How To Install Rover T4 Software
Some guys on a Polish Rover forum had tweaked the BMW scanner to do a lot more and were going to release it free. But I think its been stopped! I've just found this and its translated,what do you make of it? TOAFa will not. To marcin.misek he wrote the English guru T4 and offered a one-time payment for non-disclosure of the program. In addition, he sent the emulator T4 and Marcin suspended the project. Unfortunately, I do not have it because I would gladly took it further: /' It came from here.

If system messages indicate a faulty device, replace the FRU. Operation in Zone 1/Class I, Div. T4 Desktop is a professional futures and options trading platform that includes charting, analytics, and risk management components. T4 Mobile Plus has been designed as a fully Popular Products of Portable Land Rover T4. Jan 20, 2006. I was wondering if it is possible to run T4 or Testbook software on a standard laptop? Does anyone know how/where to get a copy of the software and connectors to connect PC to the vehicle. Thats my specialty..guess I should put the cowboy hat on and have a dabble:wink:.
The TOAF licence:- '1. The subject of the license agreement is the right to use the program TOAF TOOL hereinafter referred to as the program. Adam Freeland Now And Them Raritan. By THE Marcin Bowl, hereinafter referred to as AUTHOR grants you a license to use the SOFTWARE natural or legal person, hereinafter referred to YOU. On behalf AUTHOR may be natural or legal person called the dealer, cooperating with the author on the basis of a separate agreement. The grant of a license fee is not charged. The license is granted for an indefinite period (perpetual license).
Sole and exclusive owner of the copyright and ownership to the program is its author. These rights are not transferred to YOU.
YOU have no right to make any changes to the program; modify, decompile, disassemble, distribute, disconnect any part of the program. You do not have the right to sell, lease or transfer for consideration PROGRAMME. You have the right to start up and use the Program on any number of computers. The author states that was put maximum effort to make the program free of errors. This does not preclude, however, that the program errors occur, even though he was thoroughly tested. The author is not liable for any possible direct or indirect damages, arising out of use of the program.
The user uses the program off at your own risk. Violation of license conditions result in the loss of your license rights. License Agreement are public and freely available. YOU who decides to install PROGRAM, confirms the same knowledge of the License Agreement and expresses its undisputed consent to any of its provisions. This License Agreement is a legal agreement between you and the author. ' EDIT: I've seen the TOAF in action via a video,its not available to all but I have managed to view it Here it is! On the TOAF news tab:- 'There is only one week since we started this site on right address and already we have 4k visitors.
Most of them comes from Poland, but not only, we also have guests from rest of the world, like Great Britain, Germany, France, Netherlands, Russia, Canada, Australia, and most astonishing visit from United Arab Emirates. We didn't realize how great interest in the TOAF project.' If your reading this Phil you must be tempted at what looks like being tens of thousands of pounds within a very short time versus £150 every now and then. I searched the Polish site for every mention of the word TOAF. But I thought I may learn more of its beginnings.
What I learned was that they have had a release date of 1/4/2016 for months. (April fools) TOAF stands for 'T4 Omnitec Alternative Free'. But will it be FREE? They are 'Considering' making all users register their VIN numbers so it only works on one car.They are 'really considering' making it only work through a dedicated cable for sale at £150 on eBay or similar. Which would explain why they are so irked by the VT4 release. Amusingly they started the project for these reasons.
When I translated some of the Polish forum pages using Yandex Translate (all translators are iffy) I did immediately pick up on lots of black humour, ****taking and mickymaking between forum members enjoying themselves. Some of the earlier stuff would sound scandalous taken at face value and I hope this is what your referring to. Not just what is said but how it is said, in any language. No faces for clues here but Ha Ha s in printed replys helps. Going on my personal experience of living and working with Poles from wage slaves to doctorate degrees they have been ace with me and I`m happy to return the trust. 'release date of 1/4/2016' 'T4 Omnitec Alternative Free' + the banner quote, thats all dark with a subtle twist humour. My turn for mind meddling now.
If you have an infinite number of ZT 75 owners with an infinite number of Toaf loaded laptops,What would be the outcome?
I am the director of LTD mentioned in the link above. Thanks for the link Gary. The Sims Complete Collection Patch Frankfort there.
The virtual T4 will only work with the 75 and ZT and does require you to have your own legal installation of the Omitec software and MG Rover discs unless you want an illegal installation. However it does appear to give exactly the same dealer level access to the 75 / ZT as the dealer tool as that is essentially what it is.
It is also VIN locked to the 75/ZTs which people agree with the seller (it can be more than one). It only works in XP but you can use virtualisation to achieve this. The solution on the other hand is entirely legal as it comes because we have written 100% of the solution ourselves. It is also somewhat more flexible as it works on many other Rovers and MGs, and some Landrovers, can be used on a Windows laptop / tablet including 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8 (not RT) and 10 as will as Linux and OS X. We have a 3 pin option for things like 1990s Mini and T-Series and can do some advanced features such as relinking 5AS to MEMS and key fob coding on the older cars.
The level of access to a 75 / ZT is not as good as a T4 / Virtual T4 though. We are still developing the tool and we hope to reduce the gap with time. Also it is not VIN locked so you can use it on as many Rover / MG cars as you like (and some Landrovers).
If anyone has any questions I am happy to answer. If people think that I am hijacking this thread then please start a new one called diagnostics tool or something similar and I will answer there instead. Philip Trader Posts: 6 Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:00 pm •. ( I am the director of LTD mentioned in the link above.
Thanks for the link Gary. The virtual T4 will only work with the 75 and ZT and does require you to have your own legal installation of the Omitec software and MG Rover discs unless you want an illegal installation. As this been ascertained for sure BY Phil T4 I have read a little about it but am none the wiser to be honest, as there seems to be a lot of in house arguing, mainly on the MGZT Rover 75 OC club I must add. MGR Club Regular Posts: 39 Joined: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:23 pm Location: West Midlands. I will attempt to summarise in as few words as possible:- 1. Only works on 75/ZT. VIN locked to specific 75/ZT(s).
Needs an XP installation. Needs T4 CDROMs which are easy to obtain illegally but difficult legally. Uses factory software so 100% functionality on 75/ZT the same as dealers. Only works on 75/ZT.
Not yet available. Appears to offer dealer functionality or near dealer functionality. Legal solution. Appears to be a WIndows solution (probably any). Works on lots of Rovers / MGs / some Landrovers.
Works on any WIndows (from 2000 on), Mac OSX, Linux. Legal solution. Reads/deletes codes. Reads live data.
Codes fobs and ECU matching on 5AS. Not full dealer functionality but won't damage your car either even if you have no idea what you are doing. If you have a 75 or ZT then you will soon have a choice of three solutions, of which is the least comprehensive for now. If you own anything other than a 75/ZT then you probably should be looking at In my opinion.
Trader Posts: 6 Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2014 3:00 pm •.