Game Maker Text Box Engine Harley
GM Version: Studio 1 (may work with other versions) Target Platform: Windows (may work with HTML5 and mobile) Download: See links below ( Part 7 is at the bottom ) Description: This textbox engine will allow you to create characters from nothing and give them a fully created dialogue within 9mins! Allowing you to make the story you always wanted your game(s) to have! This textbox is extremely dynamic! Allowing you to setup cut-scenes!
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Use different fonts per character and/or sentence! Instantly make text scroll, highlight or appear! With this textbox engine you will be able to draw sprites (images) on the screen indicating who is speaking! And so much more!!
Yes, Game Maker Studio now has a very powerful textbox engine and you get to be the first to use it!! This series will show you: how to create a very powerful textbox engine for your game(s) how to use the textbox engine how to add to the engine at anytime Part 1 of 6 Part 2 of 6 Part 3 of 6 Part 4 of 6 Part 5 of 6. Click to expand. What you have is very great. However it lacks the ability to easily create dynamics within the current conversation. Example: making something unlock when player reach sentence 9.

Or making the character repeat a certain line. Or changing color of text and/or font just for one sentence. That is the reason for the - switch - you can then place all dynamics you want per sentence.
Download Naruto Vs Pain Full Sub Indo on this page. And it's in a draw event so you can also add any type of drawing dynamics per sentence as well; like giving each npc there own textbox background color. This engine is very flexible and powerful.

And i do believe it is an engine because you create the whole workflow and then call it a day. Another thing about your code is you have to use 2 objects just to use the engine. With the one I designed, you only use the object(s) that you want to have text/talk. And the ability of saving the engine to a file allows you to not have to keeping writing the code over ( like one would have to do if using the code you just posted ) just to setup the flow structure before they can make their character start talking. As shown in the video.
A character is fully setup, given sentences, given dynamics, etc. In less than 9minutes. Which greatly gives the developer more time focusing on my the stroy and adding all kinds of dynamics than wasting time writing the same code before being able to work on the story. So yeah, I believe this is a very powerful textbox engine. And if you test it out you will find that it is very useful and helpful and time saving and powerful and dynamic. Click to apology for the late reply. Just got back from a client- and it took WAY LONGER than expected!
Anyways, yes you can add different borders to the textbox for the engine is setup to do so- however, I didnot show that in the video- instead I showed how you can add different background colors to the textbox and different text colors as well. But I will make a video tomorrow (which is later to day.
It's 2am over here) showing how to change the border in a much better way and then I will upload it here and call it part 6. I will try not to make the video to long so you will be able to watch it fully. (but no promises, as I want to make sure that when one is done watching the video they know 100% how to use the engine and understands how it works). Welcome to Game Maker Studio! Discover the benefits of programming a textbox engine, and watch how much of your development time reduces.
This textbox engine will allow you to create characters from nothing and give them a fully created dialogue within 9mins! Allowing you to make the story you always wanted your game(s) to have! This textbox is extremely dynamic! Allowing you to setup cut-scenes! Use different fonts per character and/or sentence! Instantly make text scroll, highlight or appear! With this textbox engine you will be able to draw sprites (images) on the screen indicating who is speaking! Win Myanmar Fonts Systems Of Equations.
And so much more!! Yes, Game Maker Studio now has a very powerful textbox engine and you get to be the first to use it!! This series will show you: how to create a very powerful textbox engine for your game(s) how to use the textbox engine how to add to the engine at anytime Part 1 of 6 Part 2 of 6 Part 3 of 6 Part 4 of 6 Part 5 of 6.
Yes, if you want it to be a fix box size go into the draw event and remove the text functions from the x1, y1, x2, y2 positions. And replace them with the value you need.