3des Decryption Vb.net

I need to add triple DES encryption/decryption to a C# ASP.NET project under VS 2005. I had already implemented it in an earlier VB. Biarritz Rdm 169 Manual Woodworkers. NET project (also under VS2005), so I attempted to just translate.

After struggling with this for several days, I found the problem. After changing the first line of the Decrypt3DES function to [code]byte[] EText = Convert.FromBase64String(EncryptedText);[/code] the whole thing works perfectly. This offers further confirmation of the axiom that the harder a bug is to track down, the more trivial the change needed to correct it. I can't resist an editorial comment. Serial Web Utility 3com Router. The Dot Net encryption classes must have been designed by the same folks who removed all the menus from Office 2007, and who constantly change the locations of all the settings in each new version of Windows. While I'm grateful for all the functionality these classes provide, it seems that even if they tried Microsoft could hardly have implemented them in a more cumbersome and less intuitive way.

3des Decryption Vb.net3des Decryption Vb.net

I think the vast majority of application programmers who need to use encryption have no desire to mess around with multiple streams, translating data between string, byte and Base64 formats, etc. It would have been so much more helpful if these classes simply exposed methods that would directly encrypt or decrypt a given string (or stream or file), with the text to be processed, the encryption method, key, initialization vector and any other required information passed as parameters. The present objects, properties and methods could still have been left in place for those who want or need to work with the details of the underlying plumbing.