Create Driver Packages Sccm 2012

Create Driver Packages Sccm 2012Create Driver Packages Sccm 2012

In SCCM 2012, there is now only one real method of importing “good drivers”, which is importing the drivers into the database. However, there are still. Grab all these drivers from the original manufacturer website (i.e. Intel, Broadcom, etc); Create a driver package for these drivers and use auto-apply for.

For an SCCM 2012 version of this article, go to My existing articles on this site point to a great post by the deployment guys on driver management – however i still get asked a lot, which driver management methodology do i use. Well here it is Driver types Drivers can very broadly be split into two categories: • Good Drivers: Drivers which come in an inf/sys/cat format and can be installed on systems easily • Bad Drivers: Drivers which come with a setup program and must be installed (common examples are laptop Bluetooth drivers) It is very important that the driver type is correctly identified. Many drivers come in an.exe format, but can be extracted to expose the inf/sys/cat files.

Whenever working with drivers, you should always try and install everything possible as a “good” driver. Sorry mike, you’ve lost me there.

SATA troubling with OSD? How, what etc? If the drivers aren’t included in the PE3 image – add them to the boot image. With Vista and Win7, i dont see how OS mass storage drivers could be any easier. XP, yep, pain in the arse.

But theres just one additional step that can sometimes be a little finnicky – but definately do-able (and its just the price we pay becase this type of deployment wasnt around when XP’s installer was being created) Whats the exact problem your having? Comment by hayesjupe — September 21, 2010 @ •. Hi, This is a fantastic article. You have also touched on an SCCM issue I am facing. I have realtek WLAN driver ( a beta version) I want to use in a build. I have tried to include this in to the build using a Driver Package and also by injecting.

However after the build I see an older version ofthe driver being reported in Device manager!!! I have done my very best to get rid of the old driver from where I could see it within SCCM. Yet after the build it appears. I have also used DISM directly and checked if the WIM file had the driver — It didn’t have it. So I injected the beta driver.

Still after build I get the old driver. I am not sure where and what to do now Please help.

Thanks in advance. Comment by — November 10, 2011 @ •. Hey Nalin that can be a couple of things that i can think of: 1. The “old” driver hasnt been removed from the driver package – even if you have removed it from the database.

If your using “apply driver package” the database doesnt matter. The “old” driver is actually the windows driver. And its just that the beta driver isnt being picked up as a newer driver.

This is more likely IMO. On a machine which has the device you want to use the beta driver for, look up the hardware id in device manager, then open the driver inf and look for that PNP ID, if there isnt a match – theres your problem. Quickest way to “fix” it is to manually update the inf with the exact PNP ID of the hardware. Then it will definately use that driver Comment by hayesjupe — November 10, 2011 @ •.

Running without “auto apply dirvers didn’t work and it actually applied an older driver ( perhaps one already in the WIM.) I also checked the Hardware ID and ( there are 4 of them). One of them is in the.inf file.

I will have to build and capture as it looks like as usual SCCM is driving me a bit loopy. Only people like you, with your helpful blogs can throw a light on the SCCM beast. It can wear one down. Thanks again in advance for any helpful hints you can give me on this. Comment by — November 10, 2011 @ •. Mate, you’ll be better off at a forum style enviornment such as than posting this stuff as a comment on my blog! (forums are designed for many people to support you, blogs arent!) Anyhoo – you’ve lost me on a few things there.

When you were talking about manually injecting driver. I dont undersdtand why you would do that, since SCCM does it for you, in both the boot wim and the OS wim. So whatever you have done there – get rid of it – it will be confusing things. You still havent mentioned if the “older” driver is actually the microsoft supplied driver – as that will explain it – if you have removed the “old” driver from all your packages and the drivers section of SCCM – it can only be the MS default driver.

Flat out – if the hardware ID of the hardware is in the inf – and the driver is either imported or in an “apply dirver package” step (and is the right driver) – it will work. Have you made sure you have the correct driver by manually installing it on an already build windows 7 box? Additionally, this is the type of thing i could probably solve in 5 minutes on site so – surely you have a local SCCM consultant in your part of the world that you could call upon. A fresh set of eyes on an issue is always handy. Comment by hayesjupe — November 11, 2011 @ •. I think you need to add an additional driver type, ther should be good, bad and UGLY!

The Realtek Audio driver for XP seems to me to be an ugly driver, as in XP it will install correctly as a normal driver and also using the setup.exe bootstrap, however in both those scenarios, there is no sound from the device, the audio device does not function correctly. The only workaround is to install the setup.exe as a user (as opposed to above which uses the local system account), there is obviously something required by XP which occurs when installing using the setup.exe. Another reason to ditch XPjust 9500 XP machines to go.

Comment by Mike — July 3, 2012 @ •.

Ok on a different connection it downloaded an X260 Lenovo driver for Win 7 x64. However it failed to extract and I had the following errors: C:windowssystem32>PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command “& ‘C:UsersAndrewDownloadsMicrosoftDriverDownloadTool.ps1′” You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.

At C:UsersAndrewDownloadsMicrosoftDriverDownloadTool.ps1:432 char:34 + ne “MDT”) { $DriverPackageRoot = ($PackagePath.Trimend(“”) + “$Make + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: InvokeMethodOnNull Exception calling “Substring” with “2” argument(s): “Length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length” At C:UsersAndrewDownloadsMicrosoftDriverDownloadTool.ps1:497 char:5 + $DriverPackageDir = ($DriverCab Split-Path -Leaf).Subst + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: ArgumentOutOfRangeException Get-Process: Cannot find a process with the name “tp_x260_w732_201601”. Verify the process name and call the cmdlet again. At C:UsersAndrewDownloadsMicrosoftDriverDownloadTool.ps1:756 char:18 + While (Get-Process -Name $DriverProcess) + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: ObjectNotFound: (tp_x260_w732_201601:String) [Get-Process], ProcessCommandException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: NoProcessFoundForGivenName,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetProcessCommand along with popup Webpage Errors: (line: 2 Error: “I” is undefined), (Line: 2 Error: the value property “$” is null or undefined, not a function object), (Line: 1 Error: ‘jQuery’ is undefined) •. 03 March 2017 09:48:53 Logging Running.

