passion against similar acts amongst ourselves locally. Don’t get me wrong It’s good to see that our Government is condemning this disgusting atrocity, but we need to see more of it at home. What happened to the case of the four UNIPORT souls (may they RIP) who were mindlessly killed?

No one really hears much about that anymore. If we can do such to our own fellow Nigerians, I honestly don’t think we can boldly ‘condemn’ foreigners from doing the same to us. The way our leaders are handling this case of horrendous murder of Nigerians in Guinea-Bisau has started to get k-leg. The investigation that will make meaning should be conducted and Nigerians should be made to know whether what happened can just be waived away with mere apology: Suffice to say that the person of Abati is a disgrace to any government that has interest of her citizenry. His attempt to minimise the casualty figure need also to be investigated. One question we must ask and our leaders must address is:Why is it that If a child or any person for that matter should miss in G/Bisau, Nigerian(s) should simply be held responsible and extrajudiciary snuffed out of existence even at the full glare of the law enforcement agencies? Another question is: Could the way Nigerian Govt.

Handles the sanctity of lives of citizen at home has any direct or remote effect on the pscyche of the people of G/Bisau to make them think Nigerians are worthless? Like I wrote when information like this first came up, we should all bind together to condemn this. This is the price we pay when our people (regardless of tribes) are committing crimes all over the world. But we cannot just let it go. I feel so bad for those innocent men that were killed. Since I have been hearing a lot of bad stories of how other African hate us, I have decided not to associate with them socially.

I could recall when I went to one bar about a year ago, the moment that one of the black guys (a Ghanania) knew that I am a Nigerian, he found a way to avoid him. I suspected him, and I avoided getting even close to him. It is time that our government refuse to help other African nations.

They hate us.

Senators on Tuesday took a rare look at the decades-old presidential authority to launch a nuclear strike, posing questions at a hearing about the process President Donald Trump would follow if he were to order such an attack. Bob Corker (R., Tenn.), the Senate Foreign Relations Committee committee chairman and a critic of Mr. Trump, didn’t explicitly criticize the president throughout the two-hour session, and many of the lawmakers present focused their questions on possible scenarios and the legal authorities involved in launching nuclear strikes. Read More • • • “We are concerned that the president of the United States is so unstable, is so volatile, has a decision-making process that is so quixotic, that he might order a nuclear weapons strike that is wildly out of step with U.S.

National security interests,” Mr. “So let’s just recognize the exceptional nature of this moment and the discussion that we’re having today.” Raj Shah, a White House spokesman, described Mr. Murphy’s assessment as “fear-mongering” and said his remarks were “reckless and baseless.” “The president and his national security team have used diplomacy to place unprecedented pressure on North Korea, increase the contributions from our NATO allies, and worked with our partners to crush ISIS in Iraq and Syria,” he said. Three former government and military officials who were questioned by the committee said the president has sole authority to decide whether to use a nuclear weapon, but that decision is guided by strict protocols and includes consultation with the Secretary of Defense and military officials. Much of the questioning centered around what the president would have to do to launch a pre-emptive—rather than retaliatory—strike. Some senators said some such strikes would amount to a declaration of war and that the president should consult with Congress before undertaking such action.

But these and other scenarios opened the door to many legal, constitutional and practical questions. “If the United States were to initiate a war with another nuclear state and we conceived that the use of nuclear weapons might be possible, that’s war in the constitutional sense that Congress should authorize,” said Brian McKeon, a former senior Pentagon official during the Obama administration. “If we are under attack from a nuclear state using nuclear weapons, that’s a different question, and the president would have the authority under Article 2 to respond.” He added: “The hardest question is the in-between question.where do you define imminence on the continuum?” Several senators asked what restraints, if any, exist on the president’s ability to carry out a nuclear-first strike. The former officials said that there are legal guidelines determining when the use of a nuclear weapon is appropriate, but that the decision falls to the president. “There are always legal constraints when any military option is being considered.

There’s been longstanding debate about nuclear weapons and morality and legal.