Solar Energy By S P Sukhatme Pdf Editor

Particle Swarm Optimization Approach For Economic Load Dispatch: A Review Abstract: Particle swarm optimization (PSO ) is an effective & reliable evolutionary based approach.Due to its higher quality solution including mathematical simplicity, fast convergence & robustness it has become popular for many optimization problems. There are various field of power system in which PSO is successfully applied.
Economic Load Dispatch(ELD) is one of important tasks which provide an economic condition for a power system. It is a method of determine the most efficient, low cost & reliable operation of a power system by dispatching the available electricity generation resources to supply the load on the system. This paper presents a review of PSO application in Economic Load Dispatch problems.
Kennedy and R.Eberhart, 'Particle swarm optimization,' in Proc. Neural Networks, 1995, pp.
Dec 20, 2016 Rohini is currently reading it. Jan 05, 2017 Nitin D. Marked it as to-read. Feb 16, 2017 Nilabh Ghosh marked it as to-read. Feb 22, 2017 Samanth Reddy added it. Feb 27, 2017 Jagadeesh Dondeti marked it as to-read. Feb 28, 2017 Reader marked it as to-read. Mar 11, 2017 Challa Raju marked it as to-. Solar Energy By S P Sukhatme Pdf. Author: admin28/10. Udupi Ramachandra Rao Wikipedia. Udupi Ramachandra Rao Kannada 1. 7 was a space scientist and chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation. He was also the Chairman of the Governing Council of the Physical Research.
Yuhui Shi and Russell Eberhart 'A modified particle swarm optimizer' 0- 7803-4869-9198 0.0001998 IEEE. Yuhui Shi and Russell C. Eberhart 'Fuzzy Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization' Evolutionary computation, 2001 proceeding of the 2001 congres on vol.1 page no. Gaing, 'Particle Swarm Optimization to solving the economic dispatch considering generator constraints,' IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol.
1718–1727, Aug. Asanga Ratnaweera, Saman K. Halgamuge 'Self-Organizing Hierarchical Particle Swarm Optimizer With TimeVarying Acceleration Coefficients' IEEE Trans. On evolutionary computation,vol. 8,no.3, June 2004 6.
Gao Yue-lin, Duan Yu-hong 'A New Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Random Inertia Weight and Evolution Strategy' International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security Workshops 2007. Guimin Chen, Xinbo Huang, Jianyuan Jia and Zhengfeng Min ' Natural Exponential Inertia Weight Strategy in Particle Swarm Optimization' 6th World Confress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 21 - 23, 2006, Dalian, China. Jong-Bae Park, Yun-Won Jeong, HyunHoung Kim and Joong-Rin Shin 'An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization for Economic Dispatch with Valve-Point Effect' International Journal of Innovations in Energy Systems and Power, Vol. 1 (November 2006) 9. T.Adhinarayanan, Maheswarapu Sydulu 'Particle Swarm Optimisation for Economic Dispatch with Cubic Fuel Cost Function', TENCON 2006, IEEE region conference. Ling, Herbert H. Chan and Shu K.
Ki 'Economic Load Dispatch: A New Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Approach'sept.11 2007. Jaya Sharma, Amita Mahor 013-022 4. Molecular Modeling and Simulation Studies of Acyl CoA Synthetaseof Mycobacteriumleprae Abstract: Leprosy or Hansen's disease is caused by an obligate intracellular pathogen i.e.
Mycobacterium leprae. Leprosy is a granulomatous disease of peripheral nerves and mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. This infectious disease results in Leprosy reactions that cause irreversible nerve damage and disabilities. The organism requires minimal set of functional genes for its survival. Most of the genes are involved in biosynthetic and metabolic pathways, so the product of these genes can be aimed for the novel drug target. Acyl CoA Synthetase is an enzyme that participates in fatty acid biosynthesis. The activation of fatty acids by Acyl-CoA Synthetase is the need of de novo lipid biosynthesis, fatty acid catabolism and remodeling of biological membranes.
