Alexb Nebula Programs For Low Income

B1,160,559 c- D. Tappan Presbuteriarn fssouiation SLIBRARY. -- ------- ~---..... L~uIL 51IUnnLLfn1L n LLIn 1' iL 36 ~i. 14 3 v cp (t e~ C A vkoGQ'r Yiistr I PIONEER COLLECTIONS. UOF THE PIONEER SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN.

Alexb Nebula Programs For Low Income

Record companies seem to be jumping ship from the old plastic sales and perhaps they are finally opening their eyes for alternative sources of income. IP: URL: DATE: 10:41:03 AM SkyMap and Wikitude are both augmented reality programs that use both GPS and.

TOGhTJitRL WITH REPORTS OF COUNTY, TOWN, AND DISTRICT PIONEER SOCIETIES. NI LANSING, MIC{.: W. GEORGE & CO., STATE PRINTERS & BINDERS, 1884. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1884, by the 'PIONEER SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN;' In the officelof the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. GEORGE & CO., PRINTERS, LANSING, MI.OH. The Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan, in giving to the public the sixth volume of 'Collections,' cannot but congratulate the pioneers of Michigan upon the success that has attended their efforts to secure from all parts of the State authentic narratives of those who were most prominent in its settlement, and in the gradual extinguishment of the Indian Claims and the removal of most of the tribes from the State. The wise but guarded liberality of the Legislature in granting aid to the society which is reimbursed from the proceeds of the sales of the ' Collections,' has enabled the committee of historians to publish the proceedings of the society and a part of the valuable material which it has collected much more rapidly than could otherwise have been done.

Alexb Nebula Programs For Low Income

This and the interesting annual meetings of the society have been of great service in the influence they have borne of the work that is being done in collecting and preserving material for the future historian. Our work of necessity is of a miscellaneous character, but all having a tendency to bring out most distinctly by whom and in what manner our pioneers laid the foundation of the government, and of the various departments and institutions of the State in which we all so justly take great pride. The material collected and carefully filed, indexed, and preserved, so as to be easily obtainable when required for use, is much greater than that printed in the six volumes; and if the society shall in the future receive from the State and from individuals the same helping hand as heretofore, it will in a few years form a collection of historic matter bearing on its settlement, as complete if not more so, than any State in the Union.

We confidently expect and thankfully receive contributions of historical matter from all those who can aid us in preserving our early history. Every communication of this nature is carefully preserved and published as rapidly as the means of the society will justify. The interest taken in the work being done is manifested by the largely increased attendance at our annual meetings, and more particularly by the largely increased sale of the ' Collections' as the volumes are issued. We submit volume six to the society and to the public, confident that it will be found of equal interest and value with the volumes which have preceded it. MICHAEL SHOEMAKER, Chairman, TALCOTT E. C.-COMSTOCK, HEZEKIAH G.

GOODRICH, HARRIET A. TENNEY, Secretary, Committee of Historians. Appropriation for Society.. 1 Officers elected, June 14th, 1883.. 3 Annual Meeting, June 13th, 1883.. 5 Report of Recording Secretary.. 6 Corresponding Secretary..

Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8240hdc User Manual. 10 Treasurer..11 Committee of Historians.. 11 Welcome to the Pioneers-Win.Lambie. 13.ýThe Copper Nugget-B. 14,iLsat Visit to Michigan-Rev. 15 Veterans of the War with Mexico..

Henry Tappan.. George Palmer Williams.. 26 Rev, Erastus Otis Haven.. 35 How Michigan got into the Union.. 9 Toledo War Song-Crawford..

60' History of the Press of Michigan-T. 62 The Abolishment of Death Penalty-H. 99 Remarkable Instance of Capital Crime-C.

103 Michigan, My Michigan-W. 106 Canada and the United States.. 113 The Michigan State Agricultural College-President Abbot. Windows Xp Sp3 Aio Original here.

115 History of Hillsdale College-John C. 137 List of New Members of State Pioneer Society.

166 ALLEGAN COUNTY: My Jewels-Mrs. 167 Memorial Report.. 168 ALPENA COUNTY: History of Alpena County-Wm. 170 BAY COUNTY: Memorial Report-W. 211 BERRIEN COUNTY: Ninth Annual Meeting of Pioneers..

