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Ei sunt Michael, Albert, Stanley si Sefa: afemeiatul, baiatul cel bun, ciudatelul si petrecaretul. Sunt pe cale sa implineaca 30 de ani, dar se simt si se poarta ca la 16.
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Se imbata, alearga dupa femei, se poarta urat si provoaca haos oriunde se duc. Dar fratele mai mic al lui Michael, Sione, urmeaza sa se casatoreasca, ceea ce schimba complet situatia. El le da baietilor un ultimatum: la nunta lui sa vina insotiti de iubite la care tin cu adevarat. Cei patru au o luna ca sa reuseasca performanta. Un politist dur, J.T.Hope (Bruce Boxleitner), care s-a saturat de criminalitatea din Los Angeles si decide sa abordeze altfel problema: isi investeste banii intr-o ferma de vite, pe care o transforma intr-o.scoala de corectie pentru delincventi minori. El este ajutat de doi ex-condamnati in incercarea de a-i aduce pe drumul cel bun pe cei trei pusti pe care ii au in grija.
Chipesul Colt (Lorenzo Lamas) si Shorty (Barrz Corbin) sunt mai puternici si mai destepti decat se asteptau adolescentii c •.
Bedienungsanleitung Canon Mp610 Pdf Free. The aimless pleasure loving son of a rich and powerful Russian arrested for street racing through Moscow's streets while high on drugs. To avoid a lengthy sentence his father pulls strings and as a last resort he is sent to work with the police for a year, with on-the-job training - or be disinherited. Conflicts arise from day one as the police are resentful of the rich boy dumped in their tight knit unit, he does not take regular work seriously and he finds his Corvette regularly vandalized. To make things worse, his superior officer is a woman. Eventually he begins to settle down, find police work rewarding, and very slowly begins build rapport with the other officers. There is tension with a romantic triangle between him, the female Captain and another officer, and a sub plot as he tries to find out the truth about his mother's apparent suicide. I did not think it possible to come up with a Police procedural drama series with a difference, but Mazhor, (Silver Spoon in English) has done so.
A drama with comedy undertones, set in modern Moscow as a wealthy young playboy. Igor, arrested for street racing while on drugs is saved from a lengthy prison sentence by his powerful father who sends him to work in a police department (straight in to the detective bureau, no police academy. His arrival is resented by everyone from the chief down - but what can they do - his father is a very powerful man.
The police captain is a beautiful woman who is close to another officer, and the arrival of the rich entitled new boy stirs up jealousy among the working stiffs - need I say more? George Harrison Discography Torrent 320. It does not help that Igor has no idea that other people actually work for a living and cannot buy their way out of every problem. Some things may surprise viewers raised on cold war tales of severe hardship and privations in Russia.
Apartments are large, even for sewer cleaners, no queues for food and necessities, it is always glorious summer (we may see snow later in the series) everyone has a cell phone and I-pad, young people spend their days and nights at the clubs, and many characters drink at least a bottle of whisky or vodka a day straight from the bottle and often in one go! Igor, the main character is played by a handsome permanently tanned actor with a gift for comedy and entitlement swagger. Overall, the series is a welcome change from the routine hard ass feminist policewoman going it her own way, quarreling with her supervisor and all the other officers, yet in many ways it is still formulaic and by the numbers - the Russian setting puts a fresh coat of paint on an old routine. How long before police dramas go the way of the Westerns??