Arduino Delphi Serial Communications

I revisited the program in the course of working with serial comms with. There are a number of at my Arduino 'How To' site. Probably still in the 'Level 4' section, but I make no promises!

Torry's Delphi Pages. Description AVSD OEM is a programming interface, which allows you to add support of virtual serial ports to your own application. You may find that there's source code for the serial port driver in the DDK, which would let you see how that option is supposed to be implemented: i.e.

The best is probably. That is built upon the work done in the tutorial you are currently reading. Unless you have some expertise, you might want to finish this one before attempting the more advanced tutorial. Things you can learn here will make it easier for you to understand it. Maybe you, like me, wanted to, for instance an?

Arduino Delphi Serial CommunicationsArduino Delphi Serial Communications

While I was doing the April 2010 testing, I created which you are welcome to use.

We've got a system running XP embedded, with COM2 being a hardware RS485 port. In my code, I'm setting up the DCB with RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE. I'd assume that would do what it says. Turn off RTS in kernel mode once the write empty interrupt happens. That should be virtually instant. Instead, We see on a scope that the PC is driving the bus anywhere from 1-8 milliseconds longer than the end of the message.

The device that we're talking to is responding in about 1-5 milliseconds. Communications corruptions galore. No, there's no way to change the target's response time. We've now hooked up to the RS232 port and connected the scope to the TX and RTS lines, and we're seeing the same thing. The RTS line stays high 1-8 milliseconds after the message is sent. We've also tried turning off the FIFO, or setting the FIFO depths to 1, with no effect. I'm about to try manually controlling the RTS line from user mode with REALTIME priority during the 'SendFile, clear RTS' cycle.

I don't have many hopes that this will work either. This should not be done in user mode.

Sade Unreleased Dance Mixes Rar Files. You should be right. I am not entirely sure why I need 2 extra bytes instead of just 1. One is certainly to allow the last byte to make it out the port.

Aams Mastering Software Keygen Free there. The extra is to allow a short delay before the drivers are turned off, which is apparently causing enough of a glitch that the previous byte gets corrupted a little. Since I don't know how much of an additional delay is needed, and that 1 delay character was at a wimpy 9600 baud.

I figured cutting that extra delay by 5 or 10 could cause problems for people. – Jun 21 '09 at 13:06. You may find that there's source code for the serial port driver in the DDK, which would let you see how that option is supposed to be implemented: i.e.

Whether it's at interrupt-level, at DPC-level, or worse. Other possibilities include rewriting the driver; using a 3rd-party RS485 driver if you can find one; or using 3rd-party RS485 hardware with its own driver (e.g. At least in the past 3rd parties used to make 'intelligent serial port boards' with 32 ports, deep buffers, and its own microprocessor; I expect that RS485 is a problem that's been solved by someone). 8 milliseconds does seem like a disappointingly long time; I know that XP isn't a RTOS but I'd expect it to (usually) do better than that. Another thing to look at is whether there are other high-priority threads running which may be interfering. If you've been boosting the priorities of some threads in your own application, perhaps instead you should be reducing the priorities of other threads.

I'm about to try manually controlling the RTS line from user mode with REALTIME priority during the 'SendFile, clear RTS' cycle. Don't let that thread spin out of control: IME a thread like that can if it's buggy preempt every other user-mode thread forever. Two contracts of mine both did the custom serial port driver based on the DDK thing for 9-bit communications. I had a very annoying couple of years swapping device drivers twice a week because of that. Both drivers were for busses that required very tight response times, so virtual machines wouldn't work for me.

I've since tried to avoid making custom versions of standard hardware drivers. It's a perfectly valid approach. It's safer, really, if you're at all competent with drivers. I just already have a custom driver on the port.:) – Jun 21 '09 at 13:15.