213 Memorial Report-A. 215 BRANCH COUNTY: Sketches of Early History-T-arvey Haynes.

216 Song to Our Pioneers-Mrs. 224 vi CONTENTS, vi CONTENTS. Quincy's semi-centennial Celebration. Semi-Centennial Poem-D. Semi-Centennial Address-Hon.

Semi-Centennial History-Rev. CALHOUN COUNTY: How Battle Creek Received its Name-O. Memorial Report-A. CLINTON COUNTY: Memorial Report-HEon.

EATON COUNTY: Memorial Report-D. GENESEE COUNTY: Memorial Report-Gov. GRATIOT COUNTY: Memorial Report..

INGHAM COUNTY: County Pioneer Society.. History of Michigan Female College-Mrs. Smith Burning of the Old Capitol.. Location of the Capital at Lansing.

Memorial Report-George H. In Memoriam-Rev. IONIA COUNTY: Christmas in Ionia fifty years ago-P. Memorial Report.. JACKSON COUNTY: Memorial Report-John L. KALAMAZOO COUNTY: The Pioneer Picnic.. In Memoriam-A.

To the State Pioneer Society-Henry Bishop. Memorial Report-Henry Bishop. KENT COUNTY: Our Banks.. Growth of Grand Rapids.. Memorlal Report-Robert Hilton.

LENAWEE COUNTY: Memorial of Fernando C. Memorial Report-F. LIVINGSTON COUNTY: Memorial Report-Nelson B. MACKINAC COUNTY: County of Mackinac-D.

Ancient names of Rivers, Lakes, etc. Marquette Monument Association. Old Mackinaw.

MACOMB COUNTY: Early settlement of Mt. John Stockton Mt. Cleihens and Vicinity-Edward Tucker. 248 251 265 270 272 281. 300 301 300 308. 338 339 342 343 349 351 352 354 355.

359 CONTENTS. Vii MONROE COUNTY: Early History-Hon. P: Christiancy. History of Monroe, continued-Talcott E. Wing Memorial Report-J. OAKLAND COUNTY: First Settlement of Pontiac-Orisson Allen Memorial Report-E.

OTTAWA COUNTY: Old Settlers' Association. Memorial Report-Henry Pennoyer. CLAIR COUNTY: History of St. Clair County-Hon.

Mitchell Legends of Indian History-Hon. RMitchell Lake St. Clair in 1830-C. JOSEPH COUNTY: Annual Meeting of County Pioneer Society Maple Sugar making. Early occurrences about Nottawa Sepe-Wm.

Cross SAGINAW COUNTY: Pioneer Life in 1830-Mrs. Azuhah L.Jewett SHIAWASSEE (COUNTY: Memorial Report'-B. VAN BUREN COUNTY: Memorial Report-Eaton Branch. WASHTENAW COUNTY: Early Settlement of Ann Arbor-Bethuel Farrand Memorial Report-E. Funeral Services of Hon. Webster Childs.

Death of George W. WAYNE COUNTY: Indian Affairs around Detroit in 1706. The Battle of Brownstown, 1812-Levi Bishop The Battle of Monguagon-Levi Bishop. Anecdotes of the Bar-Levi Bishop. Incidents in the Life of Eber Ward-Mrs.

Stewart Biographical Sketch of Onesimus Price-Levi Bishop. Biographical Sketch of Gen. Van Aiken-Levi Bishop. Biographical Sketch of Charles C. Campbell Life of Mrs. Bagg-Levi Bishop.

Marie Anne M. Godfrey-Levi Bishop. The Knaggs Farm and Windmill-J. Cass and the British Flag. Sketch of Executive Mansion in 1826-T. Pontiac and the siege of Detroit.. Biographical Sketch of Rev.

Charles Fox-Win. Memorial Report-Hon. Philo Parsons. General Index. Index of Names. 458 S464 466 S470 471 S 474 476. 478 491 S497 500.