How To Crack Puk Code Of Idea Sim

Originally Published in June 2016, and updating so far. Last Updated: Today. Before we go further, I would like to make one thing clear SIM Card Cloning is illegal. This tutorial should be used for educational purposes only. After this, you can be able to Clone SIM Card easily but don’t harm others. Mobile Phone is everybody’s need, people mostly do their confidential talks over cell phones, But only some of them know how easy it is to eavesdrop them, there are some tricks and hacks to do that, but the most powerful way is to clone their SIM Card. Details of a SIM Card The main mission in cloning a SIM Card is to get KI and IMSI codes, these codes are the identifier of the SIM Card, and help you register your mobile to the network.

How To Crack Puk Code Of Idea Sim

Is your BSNL sim Locked?? Asking for PUK code?? Don't worry!! Don't Waste your time to call bsnl customer care. Here I am come with simple solution for your BSNL puk code.Just send this sms to the following number. Example: PUK 461288001. what will happen if u tried to 'carrrier unlock' and failed 10times? Sim locked failed 3 times = sim puk locked down till telco provide sim unlock code. Phone locked failed 10 times = phone wipe and after what happens. I got no idea. Carrier locked failed 10 times = phone permanently locked?

How To Clone SIM Card in 20 Minutes By extracting these two secret codes from the SIM and program it into a new blank smart card. Since the operator authentication on SIM is based on these values, it enables us to fool the operators in thinking that it’s the original SIM, this authentication is a flaw with the GSM technology. What Can You Do When You Clone SIM card? Well There are many things to do when you clone a SIM Card, You can secretly spy on the victim’s calls and data transfers, make him mobile bill go crazy, send messages and make calls from his number, All without touching the victim’s Cell Phone.

Things Required: Blank Programmable SIM Card: A SIM Firmware Reader/Writer: Download and install: Download and install: Access to the victim’s SIM for about 15 to 20 minutes 😉 Note: The given links are not affiliate (-_-) Let’s get start cloning SIM card Step 1: Remove the SIM from the phone, place it in the card reader, click read from the card in magic SIM. When it displays ‘connected’, select crack SIM in the toolbar. Step 2: Click strong KI and select all of the other find options and then click start. Once your KI is found and the crack is finished, click the file, save as and save your cracked SIM info to a file. Step 3: You must click disconnect from the file menu or you will ruin your SIM card.

[Important, Otherwise SIM will crack] Step 4: Once it says disconnected. Remove the SIM. Put the SIM in your phone and see if it still works, it should.

(If not, either you did not unlock your SIM, or you tried to copy it instead of crack and save.) Unlock SIM Card Go in phone tools, select SIM card, then select unlock SIM, it will prompt for a code. Call network provider, they will ask for your phone number, your account info, name, and security code, then they will ask why you want to unlock your SIM card, just tell them you need to unlock your SIM to get it to work with your overseas phone or something. Once they give you the SIM unlock code, enter it, and it will say SIM unlocked. Step 5: Insert blank SIM card and open USB SIM Card Reader Software not magic SIM at this point. Step 6: Click connect. It should say ‘No Info Found’ if it is truly blank. Step 7: Select write to SIM, it will prompt you to select a.dat file, select the one you saved earlier. Step 8: Now click start, it will take about 10 minutes to write it, once it is complete, it will ask for a security code, enter the security code the network provider gave you, then click Finish.

DONE: You have successfully cloned a SIM Card. Conclusion Now when somebody calls the victim, Both of the mobiles will ring, same will happen in the case of SMS, But only one can pick up the call. It should be noted that if you try to make two calls at the same time, one will connect; the other will say call failed, both phones will get the same messages, text, and voice, and both will receive the same calls, but only one can talk at a time. I would like to clone a SIM-card for mobile internet and not for GSM/Phone calls/3g/4g. Some internet providers provide twin and triple cards. This ISP doesnt.

I would like to make my own twin card; and have one card in a 4g router in my home and one card in my dual SIM phone. The ISP would probably not give away this SIM unlock code the writer of this article refers to. Why would they? It is some times phones that are locked to certain operators but I have never heard of codes for sim cards.

Anyone follow? Have a stupid question for you, When you say Call network provider for the code to unlock the SIM card, does each SIM card have there own unlock code? Is that code different than the one used for voice mail? We had issues with BTC and we couldn’t unlock and do a lot with the cell phone we just purchased and she gave us the number 1234 and we were able to move forward with programming the phone. In the Bahamas they are very suspicious with every phone call.

So I don’t want to setup any red flags.

