Cosmic Rays Particle Physics Gaisser Pdf Creator
Abstract Spectrum of cosmic rays follows a broken power law over twelve orders of magnitude. Since ubiquitous power laws are manifestations of the principle of least action, we interpret the spectrum accordingly. Our analysis complies with understanding that low-energy particles originate mostly from rapidly receding sources throughout the cosmos. The flux peaks about proton rest energy whereafter it decreases because fewer and fewer receding sources are energetic enough to provide particles with high enough velocities to compensate for the recessional velocities.
Above 10 15.6 eV the flux from the expanding Universe diminishes below the flux from the nearby nonexpanding part of the Universe. In this spectral feature, known as the “knee,” we relate to a distance of about 1.3 Mpc where the gravitational potential tallies the energy density of free space. At higher energies particles decelerate in a dissipative manner to attain thermodynamic balance with the vacuum. At about 10 17.2 eV a distinct dissipative mechanism opens up for protons to slow down by electron-positron pair production.
Tomtom Navigator 5 1 Cracking. Goudy Old Style T Bold Download. At about 10 19.6 eV a more effective mechanism opens up via pion production. All in all, the universal principle discloses that the broad spectrum of cosmic rays probes the structure of space from cosmic distances down to microscopic details.

Advances in High Energy Physics. Volume 2013, Article ID 641584, 9 pages Research Article. Design Study of an Underground Detector for Measurements of the Differential Muon Flux. Bogdan Mitrica. Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering-IFIN HH, P.O..