Oster Bread Machine Recipes Gluten Free

Find and save ideas about Gluten free bread maker on Pinterest. See more ideas about Gluten free recipes bread machine, Bread machine gluten free and Dairy free bread.

This is the first gluten free loaf in 2 years that came out just like 'real bread'. What a thrill it is to have soft, moist, tender Gluten Free bread from my bread machine! It smells and tastes amazing, with a thin crisp crust and a tender holey texture. The flavor is great, but it still had a tiny bit of yeasty tangy flavor ( I guess that happens when some yeasts react to the Gluten Free flours) so I ordered a new yeast called ( check it out by clicking the link) SAF is much cheaper than what I was spending on Fleischmann's and now my bread tastes spectacular! The dry milk powder and the that I added to my recipe enriches the flavor too, but if you can't have dairy see the options below. For a dairy free option, try warm Almond milk, Coconut milk or Soy milk instead of the water in the recipe, delete the dry milk and lower the total amount of liquids a little to compensate for the loss of the dry milk.

Oster Bread Machine Recipes Gluten Free

I haven't tried it yet so please let me know how it works for you. I've also heard that finely ground almond meal is a good cup for cup replacement for dry milk. Use the same amount of liquids if you try this option, but again I haven't tried it so please let me know if it works! See that crust? That's the olive oil that makes it so flaky, so don't skimp on it and you will be thrilled with the results.

Oster Bread Machine Recipes Gluten Free

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, I may be compensated for purchases made through these links. For more information,. 4/17/2013 Update! Xanthan gum substitute! Can it be true? Can we make this wonderful bread without gums?

(they hurt my tummy and many of our followers have had issues too) Well the answer is Yes! The new amazing binding ingredient is Just use them 1:1, so 1 tablespoon instead of the xanthan or guar gum. You can find them in most health food stores or buy at Amazon when you click my affiliate link. If you can't find all the ingredients for the flour mix below, try my new recipe. The ingredients are simple and affordable! For a healthy multi grain bread, try my or my is Low Carb and just scrumptious. Can't have yeast?

They're wonderful. Spectacular Gluten Free Bread in the Bread Machine. Put the ingredients into your bread machine in this order or follow your machines instructions Important! All ingredients must be room temperature Wet Ingredients: • 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 cups warm (110 degree) water or dairy free alternative (I start with 1 cup and add more if needed after 5 minutes of mixing in the bread machine) If you live in a humid area like I do you will want to start with less and add more slowly as needed to get a thick banana bread consistency • 1/4 cup olive oil • 3 eggs (I warm them under hot water), beaten (or you can try egg substitute if needed) • 1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar In a bowl whisk the wet ingredients thoroughly and pour into machine pan. Dry Ingredients: • 3 1/3 cups of room temp Gluten Free Flour Mix-for best results, see flour recipe below.

• 1 Tablespoon or (with guar gum, a combination of both gums works best) • 1 teaspoon salt • 2/3 cup dry milk powder • 2 Tablespoons sugar ( yeast needs sugar but you can try agave or honey if you prefer) Mix well or Sift the dry ingredients in a large bowl and pour into your pan slowly completely covering the wet Top layer Ingredient: 2-1/4 tsp (or 1 pkg) or 1 Tablespoon (make sure your yeast is fresh) Update: lately I have been using SAF yeast and increased the amount to 1 Tablespoon. Many readers have had great results with the original amount too, so feel free to experiment. Make a small well in the dry ingredients and add your yeast. The yeast should not touch the wet until the machine starts to mix Instructions: My settings on my very old machine are: (Read farther down for new machines instructions) I got mine at the thrift store for $5.00!

I'm sure you could find one too, but make sure your buttons work, it has it's paddle and can handle a large loaf Press Select until you get to the Basic Light Cycle Press Start Knead for apx 25-30 minutes the dough will be very thick. I open the top and scrape down the sides once or twice at this stage. Your dough should be very thick but wet. It will not look like traditional bread dough.

More like thick banana bread. If it's too runny and wet- add a little flour, 1 tablespoon at a time until it's slightly firmer. Too wet, the bread will fall. Too dry and it will be too heavy. Try to keep to the recipe. Scraping will help blend out all the lumps When the machine stops kneading gently smooth the top over with wet fingers. I leave the paddle in.

I don't like to disturb the dough Now my machine warms for rising. I leave the pan in and let it warm for a few minutes. Then I turn the machine off or unplug. If you don't shut it down it will rise and then knead again. Gluten Free bread cannot be knocked down. It won't rise again very much if you do.

Rise for apx 50 minutes. I should be about 3/4 of the way to the top of the pan but results will vary Remove the pan very carefully and set aside with a towel over it in a warm location. Don't bang it or it will fall! Restart your machine and select the Quick Bread cycle. Mine has one that only has Knead and Bake. Let it go thru the Knead cycle empty ( I know this is a pain but it works!) until it gets to Bake.

It should only be 10 minutes or so Now set your pan gently back in. No need to lock down or wiggle Bake! Don't open it. Apx 1-1 1/2 hours or until it turns off.

All machines are different, so what you want to look for is a firm brown top. I use a thermometer just before it goes off to check temp. It should read about 190-200 degrees and come out dry.

If necessary you can take it out of the pan and pop it in the oven at 350 to finish up but I've never had to do this. I let the bread cool in the pan on it's side for 3-5 minutes before shaking/tapping it out from the pan. I then cool completely on a rack before I cut into it and to keep it fresh longer, I store in a large Tupperware container with a paper towel liner to absorb the moisture, in the fridge.

Baking in the Oven: My machine is going down! So another option I have tried is to let the machine do the mixing and kneading only.You could also do this in your large mixer with a dough hook. Turn your dough into a large greased loaf pan to rise. Remember you cannot knock down gluten free bread dough.

It will not rise a second time. Cover with a towel and put in warm oven (I turn it on for a minute and turn it off) or other warm location to rise. Some people use a heating pad to help their bread rise. Some put their bread in a warm bathroom (I don't know about that one!) Let rise about an hour or until just to the top of pan and then remove from oven. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. And bake for apx 30 minutes or until golden brown and it sounds hollow and feels firm when tapped. Instant read thermometer should read 190-200 and come out dry.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, I may be compensated for purchases made through these links. For more information,. Best Results Flour Recipe Ingredients: 1 1/4 cup 1 1/4 cup 1 cup (also called tapioca starch) 1/2 cup (also known as Mochiko) 1/2 cup For a newer machine the settings are: or use your machines instructions for the Gluten Free cycle. I don't have a newer machine so please refer to your manual! This is what I have been told should work in newer machines that can be programmed: 10 min. I'm not sure why this is recommended.

Too much heat can kill the yeast. Perhaps this is before the dough goes in and it's a very low heat setting to help with the rise. Knead (remember to start with less water and add as needed) 40 min-1 hr. Rise, do not let the dough rise higher than the pan 1 hr. 10 min bake or until bread interior temp reaches 200 degrees 0 min. I have made dozens of recipes of gluten-free bread in my bread machine.

I am pretty happy with most but continue trying new recipes when I stumble across them. We wanted a sweeter white bread and I had your recipe. I added a extra heaping tablespoon of honey and then 2 tablespoons of corn-free powdered sugar. I also used grapeseed oil instead of olive(this bread is was meant for french toast). I doubt I will have any left to make french toast- I have never even made a loaf of traditional gluten bread that tops this recipe- I bow to you, you are officially the queen of gluten-free bread!

I hope you won't mind if I share your blog and this recipe in a future post I do on my blog- I will of course give you full credit for this amazing loaf! Spore Mods Dark Injection Download Itunes. Anonymous You said: 'Take the pan out of the machine immediately or your crust will get soggy.' I have been trying to make a banana+date loaf for about a year, and it always turns out soggy; really soggy!

Finally, I have discovered the answer. My Sunbeam machine gives me two main options: gluten-free bread (2+ hours) or wheaten bread (3+ hours), with the difference being (I assume) the extra kneading). Remembering your advice to get the pan out of the machine quickly, I have always done so, and instead focused on other ways of improving my results. Finally, jackpot: now I leave the pan in the machine for a full hour after completion of the cook-cycle, and: perfection! A lovely crisp crust, plus a delightful interior. Anonymous Hi.

Just wanted to thank you for such a wonderful recipe. My wife just recently decided she wanted to go gluten-free, (after I bought an Oster Expressbake w/o gluten-free setting;>} ), but no harm, no foul. Gave that one to our youngest and ordered the Oster w/ GF. Just made our first loaf yesterday.

Easy and delicious. I used psyllium husks. May add more next time.

The almond milk was a really good idea. My loaf looked just like yours. Should have taken a picture. Thanks again.

Nancy Hi Ali!!! I thought I share my experience making your bread machine recipe. I own a simple black and decker machine. The only mistake I made was adding GF flour mix recipe (4 cups) into the pan instead of 3 1/3 cups. So when the batter was mixing, I noticed it was very dry so I added more warm water into the pan.

I also omitted milk powder since one of our child is allergic to dairy. Then set it on rapid cycle without interruption. Despite my error, the result was fantastic!!! It reminded me of making regular white bread. Thank you for sharing your creation!!!

I will be passing your recipe on to few friends who are on GF diet. I am going to try your recipe for bread for our communion at church. I tried another GF recipe on Saturday and wrapped and froze the loaves. I thawed them yesterday morning, and when they were served in church, crumbs were flying, and the pieces were so dry they wouldn't even absorb the grape juice (we serve by intinction). It was our first attempt at serving 'a common loaf', so I am trying other recipes prior to next month. I will always have to bake bread the day before our communion service, and I was wondering how moist this recipe is either the second day or after freezing.

Hi Mhostly, if you look at the end of the post you will see how to make it in the oven. I would look for a pan in the shape of hot dog buns and put the dough in the individual wells to rise before baking.

Another suggestion is to use my recipe for hamburger buns and form them into a hot dog shape/oval instead of round. You can also substitute the xanthan gum for psyllium husks in that recipe. Here's the link and enjoy! Eating healthy is a passion of mine, however, you may notice that I don’t provide nutrition information for my recipes. For me, this exercise is not necessary.

Of course, I respect those who are in a position that requires them to know exactly what is in their food. For this reason, I provide a link in m GF Subsitutions and Conversions tab on my Home page that will help you calculate nutritional content. Feel free to share your results with us in the form of a comment on any post.

Please note: If you are trying to calculate the nutrition for almond flour, you will need to enter “almonds”, then select “almonds, blanched” from the list. Oh, sorry Kate! That's too bad, but never fear, sometimes you have to try again until you get it right. To start with, the milk powder or lactose isn't the problem, but if you leave an ingredient out that adds volume, you need to reduce the liquids. Usually the reason gluten free bread falls after baking is too much liquids.

You can substitute the milk powder with almond meal too. Malt vinegar has gluten in it! Use rice vinegar instead if you want completely gluten free. Next time you make the bread make sure the dough is very thick. It won't look like bread dough but it's thicker than cake batter.

Follow the recipe carefully and let me know if you have any other questions. Say hi to your hubby too. Anonymous Hi Ali - Your bread recipe is so promising and I love reading all these great reviews. I'm not sure about trying it, though, since I can't handle the sorghum flour. What would you suggest as a substitute for it in your Best Results Flour Recipe? Also, my bread machine is a Zojirushi like Lani's ( mine is programmable version, w/o GF mode), so is there anything you learned for her experience that I'll need to know? Lastly, I see you have a whole page of GF breads.

Are any of those free of sorghum flour? Hi, nice to hear from you! There are lots of great gluten free flour options that you can substitute for the sorghum. I would suggest oat flour or millet.

They are both mild in flavor while other's like Teff, Quinoa or Bean flours are too strong for this recipe. You can buy the flour in your local stores or grind the gluten free oats or millet in a grain or coffee mill to a fine flour. If you look at the bottom of the recipe you will see the times for programming your machine. I don't have any experience myself, but a good friend said these times work well for her. Don't be afraid to try it. Just read the recipe steps carefully and you will do great! I have been using your recipe for a year now.

I've tried many others and always come back to yours:) I modified it a few times also. I use a breadman pro with gluten free setting. So the modifications I have used: flax eggs instead of eggs worked alright, but was a very strong flax taste and not as fluffy/too dense. To make it dairy free I used almond meal in place of powdered milk.

Works perfectly. To add vitamins, minerals and fiber, I put a tblsp of chia seeds OR flax meal (not both) to the 'best flour mix' when you make it. Lastly, I'm lazy so I don't smooth the top and it still rises and bakes fine albeit bumpy Lol. Tricia, sinking can be a sign that the dough is too wet. Your dough should look like very thick batter.

Yes, your machine setting for 2 1/2 hours is probably what went wrong. I'm assuming your machine doesn't have a gluten free setting? Do you have a dough only setting?

Lately, I've been using the dough only to knead, then I select bake only for a minute to warm, turn off and let rise, then do bake only again. Come find me on FB so we can chat.

Hope this fixes it for you! Btw, even failed bread can be great. Just cube, brush with olive oil and bake into croutons or grind into bread crumbs. Good luck and thanks!

Baking gluten-free? This one’s for you.

NOT baking gluten-free? This one might still be for you. The number of people choosing to eliminate gluten from their diet has been growing quickly for the past several years.

Which means even if you, or your child, or your significant other, mom, or best friend aren’t testing life without gluten, it’s a good bet you know someone who is. And what’s the #1 baked treat gluten-free dieters miss? Birthday cake?

Well, our strictly anecdotal research shows that the top “must have” for those on a gluten-free diet is good bread. Think grilled cheese. A PB & J sandwich. French toast. Croutons in salad, stuffing with chicken Bread may be the staff of life for most of us, but for gluten-free folks, bread is something to avoid.

Unfortunately for those eating GF, there’s probably nothing so packed with gluten as a slice of bread. Gluten is what allows bread to rise; remove it, and you have a hard-packed puddle of soggy dough. So what’s a gluten-free-diet sandwich-lover to do? Bake high-rising, light-and-tender bread – without gluten. That’s right.

WITHOUT gluten. And what’s the secret to gluten-free sandwich bread? Read on Many gluten-free recipes use a blend of gluten-free flours. Our includes ingredients (stabilized brown rice flour, tapioca starch, and potato starch) that reduce the grittiness sometimes found in gluten-free baked goods. Our flour also increases the shelf life of your treats, keeping them fresh longer. The following make-at-home brown rice flour blend works nearly as well; and it tastes better than a blend using regular brown rice flour.

Stir together the following gluten-free ingredients: 6 cups (32 ounces) 2 cups (10 3/4 ounces) 1 cup (4 ounces) (or tapioca flour; same thing) Store airtight at room temperature. Note: You can substitute white rice flour for the brown rice flour if you like; it’ll make your baked goods grittier (unless you manage to find a finely ground version).

Is another ingredient critical to gluten-free baking. It’s the “glue” that helps hold everything together, in the absence of gluten. Before we start, I want to stress an important point: for best results, use an electric stand mixer or electric hand mixer to prepare this batter. Can you stir it together by hand? But we don’t recommend it; your bread won’t look anything like the loaves in these pictures. If you plan on doing much gluten-free baking, take the advice of every veteran gluten-free baker out there: start saving for an electric stand mixer, if you don’t already own one. It’s critical to success with GF yeast bread, pizza, muffins, and cake.

Place the following in a mixing bowl, or the bowl of your stand mixer: 3 cups (16 1/2 ounces) or brown rice flour blend (13 1/2 ounces); see formula above 3 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons 1 1/4 teaspoons salt 1 1/4 teaspoons Using an electric mixer (hand mixer, or stand), gradually beat in 1 cup warm milk. The mixture will be crumbly at first, but once all the milk is added, it’ll come together. Add 4 tablespoons soft butter. Beat until thoroughly blended. Next you’re going to add 3 large eggs, one at a time.

Beat the mixture till each egg is thoroughly integrated before adding the next one. Once you’ve added all the eggs, beat the mixture at high speed for 3 minutes. This adds air to the thick batter, which helps take the place of the missing gluten as far as structure is concerned. At the end of 3 minutes, the batter will look like thick, heavy buttercream icing: smooth and silky. It won’t look at all like a typical yeast dough: smooth, elastic, kneadable. The dough will also be very sticky, and feel a bit gritty if you rub some between your fingers.

Have you ever repaired a wall with spackling paste? Same texture.

It helps to keep a wet kitchen towel handy, to keep your hands clean as you work. Leave the batter right in the mixing bowl. Or if you need your bowl for another purpose, scrape the sticky batter into a, or another bowl. Cover the bowl or cup, and let the thick batter rise for 1 hour. I often raise yeast dough in a measuring cup; it helps me track how much it’s risen.

This batter won’t double in size, but it’ll definitely puff up. Gently stir the batter down. Scrape it into a lightly greased Use your wet fingers, or a wet spatula or, to smooth the top, eliminating any “wrinkles.” The smoother your loaf is before you put it into the oven, the smoother it’ll be once it’s baked. This is pretty smooth. Cover the pan; a clear shower cap works well here.

Let the dough rise till it barely crowns over the rim of the pan. Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 350°F. See the divot on the front of the loaf? That’s from me brushing it with the edge of the shower cap when I was pulling it off. The dough is very delicate; try not to touch it.

Bake the bread for 38 to 42 minutes until golden brown. Remove it from the oven, and turn it out of the pan onto a rack. Run a stick of butter over the top crust, if you like.

It’ll help keep the crust soft, and add flavor. Slice when cool. Imagine a ham and cheese sandwich.

Or cinnamon toast. Ready for some variations?

Cheese bread is easy. Stir 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded cheese into the risen batter.

I’ve chosen a very spicy cheese, Cabot Hot Habanero. It’s too hot for me to eat out of hand, but in baking its flavor shines through, lending just the right amount of heat. Don’t like heat?

Choose a milder pepper cheese, like Pepper Jack. Or a good sharp cheddar. Here’s a discovery I made while testing the recipes for this blog. Our is the ideal shape and size for gluten-free breads.

Its straight, high sides lend a lot of support to the rising dough. A very nicely shaped loaf. Though the lid on this pan isn’t critical, it does protect the dough as it rises. If you don’t have a 9” pain de mie pan, use a standard (8 1/2” x 4 1/2”) loaf pan. Let the dough rise, covered, till it’s within about an inch of the rim of the 9” pain de mie pan. This should take about 45 to 60 minutes. Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 350°F.

Slide the lid of the pan closed, and bake the bread for 50 minutes. When you slide the lid open, the loaf should be golden brown. Remove the bread from the oven, turn it out of the pan, and cool on a rack.

You can also choose to bake the bread with the lid off; bake the same amount of time, but tent with aluminum foil for the final 15 minutes, to prevent over-browning. And, to use a regular 8 1/2” x 4 1/2” loaf pan, bake the bread for about 40 to 45 minutes, till golden brown. Slice when cool.

Now, is that one nice-looking gluten-free bread, or what?! Next up: gluten-free cinnamon-raisin swirl bread. Stir 1 cup golden raisins into the risen batter.

You don’t have to beat the raisins in; a spoon will do the trick just as easily as your mixer’s beater blade. Scrape the batter into a lightly greased 9” pain de mie pan, or Sprinkle the top with 3 tablespoons. If you’re making your own, combine 3 tablespoons granulated sugar with 1 teaspoon. Use a spoon to swirl the cinnamon-sugar into the batter, as though you were making a marble cake. (And if you’ve never made a marble cake, now you know how!) Smooth the top with a wet spatula or wet. Let the dough rise, covered for about 60 minutes, till it comes to about 1″ below the rim of the pain de mie pan, or to just below the rim of the 9” x 5” pan.

Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 350°F. Bake the bread (covered, or uncovered) for 50 minutes. If it’s uncovered, tent gently with aluminum foil for the final 15 minutes of baking. Remove the bread from the oven, and turn it out of the pan onto a rack to cool. Slice when cool, revealing subtle swirls of cinnamon and raisins within. I hear French toast calling my name Finally, when the bread is getting stale, go with it. Cut it in thin slices; place the slices on a lightly greased baking sheet.

Brush or spray with olive oil. Bake in a 350°F oven for about 15 to 20 minutes, till golden and crisp. Store airtight when cool. Crunchy and delicious with drinks, with dips and spreads and irresistible just as is.

Oh, one last note: Can you bake this bread in a bread machine? One of our GF experts, Andrea, tried it in our Zo X20. Here’s her report: “I used the quick wheat cycle. It wasn’t as good as making it in a mixer. The top was flat, and sunk a bit. Also, I needed to scrape the edges of the pan after 5 to 10 minutes of mixing.” Read, rate, and review (please) our recipe for. Baking gluten-free is a new experience for us here at King Arthur Flour.

We’re making progress, and still have a lot to learn. We look forward to gradually increasing our knowledge of this technically challenging style of baking, and sharing what we learn with you along the way. Comments • Suzy I have a gluten free friend! This is very exciting looking bread. Do you think it would work just as well in a bread machine? No, Suzy, I do know from watching my fellow test bakers struggle that it wouldn’t work just as well in a bread machine but they might have made some adjustments to make it “OK.” I’ll gather some information and get back to you here, or post in the body of the blog. PJH Suzy – Here’s the bread machine report from Andrea, one of our GF experts: “I used the quick wheat cycle.

It wasn’t as good as making it in a mixer. The top was flat, and sunk a bit. Also, I needed to scrape the edges of the pan after 5 to 10 minutes of mixing.”. ↓ • Lorne Goldman BE WARNED. Like most of the new wave of gluten-free experimenters, (bless’em!), this writer forgets to mention that xanthum gum, (the key) additive that makes these recipes possible) has a limited shelf life. Even the producers of ready made gluten-free flour forget to mention this.or do not know.

Even stores that sell it leave it on their shelves, often long enough to be useless whether in a flour or not. The domino effect of that is sad. Most home bakers start or end with their first failure, thinking they are stupid or the effort is a waste of time. Do NOT buy pre-mixed gluten-free flours and keep your gluten in the freezer. That will lengthen its shelf-life. The first bread that fails to bind, toss it and buy new from a store that knows what they are doing.

Anyone who wants the recipe for a delicious 5 minute gluten-free pasta, drop me a line. ↓ • Melie I am about to climb through my computer screen! I have been gluten free for over a year now and I so very much miss grilled cheese and PB&J. I do make my own bread with a mix, but it goes stale so fast I binge for about two days on sandwiches and toast then go without for weeks. My only question is regarding bread machines. I currently use one with a gluten free bread setting. Have you tried your recipe with one?

I would think the air capture would be difficult to recreate, but it might be worth a try. Thanks again for thinking of wheat-a-phobes! Hi Melie – I know they’ve tried our GF bread mix in the bread machine – let me ask my fellow test bakers what they’ve figured out re: bread machines.

I’ll get back to you here- PJH Melie – Here’s the bread machine report from Andrea, one of our GF experts: “I used the quick wheat cycle. It wasn’t as good as making it in a mixer.

The top was flat, and sunk a bit. Also, I needed to scrape the edges of the pan after 5 to 10 minutes of mixing.”. 😀 THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! I can attest to the fact that those on a GF diet miss their breads! 😉 My father is gluten intolerant and I have struggled for years to find a really good bread recipe.

🙁 I have some that have come “close” but they just aren’t the same as the good homemade breads he misses. I love the idea of the variationsthat’s something I had never thought of to do with the other bread recipes I’ve tried.

🙂 I’ll have to try that! I’ll be sure to come back and comment on how he likes this after I’ve tested it out. 🙂 Blessings! ~Miss Rachel~ Thanks, Miss Rachel – I’ll look forward to your comments once you’ve made the bread. Hope your dad enjoys it – PJH.

↓ • Melissa Re “I do make my own bread with a mix, but it goes stale so fast I binge for about two days on sandwiches and toast then go without for weeks. ” GF breads always go stale more quickly than gluten breads. If you know that you can’t finish the loaf, try slicing it and freezing the slices individually. When I do this I wrap each slice in plastic wrap and then put them in a zip-lock bag and pull them out as needed. BTW, you can get a good sourdough GF breadhope to see KAF’s take on this too. ↓ • This looks great! And I love that you have the gluten free multi purpose baking mix 🙂 One of the teasers that you had was about the gluten “flying free” in a kitchen contaminating gluten free products.

Do you have an answer for that? Can I make a traditional bread dough, wash everything, and then make a gluten free loaf? From what Ive read, if a person is very intolerant, you almost have to get all new bake ware, and utensils and keep them strictly for gluten free.So I guess it depends on the tolerance level, but I don’t know if there are tests for that or not. You would need to talk to your medical team about that. This is very cool. I’ve always held back from gluten free baking for lack of kitchen space for the different supplies I need in addition to my gluten baking.

But now it’s all in one, handy box! It’s much less scary for someone new to GF baking. But, like your unbleached cake flour in a relatively small size. This box appears to be 1.5 lbs and your cake flour is two pounds. Any chance of making these in five pound packages?

I go through two pounds of cake flour in two weeks (I use it to make pizza dough as well as cakes). Thanks Aaron Good thought, Aaron – I’ll forward this to our flour folks, who determine package sizing. PJH Aaron, word is they’re considering a 25# bag of the gluten-free flour mix, though that might be TOO large for you?? ↓ • Allan I have no problem eating wheat but its kind of neat to see KA expand into this new area and support its products with a great series of photos explaining how to make GF bread and some variations. I hope as time goes on the folks who need GF products and recipes get a nice group of recipes and an expanded roster of products to use. This is why I’m devoted to KA and the blog.

Thanks, Allan – if we want to be a baking resource, we have to be a baking resource to as many people as possible – even those who can’t get near our signature product, King Arthur Flour. It’s about the baking, and enjoying food; everyone should be able to eat bread PJH. ↓ • Sarah What is the difference between “stabilized” brown rice flour and, say, Bob’s Red Mill brand? Nuances in the ingredients for GF baking, coupled with inconsistencies in labeling, have made it hard for a newbie GF baker! I’m so glad to have my friends at King Arthur jumping in to the ring!

Sarah, brown rice flour is naturally less gritty than white, giving a better result. But since it’s also ground from the whole rice kernel, complete with germ, it can have a tendency to go rancid (off flavors) quickly. A certain type of heating process stabilizes that germ, thus extending the shelf life of the flour for many months beyond what it would ordinarily be. So stabilized brown rice flour (which is more expensive) tastes better and has a better shelf life. We did lots of experimenting with this, and often received regular brown rice flour from vendors that had already started to go rancid, its shelf life is so very short (and even freezing barely slows it down); so we decided we’d better go the more expensive, better-tasting route with our brown rice flour. Hope this helps – PJH.

↓ • Eileen This recipe looks great. I’m going to order some of your new flours and try it out. I appreciate the comparisons to wheat flour baking to help guide the way.

I never thought of the pain de mie pan, but it does have exactly the right shape with nice, tall sides. I’ll start saving my pennies so I can get a couple soon.

@AmandaLP- re: baking in a kitchen with glutenated & non-gluten flours. It’s next to impossible for even a careful and diligent baker to prepare a wheat flour based recipe and not scatter some flour about.

So, it’s almost impossible NOT to contaminate the area. Since even a very small amount can cause gut damage that takes months to heal it’s important to be realistic about what’s possible as well as vigilant and thorough when you cook. My guy has celiac disease.

I don’t but I eat GF almost always so as to decrease the cross contact risk and increase bonding. The little bit of non GF bread & cereal brought in is kept in sealed containers and dispensed very carefully away from the main prep zones. I use a separate cutting board (wood is porous so gluten can hide in the board) & only use pans that’re smooth metal/ glass/ pottery, with no seams or folds.

Condiments & related foods are scooped out with a spoon and spread with a metal-bladed knife or spreader so the product doesn’t get contaminated. Thanks for sharing these very helpful tips. I know I learned a LOT!~ MaryJane. ↓ • Hi, I have another question. Are there rules for substitution?

How do I swap out KAF’s GF flour for all purpose or bread flour? Thanks Your best recipe for tender white bread that uses all purpose or bread flour would be King Arthur’s Classic White Bread. A recent blog entry was titled “Sandwich bread fit for the King” which features our company wide community service project where you can see the step by step procedure for making a terrific loaf of white bread.

Irene @ KAF Aaron, I wouldn’t try making a regular yeast bread recipe using our GF flour blend; it’s an entirely different process, with different liquid/flour ratio. Please start with this gluten-free sandwich bread recipe, and then try tinkering with it – adding fruit or nuts or cheese or flavorings, to taste. ↓ • Susan Halleluia! I’m SOO happy to see this today!

My husband has been allergic to wheat for 25 years and my daughter is gluten intolerant so baking for them has been an issue for years. This will make my life a lot easier, thank you! I’m really impressed that KAF went this route. I’ve been waiting a long time for a major company to address the needs of the millions who can’t eat wheat. As for the cross-contamination in a home kitchen, I’ve never heard of anyone who needed separate pans for baking in. Metal and glass can’t soak up the wheat. But rinsing or wiping out a pan after you’ve baked with wheat, then baking a GF recipe is a problem.

To be safe you should use a squeaky-clean pan (I wash mine in a dishwasher to be sure it’s good and clean) and bake the GF bread first. THEN you can rinse or wipe it out and make your wheat bread. Traces of a GF bread aren’t going to harm anyone while baking the other way around very well could. Thanks for the advice, Susan – we’re hoping lots of veteran GF bakers, such as yourself, help us out here as we continue to learn the “tricks of the trade.” PJH. ↓ • Susie THANK YOU!!!!

I have ordered my flour from KAF for many years and this is the reason why! Thank you for listening to our requests for a larger line of GF products. I would like to second Aaron Franks request for larger/bulk packaging on the AP GF flour! I am an avid baker who bakes everyday. My youngest daughter has been GF for a year and the struggle to find good GF baked good recipies for her has been eased by the staff at KAF! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! My shipment of flour and mixes is already on the way to my house!

I can’t wait! ↓ • Diana Just opened your email regarding GF bread and other baked goods.

I was diagnosed about 7 months ago with Celiac-Sprue Disease. Have been having some luck with bread. I have a Zojirushi BBCC-V20 bread machine that has a home made cycle. Zo sent info on baking GF bread and said to use the homemade cycle and setting it for: Preheat: 15 min. Knead:30 min. Rise 3: 55 min. BaKe: 55 min.

(I changed baking time to 65 min. They have a bread recipe on their web site for GF bread. I also use other GF bread recipes and just use the bread machine to Preheat and Knead. Take dough out and let rise in pan and than bake. ↓ • Missy HI! I LOVE the look of this it is sooo hard to find decent GF bread, virtually impossible! And i love your stuff so much i usually just suffer!!!

BUT.i wonder two things. I am a recent diabetic and am on a low sugar plan.Can i use 3 tbls STEVIA instead of the sugar (Im trying to be all natural, so trying to stay away from Splenda, but will use it if it is my only option). Also, do u think I could use this (or perhaps your GF bread mix) as a pizza dough? I find that the GF pizza mixes are all so horrific and flat, yucky tasting.would love your opinion thanks, LOVE you GALS AND GUYS at KAF!!!

Missy: try our. It’s really good. Sue and Andrea made it in a deep-dish pan last week and I never would have known it was GF! Susan ~Missy. • The Baker's Hotline If you’re trying to make your own at home without using potato starch, tapioca starch will likely be the best way to go.

Tapioca starch can produce a bit of a denser product, so you may want to consider using slightly less than what the recipe calls for and using cornstarch in order to make up the difference. (Try 3 parts tapioca starch and 1 part cornstarch to start to see how you like the results.) Keep in mind you’ll be experimenting, as we haven’t tested this exact variation in our test kitchen.

↓ • Lynda I am still searching for an acceptable bread recipe for gluten-free diets. I am so glad to find this email from KAF today. I plan to try this recipe, however, I cannot afford to buy your GF flour. I was disappointed at your lack of GF products, but now I know that you were just waiting to reveal them to us!! I would love to do demonstations of your GF products in my area, but not many people around here could afford those prices. I am currently persuing a way to buy flour ingredients in bulk without shipping costs. 25 pounds, we can live with.

If we can freeze it or share with others. But if the cost is too high, we just can’t right now.

I am making all of our foods from scratch now. I know it was a lot of effort to provide for a place to develop and produce these products, but we need more affordable prices!!!! Huge coupons?

↓ • Allan Just one more thing. I started baking bread last year and even though the blog has great photos, and the recipes where clearly written, it still took me a number of tries to get the hang of it and have the dough actually turn out looking like bread. I’m not great at baking and it took me a while to get an idea of how baking bread works. This GF baking is kind of new for a lot of people, I guess including the test kitchen staff. But if you just hang with it and keep going (even if maybe doesn’t go right the first few times) it’ll be worth it. There is no simple sense of satisfaction better than cutting a few slices from bread you’ve baked yourself and having a sandwich.

You’ve got that right, Allan – practice may never make “perfect,” but every step along the way you learn something – and usually A) have fun, and B) enjoy what you’ve created. ↓ • Ana Having gone the GF route in our household, one of the things I miss most is that fresh-from-the-oven quality. Buying a package of GF anything from the store shelves doesn’t hold a candle to pulling warm bread/muffins/pizza from your own oven. This recipe is very exciting, as I KNOW you’ve tested it over and over to make sure it’ll work in MY home. My question is whether or not I can add milled flax in place of some of the butter. We were accustomed to eating only whole-grain products with lots of fiber, and I’d love to continue feeding my family high-fiber baked goods. Also, it couldn’t hurt to cut back on some butter at the same time, unless of course it plays an integral role in texture/flavor.

Do you have any advice for increasing fiber in this recipe or for adding fiber to any of your new GF mixes? Is it as simple as adding a few spoonfuls of milled flax? ↓ • Christine I found out about your GF flours from a relative, and I’m intrigued with the brown rice flour! I’ll have to try some. Two questions: have you thought about a multi grain GF bread mix? My standard loaf for everyday is made with Montina (lots of fiber).

It would be nice to have something different that’s made from a lot of grains. Second, how does your bread taste after only one rise? When I make sandwhich bread, I often only do one rise to save time and it turns out fine. Christine, I’ll pass along the suggestion for the whole-grain sandwich bread mix – good idea.

And I’m sure you could give this bread just one rise, if you’re in a hurry. Probably it wouldn’t rise as high; and the flavor wouldn’t be as good (bread develops flavor as it’s rising), but I’ll bet it would still turn out. ↓ • Linda Swinney Question on double rise–I baked traditional bread for many years before my son was diagnosed with Celiac. I then switched to baking GF bread. Everything I have read says that GF bread only needs one rise but I see that you do a traditional double rise. Did you try both and determine the double rise was better? I am so thankful you have entered GF baking!

We need expert bakers to develop great recipes. In developing this recipe our test kitchen team found that the double rise improves: volume, flavor, crust color, and keeping quality. Hope this helps! ↓ • Chris This is so awesome to see you in the gluten free world.

I have bought your flour since 1979 it’s the best but for the last 4 years I haven’t been able to eat anything I bake. I really would like to see some high protein breads. I have found that as time goes on without the whole grain I have developed Vitamin B deficiencies and the extra empty calories are not very healthy. Thank-you for joining the Gluten free community, we need you! Can you add protein powder to your breads, Chris?

What have you tried so far? ↓ • Robin in Washington Praise God! I am so excited that you follks are in the “trenches” with us GF folks!

There are awesome folks out there helping us to figure out how to survive being GF, but now you’re here to help us ENJOY being GF! I applaud you for taking this step. I have been trying to bake my own GF bread for 2 years now, but like many others, I am trying to find ways to make it healthier (more protein, more fiber).

I have tried using almond flour (tasted good, but was very heavy in my stomach) and Montina (I didn’t really like the flavor too much). I have the same question: Linda Swinney Says: March 5th, 2010 at 3:28 pm Question on double rise–I baked traditional bread for many years before my son was diagnosed with Celiac. I then switched to baking GF bread. Everything I have read says that GF bread only needs one rise but I see that you do a traditional double rise.

Did you try both and determine the double rise was better? I am so thankful you have entered GF baking! We need expert bakers to develop great recipes. Again, thank you for joining us!

I am excited to learn more about GF baking! Thanks for your input, Robin. Please read the answer to Linda’s question; it hasn’t changed (yet) PJH. ↓ • Robin in Washington I have been recently trying Bob’s Red Mill whole grain brown rice flour and when I came across this comment/response I wondered how can we know if our brown rice flour is starting to go rancid? I recently made a loaf of bread with some brown rice flour that I had purchased a couple of weeks earlier (I did not refrigerate it either) and the third day of the baked loaf my engineer husband noticed some white in the bread and mentioned he didn’t think the batter got mixed well enough. I don’t think that’s possible because I used a KitchenAid and mixed for 10 minutes! That leads me to a second question.

You only recommend 3 minutes for mixing your dough. Is there such a thing as overmixing? I have found that I get a product with smaller air pockets when I mix for 10 minutes with the recipes I have used so far.

Does it depend on the mix of fours you use? Robin, you can taste rancidity in flour – a rancid flour will smell “old,” and/or you can taste it as bitterness on the back of your tongue. The way I tell if a whole-grain flour is rancid is simply to take a pinch, and put it on my tongue; if it tastes “sweet,” (i.e., no bitterness) after 5 to 10 seconds, it’s fine. If you get that bitter bite on your tongue, it’s going rancid. (It’s not going to hurt you, by the way; it just tastes bad.) Second question: I don’t believe you can over-mix your gluten-free dough. But I’m very new at this. If you’re having success by mixing for 10 minutes, stick with it – it’s obviously working for you.

↓ • Lucy Baumann Hi, I have the same question about the double rise the batter for bread I am celiac for 4 years now and I always put the batter in the loaf pan and let it rise until double or so and bake it, but could I, may be punch down the batter or mix it a little bit in the loaf pan and let it rise again? Thank you so much for your help, also where can I buy this special loaf pan and how much they cost, since I can not affort to spend too much money since my budget is really low. Thanks again for your help Lucy, I’d let the dough rise in its original mixing bowl first, then deflate, put it in the pan, and let it rise again; much easier that way.

And we offer the here. We’re working on getting these pains without lids, which will bring the price down somewhat, so you may want to wait till then.

Good luck with your bread – PJH. ↓ • Blair Lee A couple of years ago my family spent 3 weeks in Ireland. We ate a lot of bread there. Our favorite was their gluten free whole grain spelt bread.

We traveled all over the island and they sold it in every grocery store where we shopped. It was tender, high-rising, and had a decent fiber content from the flour. Something I do not think these breads have. Do you think they use a similar method. We much prefer the taste and consistancy of spelt to that of rice flour in our house. It was great bread, I would love to make it again, I never thought to ask you guys about it.

Hi Blair – Unfortunately, spelt is wheat – just a different strain. It’s absolutely chock full of gluten, so it’s not a GF bread People used to think that the gluten in spelt was more digestible than that in wheat, but long-term data has shown it’s just as harmful to celiacs as regular wheat; it just takes longer for the effects to be felt. Sorry I can’t help you here- PJH. ↓ • CatieB @Karen, There are many, many GF cookbooks out there that are “vegan” that offer baking, including bread recipes without any eggs, dairy, (or with some, even soy). I bought a couple of books that do not use these ingredients and I am allergic to eggs, and am lactose intolerant, but can work with that. Seagate Hd Repair Tools on this page. Normally, when one is allergic to one food/thing, etc., they are allergic to other foods, so cookbook authors take this into consideration when writing their books.

It is easier to find the vegan books than it is to find those that just eliminate wheat/gluten. I have also found mixes that are vegan. Do a google search for vegan bread recipes, or mixes, and you will find some. I have had success with researching on the Internet. Thanks for sharing.

It’s always great to see bakers supporting bakers ~ MaryJane. ↓ • CatieB P.S. Dear KAF, Thank you for this great blog on the bread making. I am waiting for my huge box order, which may be here by Tuesday.

I am going to be baking up some bread pronto! As well getting started on the other 12 mixes I bought. Will let you know how it all comes out! I was participating in the Amazon blogs on GF baking, and put out the word you now have GF and placed your link for those looking for GF grains, flours and mixesOne question is whether you will be selling your GF products on Amazon as you sell other ingredients through them as well. I requested they carry your GF products too I hope you get a great response from bakers and Ammy! Thanks, Catie Catie, thanks for helping us spread the word.

We actually don’t sell anything on Amazon – we tried it, and it didn’t work for us. The flours you see there are third parties going “under the table” and reselling our flour Nothing we can do to stop it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy all those mixes!

↓ • Anita Thank you so much for coming out with a line of Kosher, certified GF mixes! I know you guys have worked hard and invested a lot into it.

I really appreciate it! When I saw I can have chocolate cake at the holidays or my birthday I almost cried. I have always loved fresh baked bread, but over the years came to realize it made me very ill.

Now, I no longer have to shy away from baking – I can save up for a bread maker even and have my own GF homemade bread! I have always supported KAF products and am delighted I can continue to do so with your GF products. Thanks again!

Anita, you don’t need a bread maker to make GF bread; it’s like beating up cake batter and pouring it into a pan. If you have an electric mixer, you can make GF bread just fine, no bread-maker needed I’m glad we’re able to provide you with birthday cake! ↓ • Jenny I live in WI & have not seen King Arthur products in any grocery or whole food stores. Where can I buy your product (Milwaukee aree) or do you only sell on line? It’s hard to find food that is tasty plus allergic to eggs can only use eggs whites.

Can’t find any receipe books. Live in a very small town. Also can’t have dairy products. Very frusted and have lost 25 pounds if not more. Can you help. I can’t afford not to eat, lettuce, salads can get old real quick.

Thanks again Here is a link to stores that offer our flour.. Our other items are available on line. ↓ • Sue FYI; I heard you can buy fine ground brown rice flour at an oriental food store but I’m sure it’s easier to just buy your GF flour mix. And I’m sure the brown rice flour I could buy locally is not stablized. I didn’t realize that flour could go bad. I have only been baking for the last 8 months because we have an autistic foster child that does so much better with GFCF foods. Do you have any ideas what I could substitute the butter with?

Is margarine OK, Sue? I think they do an all vegetable oil margarine, right? You’d want the full-fat version, not “lite” margarine. Hope that helps – PJH. ↓ • Gina Anderson Am I right in assuming that nut flours are gluten free? If this is true, may the nut flours be substituted in/for the gluten free flours in cookies, muffins, breads, etc., Or can they be used along with gluten free flour in bread recipes? Any info would be appreciated.

Unfortunately our nut flours are not packaged in a gluten free enviroment so are not gluten free. As these are not gluten free we have not experimented using nut flour in gluten free recipes. But they should work nicely as an add in in cookies. ↓ • Ingrid Hi there, I’ve made this bread a few times, it’s been awesome! Tastes like the real thing, if not better. I am having one problem though, slicing the bread. I do wait till it’s completely cool, and try slicing it with a good, big serrated bread knife.

I try to get pretty even cuts, but if I try to get thin, more ordinary “sandwich sized” slices, they either fall apart, or waver. If I try to pick up a slice with one hand, they waver in half, sometimes falling apart. I don’t mind picking up the pieces and eating it that way, but is there a way to combat this? Perhaps I need to cook it longer than recommended?

It seems pretty moist inside when I slice it, perhaps that’s a clue? I love your recipes, I know I will get the hang of this someday. Hi Ingrid, It might be worth cooking the loaf just a little bit longer. I’ve seen slices of all different sizes in the test kitchen, but nothing really super thin. You might need to just make your slices just a bit thicker.

↓ • Trent I’m going to quote my wife. “I’m going to steal a little more bread, this is the first time since I went gluten free that I’ve even wanted to steal more bread” I’ve tried several recipes the biggest problems have been the requirement of so many flours, the complexity of the recipe and the density and lack of rising of the bread itself. My wife also has sensitivities to potato so I substituted 1/2 arrowroot and 1/2 corn starch and substituted honey for sugar. I am a chef and now feel like I now can go back to some of the things I love. Such as gourmet sandwiches, dinner rolls, so many more options. Thank you for your research and efforts.

This is truly a blessing to my family. Your pleasure, and that of your family, is our best reward, Trent. Thanks for sharing – PJH. ↓ • I’d love to see a recipe with gluten-free beer used as the primary liquid. I’ve heard of people doing this with fantastic results, as the carbonation really helps the inside of the dough take shape! Most people say to replace any water used with gluten-free beer, but alas, this recipe called for no extra water! I think I may try replacing the 1 cup of milk with 1 cup of gluten-free beer and 1/3 cup of dry milk powder and see how it turns out!

Wow, that sounds fascinating – I’m turning this tip over to our GF development team Thanks! ↓ • Far-is I am waiting to see the results of tests to detrermine if I am allergic to wheat products. I have a hunch that I will turn out to be allergic to wheat. This last weekend, after my doctor’s appointment telling me that I could be wheat intollerant, I decided to try to go GF.

I have purchased products from KAF before and found some GF items at our neighborhood HyVee. Made this bread reciipe in my bread maker. It did exactly what was described earlier in this bolog, was not as tall and sunk-in on the top, but the flavor was great. I love bread and was so afraid that I would not enjoy it again, but this recipe is not the same but just as good. One question I have is that it went stale quicker than I would have thought.

Is there anything that can be added to it to help it stay fresh longer? Second questions – if KAF do offer larger packages of their flour mix (25 pounds), if I purchased the larger quanity, could I freeze part of it until I was ready to use it? The good news is that the gluten free bread will still make terrific bread cubes, toast or other bread crumbs for recipes.

We do offer the flour in sets of 6 boxes (4699S). ↓ • Sarah I’ve tried a lot of the “best” gluten free bread recipes out there, and I have to say that this one is my favorite, and the one that is most reminiscent of “real” bread. I made my own brown rice flour mix as described at the end of the recipe, using regular brown rice flour, used water and oil to make it dairy free, and it was still delicious. This was my first time using a double rise for gf bread, and the texture did come out very nicely, but I think I will experiment with a single rise next time, as the process did take a long time. This recipe will also make great dinner rolls, I think. I’m going to try baking them in a muffin tin for Thanksgiving. ↓ • Macy My bread was wonderful, nice, fluffy, and soft when fresh out of the oven.

However, it dried out and became crumbly the next day. I put the bread in the air-tight food container in the refrigerator. Do all Gluten-Free breads does that? Pages on our website are a wealth of information for those new to gluten free baking from scratch or from mixes (). Tips on that page state,”Because they lack the structure gluten adds, some GF baked goods may seem more crumbly than their wheat-based equivalent.

Because of the combination of flours used, they also may become stale more quickly. You might also consider calling our Baker’s Hotline to chat about GF baking at 802-649-3717. ↓ • Margot Well, yum! I just baked it – because I HAD to have bread today.

What an experience! This was my first gluten free bread – I have been baking White Bread Plus for ages before I found I thrive when gluten free.

I was very disappointed to learn I didn’t have any xanthan gum, and highly relieved that I could use milled flax seed! I also did not have instant yeast, I had Fleischmann’s dry active yeast.

So I rearranged a few things in the recipe’s order; I activated the yeast in the warm milk, and because I am dyslexic, the eggs went in before the butter. I can’t believe it came out as well as it did – its like Bisquick on steroids only better and in bread form! But for some almost I Love Lucy moments there, we had some serious over rising issues even while the bread was baking. With both portable fans and the range fan going and all windows open, the bread rose over its small enclosure about three inches up and one and a half over where it proceded to the bottom of the oven. Brilliance finally woke up from the bread lava lamp show and put a cookie sheet on the rack underneath the bread.

But it was a great first non gluten experience. I think I have turned my husband and mominlaw on to gluten free baking, at least! Thanks for the morning chuckle, Margot – your powers of description are much appreciated! Good luck with your future loaves – PJH. ↓ • Susan, Long Island, NY The taste was great, but my bread fell in the middle during the cooking process.

Any suggestions of where I went wrong?The taste was great, but my bread fell in the middle during the cooking process. Any suggestions of where I went wrong? Well, I am happy the taste was satisfying. The bread does not crown like most regular wheat loaves. A little dip in the middle and a somewhat flat surface is not out of character for GF loaves.

Perhaps you allowed the dough to rise too long in the second rise so cutting the rising time by 8-10 minutes may help. Maybe the pan was too small or your oven was not the correct temperature prior to baking.

Good luck in your next try, Susan! ↓ • Your GF flour is the best I have ever used. I just substitute it for regular flour 1:1, and people gulped down my biscotti like there was no tomorrow. When will you package it in 5# and 10# bags? Also a GF crunchy French bread recipe?

Many many thanks! That is great your biscotti were such a hit! I will put your request for larger quantities of our GF flour on our Customer Wish list and I know our test kitchen is working on developing recipes all the time. I’ll suggest a French Bread recipe, too. ↓ • Kathy Will this bread recipe work for dinner rolls (in a muffin pan perhaps)? I really want to make rolls for Christmas Eve dinner for my sister in law, niece & nephew AND them be tasty enough for the entire family to enjoy! I already plan on using your Pizza Dough recipe for our make-your-own-pizza night.

I also hope to try out some chocolate crinkle cookies and chocolate biscotti with the Multi-Purpose Flour. These should work just fine in the muffin tins as rolls. The shape of the pan will help provide structure as they bake. ↓ • I have successfully made many a loaf of gluten-free sandwich bread in your pain de mie pan but today have had a huge problem: the top blows off in the oven!! Three different batches I made, made sure and double sure that the lid was in the channels and secure and every batch the lid blew off in the oven after only 15 minutes. Okay, I thought, at least I can finish it off without the lid but then after another 15 minutes the sides start to pull in on itself and here’s another batch to throw away!! My yeast is fresh, the recipe is being followed exactlyI’m about to give up and let him eat the crappy stuff from the frozen food section.

Could it possibly be that the eggs were too large? I’ve always used extra large eggs because that’s what I buy and its worked fine for months.any ideas?? Was there anything different or significant about this time vs. The other times you made it? There may have been too much dough for the pan, or the dough may have been under-proofed and it over-expanded when it hit the oven. ↓ • hello, tried this bread,,substituted arrowroot for x-gum,,,rise was good on first rise,on second rise it started over flowing on to the counter,,i had to put it on alum foil,,,, no oven springdid i let the rise go to long.thx Xanthan Gum is there to catch and hold the bubbles, it mimics the characteristics of gluten found in wheat, it provides the loaf structure. By omitting the xanthan gum you removed the stability of the loaf.

Since there was nothing to catch the bubbles, they simply burst through the surface during baking, hence no oven spring. Arrowroot is a starch, not a gum. I suggest making the recipe as written. Any yeasted g-f loaf is going to need a stabilizing gum, either xanthan or guar.

Give this one a second try. ↓ • Norma Please explain your measurements: Substitute for King Arthur Flour Gluten-Free Multi-Purpose Flour Stabilized brown rice flour 6 cps = 6 x 8 oz = 48 oz in Canadayou quote 32 oz Potato Starch 2 cps = 2 x 8 oz = 16 oz in Canadayou quote 10 3/4 oz Tapioca starch 1 cp = 8 oz in Canadayou quote 4 oz No where can I find these equivalents whether in US, UK or Canada. The type of flour will influence the weight of 1 cup. Here is the Frank @ KAF.

Norma, water and many liquids weigh 8 ounces per cup, but this isn’t necessarily true of dry ingredients. Flour can weigh anywhere from about 3 3/4 to 4 1/2 ounce per cup, when measured with the, which is how we measure when developing our recipes. Hope this helps – PJH. ↓ • I’ve made my first loaf of gluten free sandwich from your mix, and it was great! Now I’ve ordered the specialty flours (brown rice, potato starch and tapioca) to make my own flour. Is it advisable to add baker’s dry milk powder to this recipe, to improve the length of time it will keep?

How would that affect the amount of milk used? Anybody try this yet? Thanks for your advice. Dairy is always a good idea whether you are baking GF or not!

If you choose to add some milk powder, add 1/4 c. To you dry and you may omit the fresh milk and use water, or double up on the calcium and use fresh milk in addition to dry milk. Give it a try! ↓ • I have made the King Arthur’s gluten free bread but used KA’s “Gluten Free Bread Mix.” (plus added cake enhancer). I don’t use a bread machine and it’s much better without that machine.

My question is whether the bread made from this recipe is similar to the KA GF Bread Mix, as in similar enough to stick with the mix because it is soooo simpler and quicker to put together. (BTW is there anything that can be baked that isn’t better with the cake enhancer — love that product!) Yes, this recipe is pretty darn close to the bread mix, so you can use whichever you are most comfortable with. ↓ • will Almond flour work instead? Can I substitute Almond flour for the ones mentioned in this recipe? I would like to make a raised bread but I can’t afford all the carbs in any of these other flours As with most flour substitutions, nut flours will create a dense loaf with a gritty texture. Nutritionally, it will be healthier, but the texture will be very different.

I would experiment to see what balance of almond flour can be added in (coconut flour might also be a candidate to try) as well as soy flour! ↓ • Amy I made this with the brown rice flour mix, and had to use twice the milk called for in order to get the consistency that the pictures showed. Was this because the recipe was made for the KAF per packaged GF flour? It’s rising, but curious to know why such a large difference in what was needed. Sorry to hear that this gave you at bit of trouble.

Yes, the different blend of flour may need a little extra liquid, and owing to dry winter weather, that may be playing a role as well. Also, be careful as to how the mix is measured. If you scoop it, you may be packing too much in per cup.

Be sure to fluff and sprinkle into the cup, then level off. Using a scale will also help you get consistent results. Hope this helps.

↓ • James It looks like I learn something new everyday. I have just discovered that I do not have any blood sugar reactions or problems with sprouted brown rice flour. I’ve been able to make pancakes with sprouted rice flour with no blood sugar, gut, or bowel issues whatsoever. This flour mix recipe is intriguing. I will try the ratios with sprouted brown rice flour, potato starch, and tapioca starch scaled down to one cup of flour mix. It has been suggested that potato flour (not potato starch) can work as a substitute for xanthan gum at a conversion of one teaspoon of xanthan gum to one tablespoon of potato flour.

If this works, then this will be good news because I can not handle xanthan gum (or guar gum) at all. I will try pancakes first with this flour blend, and if all goes well, I will try to make a loaf of bread. We would love to hear how the alternative to xanthan gum works out with the potato flour. I will also use flax meal in place of xanthan gum in a recipe and it often works quite well, but certainly not quite the same. Xanthan just happens to be really good at what it does! I look forward to seeing an update down the road.

Thanks for sharing! ↓ • Augustina Psyllium husk is another alternative to Xanthan Gum. Per America’s Test Kitchen’s Gluten Free cookbook, they suggest replacing 2x the xanthan gum with psyllium husk powder. In fact, they preferred it to xanthan gum in bread recipes.

So this recipe calls for 1 1/4 teaspoon of xanthan gum, try replacing it with 2.5 teaspoons of psyllium husk. Also thanks for the info about sprouted brown rice flour. I just ordered some from To Your Health and I’m curious! I’ve heard it’s much less gritty.

Also To Your Health’s supplier is organic and has low arsenic levels in their brown rice crop. • Ellen I’ve made this bread twice, both times with white rice flour. Other than that I follow the recipe to a tee. The batter looks just like the pictures and it rises perfectly both times. However, when I bake it, it doesn’t continue to rise beyond the top of my bread pan. Do you know why this could be? I proofed the yeast before baking.

It tastes delicious, it’s just a little dense. Our testing found the stabilized brown rice flour works best in GF recipes – it’s less gritty in texture and produces the results you see in our GF recipe beauty shots. Be sure the batter is rising twice, the pan is the size listed, and your oven is at the right temp. To help with oven spring. We welcome your call to our Baker’s Hotline at 855-371-2253 so we can talk over the possibilities and help you achieve what you expect from your GF baking. Happy GF Baking – Irene@KAF.

• James I have some good news to report. The Potato flour substitution for the Xanthan Gum did indeed work.

I substituted 2 Tablespoons of Potato flour for the 1 1/4 teaspoons of Xanthan Gum. However, I had to increase the amount of warm milk to make it all come together as shown in the pictures. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of adding a little too much milk; about 1 1/2 cups. The bread would have been better off with 1 1/4 cups instead, for the second rise.

I did make a nice slice of cheese toast with it and it tasted wonderful. I think for the next gluten-free bread experiment, I will try replacing the Xanthan Gum with an equal amount of Konjac Powder as a taste/texture comparison. The Potato flour is cheap though, if one has to be gluten-free on a budget. Great to hear that the potato flour worked!

Feel free to keep us updated on your experiments, we love to hear them.-Jon. ↓ • Patricia I had great luck with this recipe in a bread machine. I added the “milk” (I used Silk coconut) and “butter”(coconut oil), eggs and sugar first, then the dry ingredients (yeast last). I used the “basic” setting and it came out perfectly. My very picky daughter loved it for her PB&J. 🙂 The only issue is the paddle baked into the bread, so it sort of messed up using half of it for sandwiches.

I’ve had that issue lately with my machine and usually grab it out right before the final rise starts. This time I forgot. Pity, too, because this would’ve been an absolutely perfect loaf! I’ll definitely be making it again. ↓ • Jackie Ferguson I’ve never baked gluten free bread before, but wanted to try to make gf hamburger buns to bring to a BBQ next week. Do you think I could use this recipe but form the dough into little buns for the second rise?? Or is there a different KAF recipe you would suggest?

Thanks so much! (Even visited you guys on my honeymoon in VT- took a fabulous class on breakfast pastries!) Yes, GF buns work well from this bread. If you have a muffin top pan or a burger bun pan, it helps keep them from spreading too far. ↓ • Sarah Is potato starch necessary? Can I sub it with corn starch?

Or just have all tapioca starch for the starch portion of the GF flour mix? What would be the ratios for just one bread recipe?

Unfortunately there is no direct 1:1 substitute for potato starch. All of the starches behave so differently in recipes and all lend different qualities to the results. Corn starch tends to be a firming agent and though it would be ok to use, you wold likely find your loaf’s crumb to be firmer and the shelf life of the bread would be short. Using tapioca starch to fill in the gap would not yield a good result as far as texture.

↓ • Jenni Thank you so much for this incredible recipe. I think this was the best loaf of bread I have ever baked and I have baked a lot. This recipe really is perfect. I used my own flour blend (1part sprouted buckwheat, 1 part sprouted oat, 1/2 part millet, 1/2 part amaranth – all freshly milled, and 1 part Arrowroot starch).

I wasn’t sure if the substitutions would work, but it looked just liked your pictures and tasted absolutely delicious! That shows just how reliable this recipe is in my opinion. Thanks again. ↓ • Sharon OK now I am confused.

Every other article I read about gluten free bread states that you should only do “one” rise for the dough. Maybe that is why I haven’t had much success, they always fall in the middle.

I found my local Publix carries King Authur mixes and flours which I was happy about until I realized “none” of what they carried was “gluten-free”. It is so hard to find unless I go to the health food store where it is pricey. I will try this recipe and see if I have better luck with sandwich bread. We hope you feel empowered to chat with your grocery store manager about carrying King Arthur Flour gluten free mixes. They are available and should be with the other GF offerings they carry.

Happy GF Baking! ↓ • Tish I just found out that both my boys have an allergy to gluten and have since been trying out several recipes for making bread. I have been successful with a couple of my own flour blends for muffins and scones, but bread has been a different story. I wish I could use this KAF product, it would be so much easier, but I’m highly allergic to tapioca.

Two questions.do you have any insight into why tapioca starch is the go to starch in mass produced gluten free items? SecondI have had success with the flavor of the breads I’ve tried, but can’t get them to rise even with yeastany suggestions?

I’ve been using a mix of potato starch and arrowroot starch in place of the tapioca starch. ↓ • Susan Reid I just spoke with Sue Gray, who developed all of our mixes and our flour blend. She said, “The reason so many gluten free baked goods have tapioca in them is that is contributes to the texture of the baked good—tapioca if used at a very high level may cause a gummy rubbery texture, but when used with other gluten free flours imparts some “chew” to the product. It also helps trap some of the gases that are formed in fermentation.” “Are you using any gum or other product to thicken your batter? Gluten traps the carbon dioxide that is given off by yeast and other leaveners.

If you don’t add something to mimic the gluten, even if you have a lot of yeast action, the carbon dioxide escapes, so the loaves won’t rise. Products that will help are: xanthan gum, guar gum, some fibers, pectin, emulsifiers (cake enhancer) and egg whites.” I hope this gives you some ideas to try. • Belinda McMillan I make a crusty bread baked in a dutch oven that contains only 3 c. Flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp yeast and 1/12 cup of water. You cover and let rise 18 hrs, roll in flour and bake. My daughter-in-law is now gluten free and is dying for some good bread.

I tried Namaste flourdidn’t rise a bit. Pamela’s baking mix did a little. Do you think this recipe will work if I let is rise for just an hour, roll it in flour and place it in the hot dutch oven or will it just ooze into a flat blob since it does not have the shape of the pan to conform to? • Mike Thank you for the wonderful recipe MJ. I was curious if I can substitute some of the GF flour with almond flour to reduce the carbohydrates? Do you think that is possible?

Also, could I sub the butter with oil and milk with almond milk? I can’t wait to experiment tomorrow, but was curious if you had any first hand knowledge. I also have a Red Mill GF flour that has, tapioca, Garbanzo & Fava bean, potato, and white sorghum flour. Would you advise against it since it is not like your recipe? Sorry for so many questions. ↓ • PJ Hamel, post author We love questions, Mike – that’s what we’re here for. Unfortunately, you’re proposing so many changes to this recipe that I can’t really tell you what the outcome will be.

GF recipes are especially “touchy” – you really can’t deviate with ingredients an awful lot without experiencing a different outcome, often markedly different. Here’s what I think: you can substitute the almond milk no problem. You can probably substitute the oil for butter, using 3 1/2 tablespoons, to account for the higher fat content of oil vs. Beyond that, substituting almond flour for some of the GF flour blend will definitely cause issues – I’d guess the bread will be crumbly and not rise well.

And as for using the Bob’s Red Mill flour, I personally have no experience with that, so have no idea what would happen. Sorry I can’t be 100% helpful! Please call our baker’s hotline, 855-371-BAKE (2253), if you’d like to discuss this further. Good luck – PJH.

Im new to the gluten free diet, and this is my first time baking the gf sandwich bread. Taste was good, much like homemade bread. I seem to have had a problem with the rising in the oven though. I measured in volume according to recipe, first rise went well, filled pan and sat for another hour. It rose to the height of pan (looked like your pictures). However it didn’t rise much at all after that.

It came out a golden brown color, but dense and flat. I didn’t have instant yeast, so used active ( yeast was good) and adjusted the milk and sugar accordingly.

Can letting the active yeast sit longer then the 5-7 mins before mixing affect the rising? Would weighing be better instead of using volume? ↓ • The Baker's Hotline It could be that you are allowing the dough to over rise.

Do not expect it to crown over the edge of the pan like a wheat recipe would! Instead, it will just peek over the edge of the pan.

For best results not only with this recipe but most GF recipes, please follow the recipe PJ provides for producing your own GF Multi-purpose Flour Blend: 6 cups (32 ounces) stabilized brown rice flour 2 cups (10 3/4 ounces) potato starch 1 cup (4 ounces) tapioca starch (or tapioca flour; same thing) Good luck and we we hope you will try again! • Richard Greetings. Can this recipe be scaled up for successful results in a 13-inch pain de mie (Pullman) pan? I have three, and would rather not have to deal with storing 9-inch pans as well. (Their stright sides preclude stacking, necessitating considerable storage space.) Would a 13-inch GF loaf collapse from insufficient structure and support? Also, a more generic, but related question: Store-bought loaves of GF bread are always smaller than regular bread. I assume that’s because with less structure, bigger GF loaves might have a tendency to fall.

Can you comment on that further? • The Baker's Hotline Congrats on your successful loaf, Rita. Our best guess as to what’s happening is that the increased starch present in the ancient grains and the oats (as compared to wheat flour) leads your loaf to retain more water, which means that the interior of the bread is going to take a longer time to toast. One thing you could try is drying out the bread (i.e., letting it get stale uncovered, at room temperature) for awhile before toasting.

No guarantees, but it just might work. Let us know if you give it a try! • Jillianne Okay, I tried the dextrose in equal amount (3 tbs) because I decided I didn’t want sweetness in the bread (another reviewer commented on the sweetness and I seem to be less tolerant of sweetness) and the bread came out just fine! So folks with fructose intolerance should be able to enjoy this bread. Another question for you. I’ve come across a replacement product for gluten called gluten free gluten (by a brand called Orgran. It states to add 1 part to 5 parts of an combination of gluten free flours.

If I use this gluten substitute, do I not use the xanthan gum in your recipe? ↓ • Susan Reid Hi, Philip.

Gluten-free flours create their structure by hydrating starch gels. Those gels can capture carbon dioxide from yeast, but they’re not as elastic as gluten. The best option we’ve found after years of testing is to use a pullman-style pan, which has straight, high sides and a narrower base. It gives the dough more support, helping it to go up instead of you. When the bread is rising in the pan, take special note of the top; watch for little pin-hole bubbles. If they start to form, get the bread in the oven right away, because that’s your CO2 from the yeast escaping. • PPuri HI, The first time I tried this recipe, it was perfect soft and delicious.

But surprisingly I had to add 2 cups of milk and 5 eggs to get the dough to look like the pictures. The consistency was perfect then. But I made it a 2nd time yesterday with the same ingredients, and the dough was drier and harder resulting in a less risen and denser bread Any advice as to what I could be doing wrong? I used a hand mixer with the kneading hook. The only difference was that the first time around I used the kneading blade in my food processor, but unfortunately my food processor is very small and could not take the capacity of this recipe, so halfway through I removed it and used the hand mixer. The 2nd time around I just used the hand mixer PLease advice as my family loved this bread and I would love to make it more often Thank you. ↓ • The Baker's Hotline There are two recipes included in this blog, one to make the gluten free flour blend (that makes 9 cups of blend to use in recipes) and the other to make the bread recipe featured (using 3 cups of that flour blend).

You shouldn’t need to add 2 cups of milk and 5 eggs in addition to the other ingredients for the loaf of bread. We’d love to problem solve this recipe with you – please call our Baker’s Hotline at 855-371-2253. Together we’ll work toward Happy GF Baking! • mary My nephew is allergic to wheat, soy and corn. He is only 8 and it is difficult and expensive to find food that taste good to him, because foods with those ingredients test terrible to him. I am not a baker, I make chocolate chip cookies when requested- which when made with your GF flour and dark chocolate chips are awesome!

Anyway, I am looking forward to experiment with the bread and getting my nephew’s approval. This recipe looks easy enough to follow-I am so excited!

(I never leave comments, so please know that the King Arthur brand has tremendously impacted my family. • The Baker's Hotline Ruth, every (old) oven is like a snow flake–each is unique and has its own characteristics. We’ve found that for most ovens, 38-42 minutes is just about right for this recipe since gluten-free breads do need to reach a higher internal temperature than yeasted breads made with wheat flour. However, if you’ve found that 35 minutes is what gives you a perfectly golden loaf in your oven, then perfect! We hope you are well on your way to mastering the tender, high-rising gluten-free bread. Happy baking! ↓ • The Baker's Hotline We’ve found that proofing the yeast ahead of time does not usually make a significant difference in terms of how much the dough ends up rising in the end.

What it does do, however, is ensures that your yeast is active. Go ahead and add it to the warm milk and sugar mixture, stir it up, and let it rest for 5-10 minutes. If it becomes foamy then go ahead and proceed with the recipe. If you don’t see much activity you know that it’s time to get a fresh supply of yeast! I hope this helps.

Happy gluten-free baking! • Amy I made the basic recipe, but after I put it in the oven, it did not rise any further. What did I do wrong?

I followed the instructions to the letter, but my loaf pans are the 10 inch long USA bread pans. Would a larger pan make such a difference? I make great “Gluten ” bread, but making gluten free bread is very discouraging. I get that it won’t be the same, but I almost feel like giving up. I have a guest for thanksgiving that is gluten free and I just wanted to make some bread for my stuffing. ↓ • The Baker's Hotline Don’t give up, Amy!

We have a few tips that will help you. First, it’s key to use the proper sized pan. If you use a larger pan with wider sides, the dough won’t have as much support to rise high. We recommend using a for best results. Also, you may want to adjust your expectations slightly. Gluten-free dough (which looks more like batter) will expand slightly during the first rise, and may crest the edge of the pan slightly during the second rise. However, it won’t rise much further once it’s in the oven.

Rather, the crust will form and the bread will set. The top of gluten-free loaves are usually quite flat, as shown in the photos in.

We hope you give this recipe another shot in the right size pan and find you like the results! • Amy I took your advice and used the Gluten Free Loaf Pan and I also opened a new package of yeast since mine was getting close to the expiration date. The pan made a world of difference. I added a teadpoon of roasted garlic powder to the warm milk to give it a little flavor since plain gf bread tends to be a little bland.

The garlic did not affect the yeast. It rose up nicely. I wish I could make it taste a little more yeasty, but I guess that is how gluten free flour impacts bread. Thanks for your advice. I will be making this bread to use in my Thanksgiving stuffing. ↓ • The Baker's Hotline We’re sorry to hear about the loss of your mixer, Patricia. It sounds like there may have been too much flour in the dough, as it should have been a thick but still mixable consistency.

We recommend measuring your flour using a scale or using the to ensure you’re getting light cups of flour. You can always add additional liquid if your dough seems thicker than whats pictured here.

Lastly, it’s important to use a strong, high-quality mixer (can be handheld) for the best final product. I hope that helps! ↓ • Dan Hello! I am new to GF baking, and have tried this bread several times. The flavor is great and everyone loves it, but I am not getting as much of a rise as you guys are in the pictures. I even have the GF bread pan 9x4x4, and I can’t seem to get the bread to rise to the top of the pan. I have it in a dehydrator at 105F, and yet it still wont get to the top even after an hour.

I definitely don’t get the same rise in the oven as your photo shows either. Any tips or recommendations? I use a kitchen aid stand mixer to mix everything together but am still struggling to get good bread that makes a tall loaf. Any help is appreciated.

↓ • The Baker's Hotline Hi Dan, contrary to intuition, it sounds like you might want to put the dough in a cooler place to rise, as 105°F is a bit too hot for yeast. Try leaving it somewhere 75-80°F, which will allow the yeast to make the dough rise slowly and give you a better structure in the final loaf. As for getting a higher rise, you should try mixing the batter/dough for longer. It’s important to incorporate a bit of air and stir at a medium-high speed for at least two minutes after everything is added.

You should also note that with the gluten-free bread pan, the dough won’t crest the sides but should come within about an inch of the top. The high, narrow walls are designed to give the dough more support as it rises upwards. Last tip, and be sure you’re using a quality instant yeast (avoid RapidRise). Hope that helps! • Paula Sroka Thanks for the recipe. I decided to dare just have (almost) everything done by my Cuisinart Bread Maker (cycle 5, Gluten Free). I prepared the brown rice flour blend using a local Brazilian whole grain red rice flour.

To the 3 cups for the bread, I added the Xantan and the salt. In a separate bowl I mixed the warm milk, the butter, the sugar and yeast. That rested for 10 min, then I added the eggs, lightly whisked.

I poured the liquid in the bread machine bowl, then the flour mix and you can see the result beautiful result here: instagram.com/p/BTpOno_j9iA It was delicious!