I often bump into ads in which somebody states that a company can clone your SIM card, or that some wise-guy has the gear needed to clone a SIM card. A slight variation is made by the ads that state that one can make a SIM card hold more than one SIM card [i.e. If you have two SIMs, you can migrate them into one, thus there will be no need to switch cards when you feel like switching numbers or mobile operators]. Why cloning a SIM card is impossible? [for a usual human being like you and me] Because a SIM card is a smart card, it has an operating system, a microprocessor and a file system. On top of that, it has a great authentication mechanism that allows the card to determine which actions can be carried out [and which ones cannot] by a specific user.

Yes – it is similar to an OS with multiple users, in which an administrator [or root] can do anything, while somebody else [say, Guest] can only read a limited number of files. A SIM card is made of directories that hold files, each file has its own use, for instance, one of them holds your address book, another one – your SMS archive, etc. These files can be read by us – mobile phone owners. There are also system files, such as the ones that contain information about the secret keys used by the phone to connect to the mobile network. Such data are critical, and they cannot be changed by the user – i.e. In order to clone a SIM card, every single file must be read, including the ones that hold the low-level secret information.

But, as you’ve probably figured out by now – the card’s protection mechanism will simply not allow that data to be read. Just imagine that you’re logged on as a guest, and you want to copy some files that only an administrator can access.

For obvious reasons – you will fail. So, if you really want to clone a SIM card, you need to “log on as an administrator”. Simple - but not possible for the end-user. Here are some extra facts that should help you understand why things are so. When you buy a SIM card, the operator gives you the SIM card itself, and several codes: PIN, PUK [sometimes also PIN2, and PUK2].

The card is already formatted, meaning that its file system is created and it already contains some data. The PIN is something that allows you to “log on as a guest” and use the resources such as the address book. So there’s no way you can clone the card - insufficient privileges. But how do mobile operators make changes to the card? As stated earlier, a SIM card is just a smart card with a special format. Assume the mobile operator buys a thousand smart cards that are 100% empty. From the very beginning, the card manufacturer gives the provider the so called transport key (a.k.a issuer key), which is what is needed in order to perform any operation with the card.

Afterwards, a person from the GSM operator formats the cards, creates the needed files, assigns the PINs, etc. And then the SIM cards end up on the shelves of stores and boutiques. The conclusion is that the SIM card’s transport key is what you need in order to be able to actually clone it.

But the problem is that the key is kept secret, for obvious reasons. Think about all the damage that could be done, all the financial scams, and so on. Visual Foxpro Serial Communication Software here. So, when somebody says they can clone a SIM card, it is very likely to be a false claim, unless that person is an employee of the mobile operator, and has access to the transport keys. Even in that case, you can be sure that it is illegal, because no employee is allowed to disclose such information and use it for personal purposes.

But what about brute-force attacks? Those won’t work, because a GSM SIM card [like any other smart card] will lock itself if an invalid PIN is entered a certain number of times. Afterwards, you can still unlock the card with the PUK, but if that fails too – the card will permanently lock itself. Meaning that its data are not available, gone, nada, zilch! Technically, it is possible, all you need is a (or a ), and a hell of a lot of luck – so that you could guess the right key before the card locks itself. But let’s face it; the chance to succeed is probably much smaller than the chance of a pink unicorn materializing right now, right behind you!

You might also want to know some additional, available on. Back to our money-making wise-guys – most often, the ad goes like this: “SIM card clones, any operator, any country”. Now that’s a bold statement!

If it was just a once in a lifetime deal, somebody who can clone a SIM card of a single operator (where they used to work, but got fired, and now they fight back) – it would’ve been more credible. But being able to clone any SIM card means that all the transport keys of all the mobile operators have been compromised, and nobody noticed that. Some pseudo-statistics No, I am not a statistician, but I did do a minor research, which included questioning almost everybody I know (who is technically literate).

It turns out that everybody heard about people who clone SIM cards, but nobody has ever seen the process of cloning, or a home-made^ two-in-one SIM card in action. With that said, ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case.

^ - Strictly home-made, because it makes sense when the operator itself provides such a service [which is not an uncommon thing]. Macklemore White Privilege more. Trode, you'd be right, if you weren't wrong. Smart cards are designed in such a way that you cannot read the raw data in a bit-by-bit fashion.

If you are a programmer, this analogy may work: there's a class with some data in it, the data attribute is private and cannot be accessed by an outsider. There are some public functions, such as ReadData and WriteData, they will provide access to some parts of the information, if you provide the correct access credentials. In other words, there is no way to read that information directly, you can only do so through the intermediate functions, which enforce the security rules. You can try to reverse engineer a SIM card, if you have some sophisticated equipment that can copy molecules:-) In this case it would be exactly as you describe - you don't care about the data, you don't care about the bits; you just copy atoms from point A to point B. Ganesh, I think you can try to obtain the key if you work closely with a mobile operator and sign an NDA with them. Otherwise this information is not public and not available to anyone.

