Youdao Dictionary Download For Window 7

Youdao Dictionary Download For Window 7

Youdao Dictionary, developed by NetEase Youdao in the Internet age, is both the most practical, free, powerful translation software and the most popular dictionary software in China with more than 500 million users. It is a multilingual translation dictionary in your pocket with more than 650,000 English-Chinese words and.

README. Full Spectrum Warrior Windows 7 Cracked Launcher. org Youdao Dictionary interface for Emacs youdao-dictionary is a simple interface for Emacs. Installation Install youdao-dictionary from with: M-x package-install RET youdao-dictionary RET Usage youdao-dictionary-search-at-point Search word at point and display result with buffer youdao-dictionary-search-at-point+ Search word at point and display result with popup-tip youdao-dictionary-search-from-input Search word from input and display result with buffer youdao-dictionary-search-and-replace Search word at point and display result with popup-menu, replace word with selected translation. Youdao-dictionary-play-voice-at-point Play voice of word at point (by ) youdao-dictionary-play-voice-from-input Play voice of word from input (by ) Sample configuration. Enable Cache ( setq url-automatic-caching t);; Example Key binding (global-set-key (kbd 'C-c y ') 'youdao-dictionary-search-at-point);; Integrate with popwin-el (;; (push '*Youdao Dictionary*' popwin:special-display-config);; Set file path for saving search history;; (setq youdao-dictionary-search-history-file '~/.emacs.d/.youdao');; Enable Chinese word segmentation support (支持中文分词);; (setq youdao-dictionary-use-chinese-word-segmentation t) Notes: A external Chinese word segmentation tool (e. Valve Dev Tool Textures. g.

) is needed to enable Chinese word segmentation support. For more info, see. Related tools YouDao Console Version A translate tool in your command line (supports both Youdao and iciba).

Youdao Dictionary Download For Window 7