Fifa 14 I68 Regenerator Download
Gan, sebenarnya kraknya ini sudah tidak ada lagi issue red card, no more shaking camera, sy coba gamenya career maupun friendly, tidak ada masalah dengan kartu merah, bahkan saya sengaja tekle keras, wasit tidak keluarkan kartu sempat coba di kotak penalty, dapat penalty tapi tidak sampai kartu merah. Kuncinya adalah di Update! Kebetulan ane punya dari 3DM disuntik ke ORIGIN, dan memang kalau main ori, semuanya serba Update. Persoalannya file manakah yang diupdate?????? Kalau ada agan yang mau berbaik hati, share ORInya yang sudah diupdate, akan sangat membantu. Gan Mohon bantuannya. Ane sudah download semua yang ada di pejwan.

Ane gunain yang ini 'FIFA 14 Ultimate Edition Multi14 - Full Unlocked'. Terus ane download krack yang ini di pejwan dari agan '@noniinocha' ane udah ngikutin tutrialnya di pejwan 'Tutorial cara Install+nge-krack' tapi kenapa ane mau mainin file fifa14.exe g bisa di klik ya gan. G keluar apa2 sama sekali. Tapi kalau yang fifa14origin (sebelum ada kracknya) masih bisa keliar muncul eror 'we so an has error ocured' itu kenapa ya ga?
Apr 20, 2014 - 13 min - Uploaded by Vito di IrbitoUp next. How To Regenerate FIFA 14 ➥ FIFA 17/18 Patches ✪ [ 3 Softwares ] + Download Links. Aug 20, 2016. The new i68 Controller is now compatible with FIFA 16 and it includes the following features: LAUNCHER – allows you to start the game in online/offline modes (preserving edits as much as possible) and to manage up to five installations of the game simultaneously. REGENERATOR – with which you can.

Mohon penjelasannya dunk. Ane udah g sabar pengan main makasih 08:27 08:27. Quote: Original Posted By apsatama Gan tolongi ane donk. Punya ane window 7 32bit,tp knp ya setelah copy krack n lain.lain,malah ngga ada respon apa.apa. Mohon info'y gan Quote: Original Posted By koboyoke Gan Mohon bantuannya.
Ane sudah download semua yang ada di pejwan. Ane gunain yang ini 'FIFA 14 Ultimate Edition Multi14 - Full Unlocked'. Terus ane download krack yang ini di pejwan dari agan '@noniinocha' ane udah ngikutin tutrialnya di pejwan 'Tutorial cara Install+nge-krack' tapi kenapa ane mau mainin file fifa14.exe g bisa di klik ya gan.
G keluar apa2 sama sekali. Tapi kalau yang fifa14origin (sebelum ada kracknya) masih bisa keliar muncul eror 'we so an has error ocured' itu kenapa ya ga? Mohon penjelasannya dunk. Ane udah g sabar pengan main makasih ya agan ane juga ngalamai seperti ini. Tunggu tutor dari mastah2 di sini aza gan. Quote: Original Posted By joxphay Gan, sebenarnya kraknya ini sudah tidak ada lagi issue red card, no more shaking camera, sy coba gamenya career maupun friendly, tidak ada masalah dengan kartu merah, bahkan saya sengaja tekle keras, wasit tidak keluarkan kartu sempat coba di kotak penalty, dapat penalty tapi tidak sampai kartu merah. Kuncinya adalah di Update!
Kebetulan ane punya dari 3DM disuntik ke ORIGIN, dan memang kalau main ori, semuanya serba Update. Persoalannya file manakah yang diupdate?????? Kalau ada agan yang mau berbaik hati, share ORInya yang sudah diupdate, akan sangat membantu. Coba deh ente main career. Pasti kejadian Quote: Original Posted By winrararchiver gan, cara beli pemain di manager mode gimana ya?
Kalo english ente lancar ane rasa gak ada masalah gan 08:34 08:34. Medal Of Honor Warfighter Download Full on this page. Fifa14 i68Regenerator 4.1 Quote: Author: iard68 Current Version: 4.1 Date: 26/10/13 MAIL: FACEBOOK: please, put a 'like' on i68Creations. I68Regenerator is a simple and user friendly tool to rebuild EASports Fifa Series indexes (.BH) files. Application takes care of your modding work: this means that chosing the appropriate option, new BH files will not contain references to all files you have edited and stored directly in folders, also when original files is even contained in your BIG archives! Due to the file management that is becoming more and more complex and it becomes necessary to intervene on many archives, located in different folders, I added the ability to choose which files to work on and which do not. The program will remember your choices and will suggest them, next time, as default.
Solidworks 2005 Torrent Crack Microsoft. You can delete references for specific groups of files: it is an opportunity that will prove useful for those who want to play online with the graphic changes compatible, but, above all, it will save a lot of time to those who are used to edit many files, that will not have to re-run anymore, the complete process of updating. The program now integrates seamlessly with the Scouser09 Revolution Mod and the Jenkey's File Loader: when they are recognized in the system the software acts accordingly, avoiding unnecessary operations with evident benefits in terms of speed of the procedure. The use of i68Regenerator continues to provide stability to your editing work, while preserving especially the most inexperienced, from many errors.
I68Regenerator speaks now english, italian, spanish and polish! Because of the difficulties in dealing with non-Western characters, I had to give up to add non-European languages.
Webmasters who wish to add other languages (Roman alphabet), may use the template file attached to the program to translate the strings from english, and send it (with the logo of the site, better.) to me! Within a few days, I will return one new version of the program that will use the new language as default. By clicking the right mouse button, you can set any path as new main game folder. This option is useful for those who love to play in several ways, with more than one version installed at the same time, allowing them to rebuild the indexes correctly and independently for each version. Now, is available a new special version 'autorun' specially designed for modders who want to distribute the program, together with their work.
Once launched, this version will run the complete process of regeneration and synchronization of the indexes and then will close automatically. Project was developed under Microsoft Windows 8 operating system, and also tested succesfully under Microsoft Windows Seven. Framework 4.5 is required so, unfortunately, the tool can no longer run under the old good Windows XP! The great FifaFS Tool by Mania Software is used to perform operations. All documentation is included according to the author's rules and there is no better opportunity than this, to express all my personal gratitude for this fantastic job that, from many years (even!!!), allows the whole fifa community to enjoy editing the game easily. As always, many thanks to for it's great modding projects, software and patches distribution. Special thanks to my friends outsider87 (Fabio) ac12 (Carlo) and fifaccitiu (Antonio), for their valuable, timely cooperation and debug work.
Final notes As always, Fifa14 i68Regenerator is freeware and is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied warranty. In no event, shall the author be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, due to the use of this software. History: 4.0.0 - first version for Fifa14 4.0.1 - restored compatibility for Windows XP systems - minor improvements 4.1.0 - ultimate version for Fifa14 - improved integration with Rev.Mod and File Loader ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fifa14 i68Regenerator 4.1 Autorun special version of the Fifa14 i68Regenerator, auto-executable, designed specifically for modders! _____________ Version 4.0.1 __________________________________ 08:39 08:39. Quote: Original Posted By Son.Go.Ku matiin booking di game setting rule gan ane work coba dulu deh bagi yg g bisa analog kanannya: 1. Buka regedit 2. Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER ->System->CurrentControlS et->Control->MediaProperties ->PrivateProperties->Joystick->OEM 3.
Ada registry namanya OEMNAME, klik 2 kali trus ganti value datanya (di ane 'Twin USB Vibration Gamepad') jadi 'Hama Flashlight Pad' tanpa kutip 4. Close regedit 5. Di fifaconfig nya pilih 'logitech F510 Type' 6.