Therefore by emphasizing this protein as a drug target can help in the identification of novel drugs to cure leprosy. A well organized research comprising of analogue based drug design and molecular dynamics plays a major role in obtaining the lead molecules. The bacteria have developed resistance against many of the drugs available in the market. Therefore identification of the novel drug target and potent drug can be helpful in better prevention of the disease. Key words: docking, homology modeling, leprosy, M.leprae, molecular, molecular dynamics, ramachandran plot. Alter, (2008) Leprosy as a genetic model for susceptibility to common infectious disease, Hum Genet 2. Amanda Le Grand et al.
(1999)Health Policy and Planning; 14(2): 89-102, Oxford University Press. AnusuyaShanmugam, (2010).Bioinformation Journal 4.
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Bowers KJ, Chow E, Xu H, Dror RO, Eastwood MP, Gregersen BA, Klepeis JL, Kolossvary I, Moraes MA, Sacerdoti FD, Salmon JK, Shan Y, Shaw DE (2006) Scalable Algorithms for Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Commodity Clusters. In: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC06), Nov 11–17, Florida. Chemotherapy of leprosy for control programs- report of WHO study (2004). WHO technical report series No. Dhananjay Kumar, Anshul Sarvate, Deblina Dey, Lakshmi Sahitya U, Kumar Gaurav Shankar, K. Kasturi 023-033 5. Cellular Genetic Algorithm with Density Dependence for Dynamic Optimization Problems Abstract: For dynamic optimization problems, the aim of an effective optimization algorithm is both to find the optimal solutions and to track the optima over time.
In this paper, we advanced two kinds of cellular genetic algorithms inspired by the density dependence scheme in ecological system to solving dynamic optimization problems. Two kinds of improved evolution rules are proposed to replace the rule in regular cellular genetic algorithm, in which null cells are considered to the foods of individuals in population and the maximum of living individuals in cellular space is limited by their food. Moreover, in the second proposed rule, the competition scheme of the best individuals within the neighborhoods of one individual is also introduced. The performance of proposed cellular genetic algorithms is examined under three dynamic optimization problems with different change severities. The computation results indicate that new algorithms demonstrate their superiority respectively on both convergence and diversity. Key words: cellular genetic algorithm, dynamic optimization, density dependence scheme Reference [1] R.
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Efficient Microstrip Fed Rectangular Patch Antenna with DGS for WLAN & WiMAX Applications Abstract: In this paper a monopole antenna for WLAN and WiMAX frequencies is proposed. The given antenna is composed of a rectangular patch monopole antenna having an E-shaped slot with two backward slits on the substrate and a defected ground plane. The antenna exhibits single band, which creates an impedance bandwidth of 2 GHz for the working band of 4-6 GHz. The various characteristic parameters like S-parameters, gain, current distribution, and radiation pattern are studied. The proposed antenna is suitable for IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards in the bands 5.2/5.8 GHz and WiMAX standards in the bands at 5.5 GHz. Microstrip feeding technique is used. Aams Mastering Software Keygen Free. The compact size antenna using DGS technique is simulated using IE3D software.
Reference [1]. Constantine A. Balanis, 'Antenna theory analysis and design, '2nd edition, John Wiley & sons, Inc, 1997. Khanna, 'Design And Development Of CPW-Fed Microstrip Antenna For Wlan/Wimax Applications,' Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol.
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511-514, June 2003. Sakshi Kapoor, Davinder Parkash 044-047 7. FPGA Implementation of QAM Transmitter and Receiver Abstract: The FPGA technology has been playing a considerable role in Rportable and mobile communication.
This is due to the features of flexibility, accuracy and configurability in designing and Implementation. The project presents a complete design for QAM Transmitter and Receiver based on the Spartan 3e FPGA kit. The implemented system can be used in typical wimax system and any other communication systems.
The carrier synchronization and timing synchronization issues are covered in the implementation. The transmitter of QAM consists of data sampler, phase accumulator, symbol mapper, NCO. The receiver of QAM consists of phase locked loop, symbol demapper, clock distributer.
Modelsim Xilinx edition(MXE) will be used for simulation and functional verification. Xilinx ISE will be used for synthesis, and bit file generation. Xilinx FPGA board will be used for testing and demonstration of the implemented system. Key words: FPGA design, Carrier Synchronization, Symbol Recovery, QAM modulation; Reference [1] 16 QAM transmitter and receiver design based on FPGA IEEE 2010, Xuan-thang Vu, Nguyen Anh Duc, Trinh Anh Vu [2] C. Dick, F.Harris, M.Rice, Synchronization in Software Radios-Carrier and Timing Recovery Using FPGAs, Proceeding of 2000 IEEE Symposium on FieldProgrammable Custom Computing Machines. [3] C.Dick, F.Harris, M.Rice, FPGA Implementation of Carrier Synchronization for QAM Receivers, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol 36, p.
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Application For Major Power Quality And Extend Pac For Upqc-S Abstract: This paper introduces a new concept of optimal utilization of a unified power quality conditioner (UPQC). The series inverter of UPQC is controlled to perform simultaneous 1) voltage sag/swell compensation and 2) load reactive power sharing with the shunt inverter. The active power control approach is used to compensate voltage sag/swell and is integrated with theory of power angle control (PAC) of UPQC to coordinate the load reactive power between the two inverters. Since the series inverter simultaneously delivers active and reactive powers, this concept is named as UPQCS (S for complex power). A detailed mathematical analysis, to extend the PAC approach for UPQCS, is presented in this paper. MATLAB/ SIMULINK -based simulation results are discussed to support the developed concept.
Finally, the proposed concept is validated with a digital signal processor-based experimental study. Key words: Active power filter (APF), power angle control (PAC), power quality, reactive power compensation, unified power quality conditioner (UPQC), voltage sag and swell compensation.
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The main advantage of this project is optimizing the power usage through water resource management and also saving government's free subsidiary electricity. This proves an efficient and economy way of irrigation and this will automate the agriculture sector. Key words: Off-Grid, Solar, GSM, Irrigation Reference [1] Kenna, Jeff. And Gillett Bill. 'Handbook of Solar water pumping', Sir William Halcrow and Partner and IntermediateTechnology Ltd.
1985 [2] SoterisKalogirou 'Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and System', Elsevier Inc. Corkish 'Applied Photovoltaics' Second Edition, ARC Centre for Advanced SiliconPhotovoltaics and Photonics. Ghoneim, 'Design optimization of photovoltaic powered water pumping systems'. Energy Conversion and Management 47 (2006) [5] J.L. Davies, 'The Design and Optimization of a System using an Induction Motor driven pump, powered by solar panels', 30 April 1992 [6] P.C SEN, 'Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics', second edition, 1997, (Pages 197,227-228) [7] Odeh, I., Yohanis, Y.G, and Norton, B, Economic viability of photovoltaic water pumping systems.
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The series-resonant inverter needs an output transformer for matching the output power to the load but it carry high current as a result additional real power loss is occur and overall efficiency also is reduced. This project proposes a high efficiency LLC resonant inverter for induction heating applications by using asymmetrical voltage cancellation control.The proposed control method is implemented in a full-bridge topology for induction heating application. The output power is controlled using the asymmetrical voltage cancellation technique. The LLC resonant tank is designed without the use of output transformer. This results in an increase of the net efficiency of the induction heating system. The circuit is simulated using MATLAB.The circuit is implemented using PIC controller. Both simulation and hardware results are compared.
Key words: Asymmetrical control, induction heating, zero-voltage switching (ZVS). Saichol Chudjuarjeen, Anawach Sangswang, and Chayant Koompai 'LLC Resonant Inverter for Induction Heating with Asymmetrical Voltage-Cancellation Control' 2009 IEEE 2. Chudjuarjeen, S. And Koompai, C., 2008, 'Asymmetrical control with Phase Lock Loop for Induction Cooking Appliances', ECTICONFERENCE 2008 pp.
Navarro, and J. Acero,'Asymmetrical voltage-cancelation control for full-bridge series resonant inverters,' IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol.
461–469, Mar.2004. Barrag´an,D.Navarro, R.Alonso, J. Hern´andez, S. Llorente, and I.
Garde, 'The domestic induction heating appliance: An overview of recent research,' in Proc. Power Electron. Expo., 2008, pp.
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Spectral Analysis in Speech Processing Techniques Abstract: The corruption of speech due to presence of additive background noise causes severe difficulties in various communication environments. This paper addresses the problem of reduction of additive background noise in speech. The proposed approach is a frequency dependent speech enhancement method based on the proven spectral subtraction method. Most implementations and variations of the basic spectral subtraction technique advocate subtraction of the noise spectrum estimate over the entire speech spectrum. However, real world noise is mostly colored and does not affect the speech signal uniformly over the entire spectrum. This method provides a greater degree of flexibility and control on the noise subtraction levels that reduces artifacts in the enhanced speech, resulting in improved speech quality.
Key words: spectrum, noise subtraction. Reference [1] Deller, J. R., Hansen, J. H., and Proaxis, J.
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Vijaya Sugandhi 074-076 12. Transformation of digital and computational architectures Abstract: As the digital infrastructure in cities and buildings are in place, new forms and methods of spatial (location) are also growing. In between computational architectures, such as topological spaces, and non-Euclidean geometry, dynamical systems and developmental movement algorithms are alternative technological architectures. As Peter Zellner said: architecture, has renovated itself.Part of that, is the scientific study of topological geometry, computational part of that, is the production of plastics and part of that, is the creative visualization deals Kinetic space.
The era of information, such as the previous age, the metal industry, challenges not only the design itself but also how these designs are. Creative and productive potential of digital media has created a new dimension in architecture. Reactive Power Compensation In Transmission Line By Using Online Static Var Comensator With Fuzzy Control Method Abstract: The Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) technology is a promising technology to achieve complete deregulation of Power System i.e.
Generation, Transmission and Distribution as the complete individual units. FACTS is based on power electronic devices, used to enhance the existing transmission capabilities in order to make the transmission system flexible and independent in operation. The loading capability of transmission system can also be enhanced nearer to its thermal limit without affecting the stability. Complete closedloop smooth control of reactive power can be achieved using shunt connected FACTS devices. Static VAR Compensator (SVC) is one of the shunt connected FACTS devices, which can be utilized for the purpose of reactivepower compensation. As the Intelligent FACTS devices make them adaptable, it is emerging as the present state of the art n technology. This paper presents the design and simulation of the Fuzzy logic control to vary firing angle of SVC in order to achieve better, smooth and adaptive control of reactive power in transmission systems.
The design, modeling and simulations are carried Reference [1] A.M. Kulkarni, 'Design of power system stabilizer for single-machine system using robust periodic output feedback controller', IEE Proceedings Part – C, Vol.
211 – 216, March 2003. Technical Reports: Papers from Conference Proceedings unpublished): [2] Bart Kosko, 'Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems A Dynamical Systems Approach to Machine Intelligence', Prentice-Hall of India New Delhi, June 1994. [3] Chuen Chien Lee 'Fuzzy Logic in Control Systems: Fuzzy Logic Controller'. Part I and Part II. IEEE transactions on system, man,and cybernetics,vol.20 March/April11990 Electrical Engineering Dept Pontifica Universidad Catolica De CHILE [4] Jaun Dixon,Luis Moran, Jose Rodrfguz,Ricardo Domke 'Reactive power compensation technology state- of- art- review'(invited paper) [5] Narain.
Hingorani, 'Understanding FACTS, Concepts and Technology Of flexible AC Transmission Systems', by IEEE Press USA. Periodicals and Conference Proceedings: [6] S.M.Sadeghzadeh M. Ehsan ' Improvement of Transient Stability Limit in Power System Transmission Lines Using Fuzzy Control of FACTS Devices,IEEE Transactions on Power System Vol.13 No.3,August 1998 [7] SIM Power System User Guide Version 4 MATLAB Manual [8] Timothy J Ross, 'Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications', McGraw-Hill, Inc, New York, 1997. [9] U.Yolac, T.Talcinoz Dept. Of Electronic Eng. Nigde 51200,Turkey 'Comparison Comparison of Fuzzy Logic and PID Controls For TCSC Using MATLAB' M.Apsar Basha 082-085 14.
Determination of The Level of Service in Two Conditions: With and Without the Police, A Case Study in Tehran Abstract: Signalized intersections have a great role in urban transportation and safety. Despite undeniable task of these traffic elements, they are facing many problems such as delays, inappropriate designing, miss using of traffic signs due to locations and dimensions at them. Besides these problems, the existence of traffic police at intersections is not always help to decrease these problems, but also can create more difficulties to the task of signalized intersections which might not obviously visible.
For example the traffic police change cycle time and preventing some direction to cross the intersection and let some others cross which may cause more delays and other difficulties for regular and organized movement of vehicles. This study aims to investigate the above problems and find a solution to decrease them. For this purpose, a unique survey designed to analyze the four intersections in Tehran. These intersections selected from one arterial street and the specification of these intersections are somehow the same. The result shows that by changing the behavior of police in these intersections with correct training of traffic rules, can improve the traffic and decrease the delays. Key words: signalized intersections, police, traffic, delays. Reference [1] Roess.R.,Prassa.
E., Mc Shane, Traffic Engineering book, (Edition 2004, 2011.). [2] Highway Capacity Manual 2010. [3] Webster, F.V. Traffic Signal Settings. Road Research Technical Paper No.
Ali Mansour Khaki, Amir Esmael Forouhid, Mahdi Yazdan panah 086-088 15. A Security Architecture For Intranet Based On Security Area Division Abstract: Aiming at the security requirement of the Intranet that is different from Internet, an security architecture for Intranet is proposed. In physical layer and data link layer, based on network switch the intranet is divided into several parts separated from each other as required. In network layer, making use of the NAT gateway integrated in virtual server the intranet or its part is hidden to ensure its security, and at the same time the other part of the intranet can securely access to the part of hidden resources.
Using reliable IP address management and distribution mechanism the IP addresses are kept from being stolen or abused. In application layer, using bi -directional proxy server each part of the Intranet is separated, but the hosts can access each other based on application and user authority. The security switches are used to connect each separate part of the Intranet, based on application as well as user authorization control to carry out network access control. The security architecture focuses on security guarantee of intranet inside the traditional network boundary, and provides foundation framework to Intranet security which can ensure the reliability, usability, confidentiality, integrity, and maneuverability of the Intranet. Key words: Network Security; NAT Gateway; Bi-directional Pro; IP Address Management Reference [1] D. Hu, Network security. Beijing: Tsinghua university press, 2004.
Eloff, 'Information security architecture', Computer Fraud & Security, vol. 10-16, November of 2005. Gokhale, 'Network security: Typical layout and need for an open systems approach', Journal of the Communications Network, Vol. 46-49, October, 2003. Yao, 'The analysis of network security requirements and security police research', Computer Engineering, Vol.
56-58, June, 2000. Wang, 'Study on placement optimization of web proxies based on genetic algorithm', Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Vol. 373-375, April, 2005. 'Design and implementation of a bidirectional proxy server', Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 760-764, October, 2004. Yan, 'Limitation and solution of current IP address management for Internet', Journal of Shanghai Normal University, Vol.
50-54, January, 2000. Cui, 'Intranet-oriented IP address management system', Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology Vol. 1660-1663, August, 2006. Dou, 'The design and implementation of SOPC-based security Ethernet chip'. China Integrated Circuit, Vol.
11 Mr.G.Rambabu, Mr.B.Hanumatha Rao 089-095 16. A Survey of Vertical Handoff Algorithms to Minimize Probability of False Handoff Abstract: To achieve seamless mobility in unified network of heterogeneous wireless networks, vertical handoff is challenging problem. In this paper, we compare three vertical handoff algorithms, namely, HNE ( Handoff Necessity Estimation ) which determines the necessity of making a handoff to an available network and which works well for WLAN to cellular networks and vice versa, ALIVEHO ( Adaptive Lifetime based Vertical Handoff ) which uses RSS and expected duration after which the MT will be able to maintain its connection with WLAN to decide the vertical handoff and ARSST ( Adaptive RSS Threshold ) which achieves lower false handoff initiation probability and well suited for handoff from WLAN to 3G network. All these three algorithms are based on RSS and minimize the probability of false handoff.
Key words: ALIVEHO, ARSST, False Handoff, HNE, RSS Reference [1] Issaka Hassane Abdoulaziz, Li Renfa and Zeng Fanzi, 'Handoff Necessity Estimation For 4g Heterogeneous Networks', International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques (IJIST) Vol.2, No.1, January 2012. [2] Abhijit Bijwe & C.G.Dethe 'RSS based Vertical Handoff algorithms for Heterogeneous wireless networks - A Review', (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Special Issue on Wireless & Mobile Networks [3] X. 'A traveling distance prediction based method to minimize unnecessary handoffs from cellular networks to WLANs', IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 14–16 [4] Mohanty, S, & Akyildiz, I.F. 'A CrossLayer (layer 2 + 3) Handoff Management Protocol for Next-Generation Wireless Systems', IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. Zahran and B.
Liang, 'ALIVE-HO: Adaptive lifetime vertical handoff for heterogeneous wireless networks,' Technical Report, University of Toronto. Theses: [6] Xiaohuan Yan, 'Optimization of Vertical Handoff Decision Processes for Fourth Generation Heterogeneous Wireless Network's, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering Monash University Australia September 2010 Pallavi Shital Yevale, Santosh S. Sambare 096-105 17. Particle Contamination In A Three Phase Common Enclosure Gas Insulated Bus Duct Abstract: In this context of changing and challenging market requirements, Gas Insulated Substation(GIS) has found a broad range of applications in power systems for more than two decades because of its high reliability, easy maintenance and small ground space requirement etc. SF6 has been of considerable technological interest as an insulation medium in GIS because of its superior insulating properties, high dielectric strength at relatively low pressure and its thermal and chemical stability. SF6 is generally found to be very sensitive to field perturbations such as those caused by conductor surface imperfections and by conducting particle contaminants.
A study of CIGRE group suggests that 20% of failure in GIS is due to the existence of various metallic contaminations in the form of loose particles. The presence of contamination can therefore be a problem with gas insulated substations operating at high fields. If the effects of these particles could be eliminated, then this would improve the reliability of compressed gas insulated substation. It would also offer the possibility of operating at higher fields to affect a potential reduction in the GIS size with subsequent savings in the cost of manufacture and installation.
The purpose of this paper is to develop techniques, which will formulate the basic equations that will govern the movement of metallic particles like aluminum, copper in a coated as well as uncoated busduct. Key words: GIS, Busduct, Particle Contamination Reference [1] H Cookson, PC Bolin, HC Doepken, RE Wootton, CM Cooke, JG Trump; 'Recent Research in the United States on the Effect of Particle Contamination Reducing the Breakdown Voltage in Compressed Gas Insulated System'; Int. On Large High Voltage System; Paris, 1976. [2] H.Anis, KD Srivastava; 'Breakdown Characteristics of Dielectric Coated Electrodes in Sulphur Hexafluoride Gas with Particle Contamination', Sixth International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering No. 32.06, New Orleans, LA, USA. Srivastava, and S.M.
Gubanski 'Dynamics of Metallic particle contamination in GIS with dielectric coating electrodes', IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Vol. 2, April 2000 p.p. Radhakrishna, S. Kamakshiah 'Determination of particle trajectory in a Gas Insulated Busduct predicted by Monte-Carlo technique', CEIDP, 1999 during 17-21 st October 1999, Texas, Austin, USA. Amarnath et al., 'Influence of Power Frequency and Switching Impulse Voltage on Particle Movement in GIS – Predicted by Monte-Carlo Technique' International IEEE, High Voltage Workshop, during April 18-21, 2001, Calfornia, USA. Amarnath et al., 'Influence of Power Frequency and Impulse Voltage on Motion of Metallic particle in a coated GIS – predicted by Monte-Carlo Technique' 6 th International Seminar on Electrical and Electronics Insulating Materials and Systems (IEEMA) during November 23-24, 2000, Hyderabad, INDIA [7] J.
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However conventional DTC suffers from high torque ripple and variable switching frequency. This paper, propose a method to reduce torque fluctuations, where the circular flux vector is divided into twelve sectors and is compared with conventional DTC method where the flux vector is divided into six. The twelve sectors DTC method is simulated by using MATLAB/simulink package which represent the reduction of torque repulsions Key words: Induction machine, DTC, Twelve sector Reference [1] Bose B.K, 'Modern Power electronics and AC Drives', Prentice Hall, 2002 [2] Rashid M.H, 'Power Electronics Circuits, Devices and application', Pearson education, third edition, 2004. Takahashi and T. 'A new quick response and high efficiency control strategy for an induction motor'. Industry Applications. 820-827, Sept/Oct 1986.
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The new design has incorporated an in-built mechanism that will extend some part of the module surface outwards near to the periphery of the base of the module. The design, mechanism, material and other details are discussed in succeeding sections.
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This tool will be able to help generate the code for the suitable design pattern. Key words: Design Pattern, Safety-Critical Real-Time Systems, Non-Functional Requirements, Safety-Critical Systems Reference [1] Design Pattern Representation for SafetyCritical Embedded Systems, Ashraf Armoush, Falk Salewski, Stefan Kowalewski, J.Software Engineering & Application,2009, 2:1-12,Published Online April 2009 in SciRes(, Scientific Research Publishing. [2] Design Patterns for Safety-Critical Embedded System, Ashraf Armoush, 2010. [3] Design patterns to implement safety and Fault Tolerance, Hemangi Gawand, R.S,Mundada, P.Swaminathn, International Journal of Computer Applications(0975 – 8887), Volume 18- No. 2, March 2011.
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Eigenvectors are computed for these matrices. Global feature vector is generated and used for face recognition. Experiments performed on benchmark face database (YALE) Indicated that the proposed hybrid approach has better recognition performance in terms of average recognized rate and retrieval time compared to existing methods. Key words: Sub-pattern, Eigenvectors Reference [1.] M.Turk, A.pentland,Eigen faces for Recognition, j.Cognitive eurosci.3(1)(1991)71-86 [2.] M.Turk,A.Pentland, Facerecognition using eigenfaces, in:Proceedings of IEEEConference on ComputerVisionandPatternRecognition,1991, pp.586–591. [3.] W.Zhao,R.Chellappa,R.J.Phillips,A.Rosenfel d,Facerecognition:aliteraturesurvey,ACMCo mput.Surv.35(4)(2003)399–458.
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This paper makes a survey on the present developmental status and details the design features of networking mobile robots using embedded system based control. It is intended to use this work as basis for future research work in the area of cooperative behavior of mobile robots. Key words: Mobile Robot, Embedded System, Control, Network, Microcontroller, Vision system Reference [1] John J Craig, 'Introduction to Robotics – Mechanics and Control', Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2009 [2] Robert J Schilling, 'Fundamentals of Robotics – Analysis and Control', Prentice Hall of India Ltd., 2007 [3] Chris Morgan, 'Robots – Planning and Implementation', IFS Publications [4] C.Justin, Rafael Fierro, 'Mobile robotic sensors for perimeter detection and tracking', ISA Transactions, Vol. 46, Issue 1, pp. 3-13, 2007 [5] Junichi Shibata, Genichi Yasuda, & Hiroyuki Takai.
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Stream Data Mining and Comparative Study of Classification Algorithms Abstract: Stream Data Mining is a new emerging topic in the field of research. Today, there are number of application that generate Massive amount of stream data. Examples of such kind of systems are Sensor networks, Real time surveillance systems, telecommunication systems.
Hence there is requirement of intelligent processing of such type of data that would help in proper analysis and use of this data in other task even. Mining stream data is concerned with extracting knowledge structures represented in models and patterns in non stopping streams of information [1]. Such massive data are handled with software such as MOA (Massive Online Analysis) or other open sources like Data Miner. In this paper we present some theoretical aspects of stream data mining and certain experimental results obtained on that basis with the use of MOA. Key words: Stream, Stream Data Mining, Intelligent-processing, MOA (Massive Online Analysis), Continuous Data.
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A CPU combined with GPU, can deliver better system performance, price, and power. The version 2 of Microsoft's Accelerator offers an efficient way for applications to implement array-processing operations. These operations use the parallel processing capabilities of multi-processor computers. CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model created by NVIDIA. CUDA provides both lower and a higher level APIs. Key words: GPU, GPU Programming CUDA, CUDA API, CGMA ratio, CUDA Memory Model, Accelerator, Data Parallel Arrays Reference [1] [2] files/Cruz _gpuComputing09.pdf [3] elerator_i ntro.docx 4:06 PM [4] 3:52 PM [5] uda_docs/NVIDIA_CUDA_ProgrammingG uide_2.3.pdf [6] De Donno, D.; Esposito, A.; Tarricone, L.; Catarinucci, L. Antennas and Propagation Magazine, IEEE Volume: 52, Issue: 3, ―Introduction to GPU Computing and CUDA Programming: A Case Study on FDTD [EM Programmer's Notebook]‖ Stevina Dias, Sherrin Benjamin, Mitchell D'silva, Lynette Lopes 225-230 32.
Performance Analysis Of Effect Of Directional Antennas On Energy In Routing Protocol Abstract: In this paper we have presented an analytical model for power-aware, multi-hop wireless network nodes equipped with antennas such as omni directional, steerable and switched beam antennas. Complexity is day by day increasing of routing between the nodes because of highly dynamic nature of the mobile ad hoc network results due to frequent change in network topology. However, it may be possible to improve the network Congestion by using directional antennas. To find out which directional antenna gives better performance for mobile ad hoc networks, In this paper, we compare and analyze different directional antennas for various routing protocols such as DSR, OLSR, ZRP which comprise a good mix of reactive, proactive and hybrid protocols. To determined the average jitter, average end to end delay and throughput for application layer and power consumption between nodes in physical layer by using omni- directional, steerable and switched beam antennas. We are using Random waypoint mobility with rectangular frame in this simulation which is done with the QualNet 5.01 simulator.
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In this work two methods using DC Power flow and AC power flow have been attempted. GGDF method and Bialek Tracing method. Bialek Tracing method applies AC power flow and considers apparent power flows. The technique presented in this work is related to the allocation of the cost to GENCO's TRANSCO's and DISCO's. A technique for tracing the flow of electricity of lines among generators with GGDF and Bialek upstream looking algorithm is proposed. With these methods correct economic signals are generated for all players.
All these methods are tested on 6 bus systems Key words: Bialek, Bus, DISCO's, GGDF, Generation, TRANSCO's Transmission Reference [1] Mohamed A.M. Shaaban ―Cost-based Pricing of Transmission System Services: An Overview‖Port Fouard 42523, Port Said, EGYPT [2] Mohammed Shahidehpour, Hatim Yamin, Zuyi Li, ―Market Operations in Electric Power System Forecasting, Scheduling and Risk Mangements‖, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Newyork [3] J. Bialek, ―Tracing the Flow of Electricity,‖ IEE Proc.-Genet Trunsm, Distrib,Vol. 4, pp.313320,July 1996. [4] Niranjankumar, student member IEEE Y.R.V.Reddy, Devadutta das, N.P.Padhy, senior member IEEE2001―Transmission cost allocation y using MW-Mile approaches in restructured Indian powersystem‖ [5] DariushShirmohammadi,MarioV.P.Pereira, power system research ― Some fundamental technical concepts about cost based transmission pricing ―1995 IEEE [6] J.W. Bialek and P.A.
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We are combining communication technology and GSM technology. Whole traffic routes and timing information is kept in USB per drive and connected to S3C2440A, it communicates with GSM and responds to the queries by getting the information from its USB port pen drive.GSM will reply to those queries by using AT commands.