Install Windows 8 On Eee Pc 701

Mar 15, 2012. Now you can install Android on your netbook or laptop with this simple and easy guide. Like Linux, Remix runs great on slow or older hardware, so if you have an old PC, bring it back to life with Remix. Just make sure to find out if your. For Windows users, the simplest way is. May 16, 2009. Windows XP has been given a boost by netbooks, as its system requirements—more-or-less decided in 2001—are more in line with the specs hardware like the Eee PC and Mini 9. But let's face it: XP is nearly a decade old. Its user experience is trumped by free alternatives like Ubuntu Netbook Remix and.

Does anyone have or remember these?? I got one of the VERY first ones, It was good but I gave it to my dad two years ago for use in a workshop. Listening to online radio, Google and eBay etc.

Install Windows 8 On Eee Pc 701Install Windows 8 On Eee Pc 701

The EEEOS was brilliant for this. It came back because its now asking for a password and I cant for the life of remember me what it is. So my question is two fold a - Does anyone have the original EEEPC OS that I could grab a copy of? The ISO would be good. Its probably burried in the bowels of the ASUS FTP site although I have looked b - If not, What OS should I install on it? I still own and use regularly my eeePC 701 4G, i upgraded it to 2Gb RAM and it runs Archlinux with DWM.

The original 'EeeOS' was a modified Xandros install. Personally it was terrible, hence why i upgraded to Arch through USB media. I still have the orignal cd-rom's that were supplied with it somewhere but i suggest looking at other options. There are plenty of resources online that have information regarding the 701, however most of which will be hard to find with the age of the machine. It has a 900MHz Celeron inside down-clocked to 633Mhz, 4G onboard SD Drive (which makes OS choice tricky nowadays) Atheros wireless chip which is great for pentesting.

However the SDCard slot most probably wont work, as there were a tremendous amount of hardware issues with it.:). @ChuckFinley, they have on board SSD. There was a limited model (701 SD) which had a slot under the access panel to add an additional SSD to up the storage but i was never able to find one so had to settle for the 4G. As for the performance its hard to say, you have to remember that the processor only runs at 633MHz single core, and RAM makes a difference. However, there is a few Linux scripts available to allow overclocking of the processor but i found that the fan started having a fit when i did, which resulted in using another script to control the fan speed but once set at 100% the battery life went south very quickly. If you really would like to use this machine, i would suggest reading up on Arch but only looking at DWM with dmenu, or an openbox setup (DWM if you have a fair bit of linux experience and command line / Openbox if you would prefer a application menu via right-click). Dont try to get too fancy with it, its an old piece of harware but it can be used for simple functions.

D33011 Ati Driver Download more. I would check with the hardware however via a live distribution on USB to check and see if you have the 2Gb or 4Gb SSD version. I am using 1.9G (55%) with my limited but functional Arch install. Otherwise, your choices will be limited to older out-of-date eeePC specific distros which will still be functional to an extent, but may be a little harder to find on the intarweb:).

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