2011-06-02 @ 10:40. I liked this Article. The fact is, to clone a SIM all you need is a IMSI & KI information from your existing SIM. I personally CLONED many SIM-Cards Successfully. Brute-force method worked for me most of the times. All you need is a Multi-In-One Blank SIM Card & a Card Reader/Writer. I found its easy to clone the SIM before the Activation takes place.

Means, when you buy a new sim card, usually its NOT activated(Not Ready to USE), when you insert it into your handset 1st time, it will get activated by altering some data inside it. So b4 putting your new SIM Card into handset, try to clone it. And then insert the cloned one in handset to activate. Best of Luck. 2011-06-02 @ 20:49. Dear guest - you're right, that data are protected by the PIN code, so without it - there's nothing you can do. An alternative strategy is to enter a wrong PIN multiple times in order to block the card.

Then, if you know the PUK - you can unblock it. If you don't know the PUK - there is nothing you can do. Shikhar mehta - you're right, billing is always done on the operator's equipment and that info is not kept on the phone, I'll make the necessary updates in the story. What I meant is that there is a lot of sensitive information which can be used to commit fraud (like placing calls on someone else's behalf). 2011-07-01 @ 14:38.

Peter, what you're describing is called a 'cold boot attack', I've covered such attacks here: However, that doesn't help you with SIM cloning in any way. Assume that I started up my phone, entered PIN1, and can access the phonebook, SMS, etc. To make a full clone, you need to know ADM1, ADM2, ADM3. Which I did not enter. Even if you froze my phone and the SIM in it - you won't get anywhere, because the resources protected with ADMx were never unlocked. CnC fan - SIM cards do contain a processor and an operating system. They are designed to comply with a specification, such that any phone of any brand will be able to use the SIM and provide the same user experience.

The interface you saw is the interface of the phone, not the one of the SIM. Actually, the system inside the SIM card doesn't draw windows of any kind, it is responsible for managing access to different files stored inside the card and restricting access to the files that contain sensitive data.

In other words, what you saw is not proof of the fact that there's no OS or processor inside a card, it is proof of the fact that standardization works. Joe, thanks for the constructive comment, I am not offended because you didn't call me an idiot or anything of that sort:-) Here are more details that will help you see things better.

- I did not say that cloning is not possible, I did say that doing that requires that you have all the access codes for all the files on the card, not just PIN1 or PIN2. - a mobile operator knows the codes (because they control their cards, don't they?), hence this poses no problem to them. How exactly did you clone the AT&T card? By giving it to them? Or did you do this yourself? If it is the former - it is not surprising, if it is the latter - I'd like to know more about it.

In the context of education, you can verify my statements by checking the specifications that define how a SIM card must behave in various conditions. The documents you want to look at are: - GSM 11.11 (for 2G cards) - ETSI 151 011 (for 3G USIM cards) Both specs are freely downloadable. If you want more details, let me know. 2012-04-20 @ 10:39. Most the sim card readers/writers are from china, poorly made and only able to program old non programmed sim cards, like the gold card green card ect. So hacking a pre 2002 card then programming it into a gold card is possible but pointless. There is software that picks up interaction between the phone the sim and the network operator but this as i suspect will only work on poorly secured networks where quantity is more important then quality lets say in a developing nation, some intresting pointers, from the comments.

A lot of Re8L hAcKeRz, turned themselves over to the corporations for a well paid job and all the equipment you ever want to play whit. Its better then sitting cracking sim cards for a few thousand pound gain. Munching on burgers and farting up the room without having a bath for a week like a nerd. Now you have Ex Hackers working for one company trying to crack the code of another company. So its like a war between experts to keep the systems secure. Why you think the operators are always changing and amending there tactics equipment firmware ect. Ahh Bless the PCN days when you just put in a simple code and talked for years on bill gates’s line:) 2012-05-01 @ 02:09.

Hey Ab, these claims are not true. The #90 or 90# story is very old and it seems that the person who wrote the article you referenced to did not do some background research. In some corporate environments, the settings are such that pressing #90 during a conversation will let your peer dial a number through your company's phone switchboard.

Thus you (or your company) has to pay for the call. (note that this is in no way related to cloning SIM cards, you simply let someone place an outgoing call) To simplify this to the basics: - the claim is false - the SIM will not be cloned - for more details see Personally, I think these rumours simply offend the people of Pakistan (+92 is their area code), because the rumour makes it seem that everybody in that country is a liar or a fraudster. What a world. 2012-08-07 @ 09:52.