Hi Victor, I have just ran through downloading the “HP Elite Slide” as per your query and it created the folders and package successfully. There was an issue with a large number of HP driver packages not performing a silent extract up to a couple of days ago, so you might clear out any previously download files and directories then try it again as HP have since resolved this issue. If you are still experiencing issues let me know the OS and Architecture you are using and I will attempt to replicate / recreate the issue. First – great tool. I was able to import a number of older Dell Laptops in my SCCM. However, newer laptops, like the Dell Latitude E5540 and E5470 all prompt errors like below when importing.

Any help would be appreciated! New-Item: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. At C: Users ********Desktop DriverDownloadTool.ps1:874 char:12 + New-Item -Type dir -Path $DriverPackageDest + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: NotSpecified: (:) [New-Item], NullReferenceException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: System.NullReferenceException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewItemCommand WARNING: Configuration Manager cannot import the specified driver. Verify that the driver exists in the specified location and that the SMS Provider computer has Read permissions to the specified shared folder.

Import-CMDriver: Configuration Manager cannot import the specified driver. Verify that the driver exists in the specified location and that the SMS Provider computer has Read permissions to the specified shared folder. At C: Users ********* Desktop DriverDownloadTool.ps1:908 char:28 + $DriverInfo = Import-CMDriver -UncFileLocation ($DriverINF.FullName + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (Microsoft.ConfirtDriverCommand:ImportDriverCommand) [Import-CMDr er], InvalidOperationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: ImportError,Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Cmdlets.Osd.Commands.ImportDriverCommand •. Thanks for providing this tool.

However, I am running into an issue when trying to use it. Upon running it from PS ISE (run as Admin) on our SCCM server the window loads but the “Site Code” box is empty and uneditable.

Site Server populates just fine. If I click “Connect to SCCM,” I get the error “SCCM Server Specified Not Found” in the Job Process Log and the following in PS ISE: Test-WSMan: The WinRM client sent a request to an HTTP server and got a response saying the requested HTTP URL was not available.

This is usually returned by a HTTP server that does not support the WS-Management protocol. At C: DriverDownloader DriverDownloadTool.ps1:1383 char:8 + If ((Test-WSMan -ComputerName $SiteServer).wsmid -ne $null) + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (OC-SCCM-SRV01:String) [Test-WSMan], InvalidOperationExcepti on + FullyQualifiedErrorId: WsManError,Microsoft.WSMan.Management.TestWSManCommand Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Principles Of Marketing By Philip Kotler 13th Edition Ppt Viewer.

So I was able to run it successfully on a different computer. However, upon selecting the Dell checkbox and clicking “Find Models” I get the messages: INFO: Found 27 Known Dell Models followed by INFO: No Dell Models Found. If you are using a proxy Additionally, the following is output in PowerShell: Start-BitsTransfer: The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network.

The specified service does not exist. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800704DD) At C: Temp DriverDownloadTool.ps1:2825 char:7 + Start-BitsTransfer -Source $DellXMLCabinetSource -Destina + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: NotSpecified: (:) [Start-BitsTransfer], COMException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException,Microsoft.BackgroundIntelligentTransfer.Mana gement.NewBitsTransferCommand Get-Content: Cannot find path ‘C: Users CLAKE-~1 AppData Local Temp DriverPackCatalog.xml’ because it does not exist. At C: Temp DriverDownloadTool.ps1:2838 char:26 + [xml]$DellModelXML = Get-Content -Path $env:TEMP $DellXMLFile + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: ObjectNotFound: (C: Users CLAKE-PackCatalog.xml:String) [Get-Content], ItemNotFoundEx ception + FullyQualifiedErrorId: PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetContentCommand You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. At C: Temp DriverDownloadTool.ps1:2840 char:5 + $DellModelXML.GetType().FullName + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: InvokeMethodOnNull •. Hi Maurice, Great tool, thanks for making it available to the community! I downloaded several Dell driver packs with it, most downloaded and imported with no issue, but on some models (for example E6420, E6430) there are multiple entries listed in the “Manufacturer Selection” tab.

This appears to be for different versions, like ATG and XFR, but the tool does not distinguish between these in the list. Also, I had 2 models which did not download the driver cabs (E6420, E6430). From the log it seems that the URL is malformed: SCCM: Downloading from URL: FOLDER03479583M/1/E6430S-WIN7-A11-Y8FD3.CAB The E6430s model downloaded to 76%, then seemed to stop, skip the import step and move to the next model in the list: SCCM: Downloaded 579584 kB of 771790 kB (75%). Next update in 30 seconds. SCCM: Downloaded 585728 kB of 771790 kB (76%). Next update in 30 seconds.

SCCM: Driver Revision: A11 Starting Download,Extract And Import Processes For Dell Model: Latitude E6440 •. Nice tool, I really want to use it but I receive always the same error when the script tries to import the drivers. New-Item: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. At D: sccm_dml tools Driver Automation Tool DriverDownloadTool. Transmission Qt Windows 64 Bit Download. ps1:996 char:12 + New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $DriverPackageDest + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo: NotSpecified: (:) [New-Item], NullReferenceException + FullyQualifiedErrorId: System.NullReferenceException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewItemCommand •.