Serial Web Utility 3com Router

I think the issue lies in how your connecting (serial on switch to usb on computer). One of your screen shots shows the properties for COM4, but your not using a COM port to communicate with the switch. Have you tried using a DB9 to DB9 cable instead? Quote: how do find web management program Looks to me like the web based management is part of the switch. If you know the management IP address of the switch, it should be just a matter of using a web browser and point to the IP address of the switch. To do this, you need a straight thru ethernet cable connected between PC and switch.

Serial Web Utility 3com Router

PC needs an IP address on the same subnet/network as the management IP of the switch... I don't have or use 3Com switches, but if connecting to the console is anything like Cisco equipment, its not what you want as you'll get a CLI (command line interface). Said by: i installed driver for this cable(look picture device manager)Before you edited your post, I thought it was just a cable. I now see that its a converter of some sort. Did you set COM4 in the device manager to 9600, 8, N, 1?

Quote: i need internet getting ip for to see ip for sw?? I can't connect management of sw if no internet? A switch has nothing to do with internet. I don't know what the IP address of your switch is. However if your able to connect to the console port, you maybe able to reset it. Quote: you said a straight thru ethernet cable.this cable is rj-45 to rs232?? Straight thru ethernet cable has RJ-45 plugs on each end.

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Serial Web Utility 3com Router

Both ends are wired as TIA/EIA-568A or TIA/EIA-568B. RJ-45 to DB9 cable you have pictured is a console cable for Cisco devices and will not work in your case. Cisco devices have a ethernet jack as the console port (see pic above). Quote: internet connection is important to communicate management of switch console.

You have 2 options to configure the switch: 1. Connect to console port (serial port on back of switch). Use the web based GUI. The screenshot I've attached is from one of my Cisco routers, but I'm thinking you should see something similar on your switch.

Said by: i installed driver for this cable(look picture device manager)Before you edited your post, I thought it was just a cable. I now see that its a converter of some sort. Did you set COM4 in the device manager to 9600, 8, N, 1?

Yes i did like this.and i saw white page on hyperterminal(see in picture) quote: i need internet getting ip for to see ip for sw?? I can't connect management of sw if no internet? A switch has nothing to do with internet.

I don't know what the IP address of your switch is. However if your able to connect to the console port, you maybe able to reset it. How to reset? Such as on-off quote: you said a straight thru ethernet cable.this cable is rj-45 to rs232??

Straight thru ethernet cable has RJ-45 plugs on each end. Both ends are wired as TIA/EIA-568A or TIA/EIA-568B. RJ-45 to DB9 cable you have pictured is a console cable for Cisco devices and will not work in your case. Cisco devices have a ethernet jack as the console port (see pic above).

Your pc/laptop with com port? Connecting with com port this sw is 3com 3c16980.console port db9 male. Quote: internet connection is important to communicate management of switch console. Quote: You have 2 options to configure the switch: 1.

Connect to console port (serial port on back of switch). I have tried but blank page.cable works. Use the web based GUI. Web page for this sw:» all program and instructions are there Can you help me after looked this page if more times you have?Thanksss quote: The screenshot I've attached is from one of my Cisco routers, but I'm thinking you should see something similar on your switch. Said by: yes i did like this.and i saw white page on hyperterminal(see in picture)Your screenshot shows the COM port settings of HyperTerminal, not the settings in device manager.

The COM port settings need to be set in both places. In device manager, double click on prolific usb-to-serial comm port (com4). There should be some place to specify the COM port settings. Classpad Manager V3 Professional Install Key. Quote: how to reset?

Such as on-off Your going to have to find a manual for your switch and read it. Quote: i have tried but blank page.cable works. Autodesk Design Review 2013 Custom Stamps on this page.

Read what I said above about the COM port settings in device manager. Quote: web page for this sw:» Can you help me after looked this page if more times you have? I'm not going to do your dirty work for you. However I will point you to the manuals for your switch.